❞ كتاب The Way to Happiness ❝  ⏤ Ghalib Ahmed Masri

❞ كتاب The Way to Happiness ❝ ⏤ Ghalib Ahmed Masri

يتناول هذا الكتاب موضوعًا مهمًا ، فالسبيل الوحيد لتحقيق السعادة الحقيقية هو الإسلام والدعوة إلى الإيمان بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر والمصير. إلى مفاجأتي ، عاد من العشاء الغني غير سعيد للغاية. أردت أن أعرف السبب. وأوضح لي: "لو كنت قد شاهدت الرفاهية التي يعيشون فيها - فيلا رائعة وطعام غني ودخان فاخر وخدم وأسطول من السيارات! أشعر ببؤس شديد". "لكن ، هل هو مستمتع بحياته؟" سألته: "هل هو سعيد حقًا؟" أجاب وهو هادئ قليلاً على حد علمي ، "إنه لا يتمتع برفاهية حياته. يتمنى أن يأكل طعامًا عاديًا. حتى الخبز ، رغم أنه يخسر كل ثروته". قلت: "إذن أنت أكثر ثراءً وسعادةً منه". "صحتك ثروة أكبر من تلك الكماليات التي جعلتك مكتئبًا للغاية. الثروة وحدها لا تمنح السعادة. لن تبيع إصبعًا أو عينًا واحدة لك أو شهيتك لكل ثرواته أو سياراته!" رأيت دموع الرضا والحزن 6 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. مقدمة لدهشتي ، عاد من العشاء الغني غير سعيد للغاية. أردت أن أعرف السبب. وأوضح لي: "لو كنت قد شاهدت الرفاهية التي يعيشون فيها - فيلا رائعة وطعام غني وأثاث فاخر وخدم وأسطول من السيارات! أشعر ببؤس شديد". "لكن ، هل هو مستمتع بحياته؟" سألته: "هل هو سعيد حقًا؟" أجاب وهو هادئ قليلاً على حد علمي ، "إنه لا يتمتع برفاهية حياته. يتمنى أن يأكل طعامًا عاديًا ، حتى الخبز ، رغم أنه يخسر كل ثروته". قلت: "إذن أنت أكثر ثراءً وسعادةً منه". "صحتك ثروة أكبر من تلك الكماليات التي جعلتك مكتئبًا للغاية. الثروة وحدها لا تمنح السعادة. لن تبيع إصبعًا أو عينًا واحدة لك أو شهيتك لكل ثرواته أو سياراته!" رأيت دموع الرضا والامتنان

This book addresses an important subject, The only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny. To my suqprise, he returned from the rich dinner very unhappy. I wanted to know the reason. He explained to me: "If only you had seen the luxury they are living in - a splendid villa, rich food, luxurious fumiture, servants and a fleet of cars! It makes me feel extremely miserable". "But, is he enjoying his life?" I asked, "Is he really happy?" "As far as I know", he replied, a little pacified," he is not enjoying the luxuries of his life. He wishes he could eat ordinarv food. even bread, even though he loses all his wealth." "So you are much richer and happier than he is", I said. "Your health is a greater wealth than those luxuries which have made you so depressed. Wealth alone does not give happiness. You will not sell one finger or eye of yours or your appetite for all his riches or cars!" I saw the tears of satisfaction and sratefulness 6 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. INTRODUCTION To my surprise, he returned from the rich dinner very unhappy. I wanted to know the reason. He explained to me: "If only you had seen the luxury they are living in - a splendid villa, rich food, luxurious furniture, servants and a fleet of cars! It makes me feel extremely miserable". "But, is he enjoying his life?" I asked, "Is he really happy?" "As far as I know", he replied, a little pacified," he is not enjoying the luxuries of his life. He wishes he could eat ordinary food, even bread, even though he loses all his wealth." "So you are much richer and happier than he is", I said. "Your health is a greater wealth than those luxuries which have made you so depressed. Wealth alone does not give happiness. You will not sell one finger or eye of yours or your appetite for all his riches or cars!" I saw the tears of satisfaction and gratefulness Ghalib Ahmed Masri - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Way to Happiness ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
The Way to Happiness

1995م - 1446هـ
يتناول هذا الكتاب موضوعًا مهمًا ، فالسبيل الوحيد لتحقيق السعادة الحقيقية هو الإسلام والدعوة إلى الإيمان بالله وملائكته وكتبه ورسله واليوم الآخر والمصير. إلى مفاجأتي ، عاد من العشاء الغني غير سعيد للغاية. أردت أن أعرف السبب. وأوضح لي: "لو كنت قد شاهدت الرفاهية التي يعيشون فيها - فيلا رائعة وطعام غني ودخان فاخر وخدم وأسطول من السيارات! أشعر ببؤس شديد". "لكن ، هل هو مستمتع بحياته؟" سألته: "هل هو سعيد حقًا؟" أجاب وهو هادئ قليلاً على حد علمي ، "إنه لا يتمتع برفاهية حياته. يتمنى أن يأكل طعامًا عاديًا. حتى الخبز ، رغم أنه يخسر كل ثروته". قلت: "إذن أنت أكثر ثراءً وسعادةً منه". "صحتك ثروة أكبر من تلك الكماليات التي جعلتك مكتئبًا للغاية. الثروة وحدها لا تمنح السعادة. لن تبيع إصبعًا أو عينًا واحدة لك أو شهيتك لكل ثرواته أو سياراته!" رأيت دموع الرضا والحزن 6 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. مقدمة لدهشتي ، عاد من العشاء الغني غير سعيد للغاية. أردت أن أعرف السبب. وأوضح لي: "لو كنت قد شاهدت الرفاهية التي يعيشون فيها - فيلا رائعة وطعام غني وأثاث فاخر وخدم وأسطول من السيارات! أشعر ببؤس شديد". "لكن ، هل هو مستمتع بحياته؟" سألته: "هل هو سعيد حقًا؟" أجاب وهو هادئ قليلاً على حد علمي ، "إنه لا يتمتع برفاهية حياته. يتمنى أن يأكل طعامًا عاديًا ، حتى الخبز ، رغم أنه يخسر كل ثروته". قلت: "إذن أنت أكثر ثراءً وسعادةً منه". "صحتك ثروة أكبر من تلك الكماليات التي جعلتك مكتئبًا للغاية. الثروة وحدها لا تمنح السعادة. لن تبيع إصبعًا أو عينًا واحدة لك أو شهيتك لكل ثرواته أو سياراته!" رأيت دموع الرضا والامتنان

This book addresses an important subject, The only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny. To my suqprise, he returned from the rich dinner very unhappy. I wanted to know the reason. He explained to me: "If only you had seen the luxury they are living in - a splendid villa, rich food, luxurious fumiture, servants and a fleet of cars! It makes me feel extremely miserable". "But, is he enjoying his life?" I asked, "Is he really happy?" "As far as I know", he replied, a little pacified," he is not enjoying the luxuries of his life. He wishes he could eat ordinarv food. even bread, even though he loses all his wealth." "So you are much richer and happier than he is", I said. "Your health is a greater wealth than those luxuries which have made you so depressed. Wealth alone does not give happiness. You will not sell one finger or eye of yours or your appetite for all his riches or cars!" I saw the tears of satisfaction and sratefulness 6 In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. INTRODUCTION To my surprise, he returned from the rich dinner very unhappy. I wanted to know the reason. He explained to me: "If only you had seen the luxury they are living in - a splendid villa, rich food, luxurious furniture, servants and a fleet of cars! It makes me feel extremely miserable". "But, is he enjoying his life?" I asked, "Is he really happy?" "As far as I know", he replied, a little pacified," he is not enjoying the luxuries of his life. He wishes he could eat ordinary food, even bread, even though he loses all his wealth." "So you are much richer and happier than he is", I said. "Your health is a greater wealth than those luxuries which have made you so depressed. Wealth alone does not give happiness. You will not sell one finger or eye of yours or your appetite for all his riches or cars!" I saw the tears of satisfaction and gratefulness

تعليقات القرّاء:

This book addresses an important subject, The only way to achieve true happiness is Islam and call for the faith in Allah
and His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and destiny.
نبذه عن الكتاب:

To my suqprise, he returned from the rich dinner
very unhappy. I wanted to know the reason. He
explained to me: "If only you had seen the
luxury they are living in - a splendid villa, rich
food, luxurious fumiture, servants and a fleet of
cars! It makes me feel extremely miserable".
"But, is he enjoying his life?" I asked, "Is he
really happy?"
"As far as I know", he replied, a little
pacified," he is not enjoying the luxuries of his
life. He wishes he could eat ordinarv food. even
bread, even though he loses all his
"So you are much richer and happier than he
is", I said. "Your health is a greater wealth than
those luxuries which have made you so depressed.
Wealth alone does not give happiness. You will
not sell one finger or eye of yours or your appetite
for all his riches or cars!"
I saw the tears of satisfaction and sratefulness
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most


To my surprise, he returned from the rich dinner
very unhappy. I wanted to know the reason. He
explained to me: "If only you had seen the
luxury they are living in - a splendid villa, rich
food, luxurious furniture, servants and a fleet of
cars! It makes me feel extremely miserable".
"But, is he enjoying his life?" I asked, "Is he
really happy?"
"As far as I know", he replied, a little
pacified," he is not enjoying the luxuries of his
life. He wishes he could eat ordinary food, even
bread, even though he loses all his
"So you are much richer and happier than he
is", I said. "Your health is a greater wealth than
those luxuries which have made you so depressed.
Wealth alone does not give happiness. You will
not sell one finger or eye of yours or your appetite
for all his riches or cars!"
I saw the tears of satisfaction and gratefulness

معنى الاسلام
ما هو الاسلام
ما هو الاسلام الصحيح
شرح تعريف الاسلام
معلومات عن الاسلام
بحث عن الدين الاسلامي
تعريف الاسلام للاطفال
موقع الاسلام

مفهوم الدين pdf
معنى الدين
الدين الاسلامي
ما هو الدين الحقيقي في العالم
المعتقدات الدينية الاسلامية
الدين المال
تعريف الدين الحق
بحث عن الدين

الله في الإسلام
من هو الله عز وجل
اصل كلمة الله
من هو الله الحقيقي
الله في المسيحية
كيف هو شكل الله
اسم الله الله
الله جل جلاله

سنة النشر : 1995م / 1416هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 3.1 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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Ghalib Ahmed Masri - GHALIB AHMED MASRI

كتب Ghalib Ahmed Masri ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Way to Happiness ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب Ghalib Ahmed Masri