📘 قراءة كتاب Functional Programming for Dummies أونلاين

اقتباسات من كتاب Functional Programming for Dummies

Editorial Reviews
From the Inside Flap
Work faster with functional programming
Understand the pure and impure approach
Perform common tasks in both Python® and Haskell
Master the fundamentals of functional programming
Especially for nondevelopers, functional programming can be the perfect tool for coding an endless variety of problems. If you've been afraid that the paradigm was too complex, this book will quickly dispel those fears. You'll see how functional programming processes are used to derive, analyze, and prove the worth of algorithms; explore the differences in Haskell and Python and learn when to use pure and impure approaches; see why functional programming is vital for AI and gaming applications; and put your new skills to work.
Clarify functional programming goals
Use Python® and Haskell
Emphasis on the math connection in programming
The role of lambda calculus
Deal with types
Handle binary data
Simple error trapping
From the Back Cover
Work faster with functional programming
Understand the pure and impure approach
Perform common tasks in both Python® and Haskell
Master the fundamentals of functional programming
Especially for nondevelopers, functional programming can be the perfect tool for coding an endless variety of problems. If you've been afraid that the paradigm was too complex, this book will quickly dispel those fears. You'll see how functional programming processes are used to derive, analyze, and prove the worth of algorithms; explore the differences in Haskell and Python and learn when to use pure and impure approaches; see why functional programming is vital for AI and gaming applications; and put your new skills to work.
Clarify functional programming goals
Use Python® and Haskell
Emphasis on the math connection in programming
The role of lambda calculus
Deal with types
Handle binary data
Simple error trapping
About the Author
John Paul Mueller has written more than 100 books and 600+ articles on everything from networking and home security to database management and heads-down programming. His technical editing talents have helped more than 70 authors refine and polish their manuscripts. John's books address every level of skill from beginning to advanced.
سنة النشر : 2019م / 1440هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 7.9MB .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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For Dummies