Biochemical Pathways Posters available from Roche Applied Science
Gerhard Michal’s famous biochemical pathways posters have been a valuable resource for the global
biochemistry community since 1968. Updated and revised, the Biochemical Pathways Wallcharts are
an ideal companion to this text. Paired together, the book and wallcharts are perfect for researchers
and students in biochemistry, biology, medicine, and physiology.
The wallcharts are also a great gift for anyone interested in following the myriad chemical
reactions in our cells.To obtain this pair of large, detailed wall charts, contact Roche ahttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xlf1OFCUjBRYIN8ai7cz0ebiEXPgKGK0/view?usp=drivesdk
من مؤلفات القرّاء - مكتبة الكتب والموسوعات العامة.