📘 قراءة كتاب Windows 7 Secrets أونلاين

Preface.. xv
Read This First.......... 1
Believe the Hype................... 2
Windows 7 in 15 Minutes..... 3
Better “Itties”.................. 3
Simpler Setup..
New Aero Desktop Capabilities..
Enhanced Taskbar............. 7
Jump Lists........................ 8
Windows Touch................... 9
Libraries............................. 10
HomeGroup Sharing....... 11
Internet Explorer 8...... 11
New and Improved Applets....
But Wait, There’s More........13
Windows Live Essentials and Windows Live Services.Zune......................................... 14
Windows Mobile..Windows Home Server. 16
Our Promise to You..........17
Part I: Surviving Setup....
Chapter 1: Selecting the Right Windows 7 Edition..The Way We Were: XP and Vista Product Editions ..Windows 7 Product Editions: Only a Little Bit Simpler........
Understanding the Differences and Choosing the Right Version...Step 1: Whittling Down the Product Editions List.
Step 2: Whittling a Little Further........
Step 3: Understanding the Differences Between the Product Editions............................................ 28
Step 4: Making the Right Product Edition Choice......
Purchasing Windows 7......With a New PC..........
Retail Boxed Copies....
OEM Versions..................... 41
Windows Anytime Upgrade.....................
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