📘 قراءة كتاب Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies أونلاين

اقتباسات من كتاب Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies

Editorial Reviews
From the Inside Flap
Become a cyber-hero — know the common wireless weaknesses
"Reading a book like this one is a worthy endeavor toward becoming an experienced wireless security professional."
—Devin Akin - CTO, The Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP) Program
Wireless networks are so convenient — not only for you, but also for those nefarious types who'd like to invade them. The only way to know if your system can be penetrated is to simulate an attack. This book shows you how, along with how to strengthen any weak spots you find in your network's armor.
Discover how to
Perform ethical hacks without compromising a system
Combat denial of service and WEP attacks
Understand how invaders think
Recognize the effects of different hacks
Protect against war drivers and rogue devices
From the Back Cover
Become a cyber-hero — know the common wireless weaknesses
"Reading a book like this one is a worthy endeavor toward becoming an experienced wireless security professional."
—Devin Akin - CTO, The Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP) Program
Wireless networks are so convenient — not only for you, but also for those nefarious types who'd like to invade them. The only way to know if your system can be penetrated is to simulate an attack. This book shows you how, along with how to strengthen any weak spots you find in your network's armor.
Discover how to
Perform ethical hacks without compromising a system
Combat denial of service and WEP attacks
Understand how invaders think
Recognize the effects of different hacks
Protect against war drivers and rogue devices
About the Author
Kevin Beaver, CISSP, is a 16-year specialist in security assessments and incident response.
Peter T. Davis, CISSP, has worked with information systems audits and security for 24 years.
سنة النشر : 2005م / 1426هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 11.0MB .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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For Dummies