📘 قراءة كتاب Antibody Phage Display Methods and Protocols أونلاين

Biology is a natural science that is concerned with the study of life, its various forms and its function, how these organisms interact with each other and with the surrounding environment. The word biology in Greek is made up of two words: bio (βίος) meaning life. And loggia (-λογία) means science or study. Biology: the similarity of vegetation and animal cover on the edges of the African and American states, and the existence of the same fossil.
Branches of biology
Biology is an ancient science thousands of years old and modern biology began in the nineteenth century. This science has multiple branches. Among them are:
Cytology or cell science
Ecology or environmental science
نبذه عن الكتاب:
The closing years of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century
witnessed the emergence of microbiology and immunology as discrete scientific disciplines, and in the work of Roux and Yersin, perhaps the first benefits
of their synergy—immunotherapy against bacterial infection. As we advance
into the new millennium, microbiology and immunology again offer a conceptual leap forward as antibody phage display gains increasing acceptance as
the definitive technology for monoclonal production and unleashes new opportunities in immunotherapy, drug discovery, and functional genomics.
In assembling Antibody Phage Display: Methods and Protocols, we have
aimed to produce a resource of real value for scientists who have followed the
development of phage display technology over the past decade. The founding
principles of phage display have always held an elegant simplicity. We hope
that readers will find similar clarity in the technical guidance offered by the
book’s contributors. In meeting our objectives, we have tried to cover the
broad scope of the technology and the key areas of library construction, screening, antibody modification, and expression. Of course, the technology continues to advance apace, but we trust that readers will be able to gage the potential
of phage display from our coverage, that some of its subtleties will emerge,
and that our selection of methods will prove appealing.
We are indebted to all the contributing authors for sharing their expertise
with the wider scientific community. We also thank the Beatson Institute for
Cancer Research, the Association for International Cancer Research (PO’B),
the Caledonian Research Foundation, and the Scottish Hospitals Endowment
Research Trust for their funding during the preparation of this book. Finally,
we are grateful to our friend and colleague Professor M. Saveria Campo who
has encouraged and supported our ventures into phage display.
Human biology
Who is the founder of biology?
The importance of biology
Areas of work in the field of biology
Theories of biology
Research on biology for the first grade of secondary school
Human biology
سنة النشر : 2002م / 1423هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.419 .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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