📘 قراءة كتاب Mathematical models in biology solution manual-Cambridge University Press (2003) أونلاين

هذا الكتاب
غير متاح للتحميل، حفاظًا على حقوق دار النشر. ،، يمكنكم شراؤه من مصادر أخرى

Biology is a natural science that is concerned with the study of life, its various forms and its function, how these organisms interact with each other and with the surrounding environment. The word biology in Greek is made up of two words: bio (βίος) meaning life. And loggia (-λογία) means science or study. Biology: the similarity of vegetation and animal cover on the edges of the African and American states, and the existence of the same fossil.
Branches of biology
Biology is an ancient science thousands of years old and modern biology began in the nineteenth century. This science has multiple branches. Among them are:
Cytology or cell science
Ecology or environmental science
نبذه عن الكتاب:
Chapter 1. Dynamic Modeling with Difference Equations 5
1.1. The Malthusian Model 5
1.2. Nonlinear Models 8
1.3. Analyzing Nonlinear Models 10
1.4. Variations on the Logistic Model 12
1.5. Comments on Discrete and Continuous Models 13
Chapter 2. Linear Models of Structured Populations 14
2.1. Linear Models and Matrix Algebra 14
2.2. Projection Matrices for Structured Models 16
2.3. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues 17
2.4. Computing Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues 19
Chapter 3. Nonlinear Models of Interactions 21
3.1. A Simple Predator–Prey Model 21
3.2. Equilibria of Multipopulation Models 22
3.3. Linearization and Stability 24
3.4. Positive and Negative Interactions 25
Chapter 4. Modeling Molecular Evolution 27
4.2. An Introduction to Probability 27
4.3. Conditional Probabilities 28
4.4. Matrix Models of Base Substitution 30
4.5. Phylogenetic Distances 34
Chapter 5. Constructing Phylogenetic Trees 40
5.1. Phylogenetic Trees 40
5.2. Tree Construction: Distance Methods – Basics 42
5.3. Tree Construction: Distance Methods – Neighbor Joining 46
5.4. Tree Construction: Maximum Parsimony 49
5.6. Applications and Further Reading 51
Chapter 6. Genetics 55
6.1. Mendelian Genetics 55
6.2. Probability Distributions in Genetics 57
6.3. Linkage 62
6.4. Gene Frequency in Populations 66
Human biology
Who is the founder of biology?
The importance of biology
Areas of work in the field of biology
Theories of biology
Research on biology for the first grade of secondary school
Human biology
سنة النشر : 2003م / 1424هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 451 .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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