❞ كتاب Dynamics, Mixing, Sedimentation and Morphology ❝  ⏤ كاتب غير معروف

❞ كتاب Dynamics, Mixing, Sedimentation and Morphology ❝ ⏤ كاتب غير معروف

نبذه عن الكتاب:

his volume provides researchers, students, practising engineers and managers
access to state-of-the-art knowledge, practical formulae and new hypotheses for
the dynamics, mixing, sediment regimes and morphological evolution in estuaries.
The objectives are to explain the underlying governing processes and synthesise
these into descriptive formulae which can be used to guide the future development
of any estuary. Each chapter focuses on different physical aspects of the estuarine
system – identifying key research questions, outlining theoretical, modelling and
observational approaches, and highlighting the essential quantitative results. This
allows readers to compare and interpret different estuaries around the world, and
develop monitoring and modelling strategies for short-term management issues and
for longer-term problems, such as global climate change.
The book is written for researchers and students in physical oceanography and
estuarine engineering, and serves as a valuable reference and source of ideas for
professional research, engineering and management communities concerned with
DAVID PRANDLE is currently Honorary Professor at the University of Wales’
School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor. He graduated as a civil engineer from the
University of Liverpool and studied the propagation of a tidal bore in the River
Hooghly for his Ph.D. at the University of Manchester. He worked for 5 years as a
consultant to Canada’s National Research Council, modelling the St. Lawrence and
Fraser rivers. He was then recruited to the UK’s Natural Environment Research
Council’s Bidston Observatory to design the operational software for controlling the
Thames Flood Barrier. He has subsequently carried out observational, modelling
and theoretical studies of tide and storm propagation, tidal energy extraction,
circulation and mixing, temperatures and water quality in shelf seas and their coastal
كاتب غير معروف - يشمل يركن (كاتب غير معروف) كل الكتب التي لا يعرف مؤلفيها، حيث أن العمل في شيء بالشكل المجهول هو التدخل بشكل شخصي دون استخدام اسم محدد أو التعريف عن الهوية، وتشير حالة "غير معروف" أو "المجهول" عادة إلى حالة شخص ما بدون معرفة عامة لشخصيته أو لمعلومات تحدد هويته.

هناك العديد من الأسباب التي يختار من أجلها شخص ما إخفاء شخصيته أو أن يصبح مجهولا. يكون بعض تلك الأسباب قانونيا أو اجتماعيا، مثل إجراء الأعمال الخيرية أو دفع التبرعات بشكل مجهول، حيث يرغب بعض من المتبرعين بعدم الإشارة إلى تبرعاتهم بأي شكل يرتبط بشخصهم.

كما أن من يتعرض أو قد يتعرض للتهديد من قبل طرف ما يميل إلى إخفاء هويته، مثل الشهود في محاكمات الجرائم، أو الاتصال بشكل مجهول بالسلطات للإدلاء بمعلومات تفيد مسار التحقيق في القضايا العالقة. كما أن المجرمين بشكل عام يحاولون إبقاء أنفسهم مجهولي الهوية سواء من أجل منع إشهار حقيقة ارتكابهم للجريمة أو لتجنب القبض عليهم.

من Biology Books علم الأحياء - مكتبة الكتب العلمية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Dynamics, Mixing, Sedimentation and Morphology

نبذه عن الكتاب:

his volume provides researchers, students, practising engineers and managers
access to state-of-the-art knowledge, practical formulae and new hypotheses for
the dynamics, mixing, sediment regimes and morphological evolution in estuaries.
The objectives are to explain the underlying governing processes and synthesise
these into descriptive formulae which can be used to guide the future development
of any estuary. Each chapter focuses on different physical aspects of the estuarine
system – identifying key research questions, outlining theoretical, modelling and
observational approaches, and highlighting the essential quantitative results. This
allows readers to compare and interpret different estuaries around the world, and
develop monitoring and modelling strategies for short-term management issues and
for longer-term problems, such as global climate change.
The book is written for researchers and students in physical oceanography and
estuarine engineering, and serves as a valuable reference and source of ideas for
professional research, engineering and management communities concerned with
DAVID PRANDLE is currently Honorary Professor at the University of Wales’
School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor. He graduated as a civil engineer from the
University of Liverpool and studied the propagation of a tidal bore in the River
Hooghly for his Ph.D. at the University of Manchester. He worked for 5 years as a
consultant to Canada’s National Research Council, modelling the St. Lawrence and
Fraser rivers. He was then recruited to the UK’s Natural Environment Research
Council’s Bidston Observatory to design the operational software for controlling the
Thames Flood Barrier. He has subsequently carried out observational, modelling
and theoretical studies of tide and storm propagation, tidal energy extraction,
circulation and mixing, temperatures and water quality in shelf seas and their coastal
margins. .

تعليقات القرّاء:


Biology is a natural science that is concerned with the study of life, its various forms and its function, how these organisms interact with each other and with the surrounding environment. The word biology in Greek is made up of two words: bio (βίος) meaning life. And loggia (-λογία) means science or study. Biology: the similarity of vegetation and animal cover on the edges of the African and American states, and the existence of the same fossil.

Branches of biology
Biology is an ancient science thousands of years old and modern biology began in the nineteenth century. This science has multiple branches. Among them are:

Cytology or cell science
Ecology or environmental science



نبذه عن الكتاب:

his volume provides researchers, students, practising engineers and managers
access to state-of-the-art knowledge, practical formulae and new hypotheses for
the dynamics, mixing, sediment regimes and morphological evolution in estuaries.
The objectives are to explain the underlying governing processes and synthesise
these into descriptive formulae which can be used to guide the future development
of any estuary. Each chapter focuses on different physical aspects of the estuarine
system – identifying key research questions, outlining theoretical, modelling and
observational approaches, and highlighting the essential quantitative results. This
allows readers to compare and interpret different estuaries around the world, and
develop monitoring and modelling strategies for short-term management issues and
for longer-term problems, such as global climate change.
The book is written for researchers and students in physical oceanography and
estuarine engineering, and serves as a valuable reference and source of ideas for
professional research, engineering and management communities concerned with
DAVID PRANDLE is currently Honorary Professor at the University of Wales’
School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor. He graduated as a civil engineer from the
University of Liverpool and studied the propagation of a tidal bore in the River
Hooghly for his Ph.D. at the University of Manchester. He worked for 5 years as a
consultant to Canada’s National Research Council, modelling the St. Lawrence and
Fraser rivers. He was then recruited to the UK’s Natural Environment Research
Council’s Bidston Observatory to design the operational software for controlling the
Thames Flood Barrier. He has subsequently carried out observational, modelling
and theoretical studies of tide and storm propagation, tidal energy extraction,
circulation and mixing, temperatures and water quality in shelf seas and their coastal

Human biology
Who is the founder of biology?
The importance of biology
Areas of work in the field of biology
Theories of biology
Research on biology for the first grade of secondary school
Human biology


حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.251 .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
عداد القراءة: عدد قراءة Dynamics, Mixing, Sedimentation and Morphology

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كاتب غير معروف - LINDSI MORAN

كتب كاتب غير معروف يشمل يركن (كاتب غير معروف) كل الكتب التي لا يعرف مؤلفيها، حيث أن العمل في شيء بالشكل المجهول هو التدخل بشكل شخصي دون استخدام اسم محدد أو التعريف عن الهوية، وتشير حالة "غير معروف" أو "المجهول" عادة إلى حالة شخص ما بدون معرفة عامة لشخصيته أو لمعلومات تحدد هويته. هناك العديد من الأسباب التي يختار من أجلها شخص ما إخفاء شخصيته أو أن يصبح مجهولا. يكون بعض تلك الأسباب قانونيا أو اجتماعيا، مثل إجراء الأعمال الخيرية أو دفع التبرعات بشكل مجهول، حيث يرغب بعض من المتبرعين بعدم الإشارة إلى تبرعاتهم بأي شكل يرتبط بشخصهم. كما أن من يتعرض أو قد يتعرض للتهديد من قبل طرف ما يميل إلى إخفاء هويته، مثل الشهود في محاكمات الجرائم، أو الاتصال بشكل مجهول بالسلطات للإدلاء بمعلومات تفيد مسار التحقيق في القضايا العالقة. كما أن المجرمين بشكل عام يحاولون إبقاء أنفسهم مجهولي الهوية سواء من أجل منع إشهار حقيقة ارتكابهم للجريمة أو لتجنب القبض عليهم. . المزيد..

كتب كاتب غير معروف