كتاب يتحدث عن الويندوز 2000 ومن ثم عن الإنترنت بشكل جميل.
to Connect AVTECH Product to Internet
To connect AVTECH DVR or network camera to Internet, you need to:
1). Figure out your network environment, and have related IP information in your hand.
For details, please refer to “Figure out your network environment” at page 1.
2). Connect your product to a computer via LAN.
For details, please refer to “Connect AVTECH product to your PC via LAN” at page 2.
3). Access your product from your computer and change the network setting.
For details, please refer to “Set the network configuration of AVTECH product” at page
Figure out your network environment
There are three connection types to connect your AVTECH product to Internet: by
Static IP, PPPoE, and DHCP. Each type requires different configurations.
Static IP:
Get the information of “Server IP”, “Gateway” and “Net Mask” from your ISP
(Internet Service Provider).
Or, if you’re using port forwarding, please get them from the settings of your router.
For port forwarding, please see page 10.
a) Get the user name and password for Internet access from your ISP.
b) Create a DDNS domain name for easy access to your DVR or network camera.
For DDNS settings, please see page 7.
For other network cameras, it’s not necessary to additionally apply DDNS
a) Create a DDNS domain name for easy access to your DVR or network camera.
For DDNS settings, please see page 7.
b) If your DVR or network camera is attached to a router, it would be better to
assign a private IP address to your DVR or network camera so you can set port
forwarding for it. For port forwarding, please see page 10.
router configuration شرح
router settings تنزيل
wireless mode شرح
home router .cpe login
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