📘 قراءة كتاب Chemical concepts in pollutant behavior أونلاين

Biology is a natural science that is concerned with the study of life, its various forms and its function, how these organisms interact with each other and with the surrounding environment. The word biology in Greek is made up of two words: bio (βίος) meaning life. And loggia (-λογία) means science or study. Biology: the similarity of vegetation and animal cover on the edges of the African and American states, and the existence of the same fossil.
Branches of biology
Biology is an ancient science thousands of years old and modern biology began in the nineteenth century. This science has multiple branches. Among them are:
Cytology or cell science
Ecology or environmental science
نبذه عن الكتاب:
When a chemical is introduced into the environment, there is a certain probability
that it can move from the point where it was released. The distribution of some compounds has been shown to be global in scope having been detected on mountain
peaks and in polar regions. This discovery could involve their use over a broad geographical area or their ability to be transported over large distances. It is possible that
problems associated with the widespread distribution of chemicals could have been
avoided or at least reduced if the properties of the chemicals influencing their movement had been understood when they were first introduced. However, the recognition of these problems has provided the incentive to define the processes and
outline the chemical concepts involved resulting in the development of a new
focus of “environmental chemistry”. This field has matured over the past 25 years
to the point where predictions can be made concerning the fate and distribution of
organic compounds.
Human biology
Who is the founder of biology?
The importance of biology
Areas of work in the field of biology
Theories of biology
Research on biology for the first grade of secondary school
Human biology
سنة النشر : 2004م / 1425هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.91 .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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