📘 قراءة مذكّرة Cisco Packet Tracer أونلاين

Cisco Packet Tracer
As networking systems continue to evolve in complexity, new
curricula and educational tools are emerging to facilitate teaching
and learning about networking technology. The Cisco Networking
Academy® program is designed to keep pace with the evolution
of networking systems by providing innovative curricula and
educational tools that help students understand the complexities
of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Within
this framework, the Cisco® Packet Tracer e-learning software was
developed to help Networking Academy students gain practical
networking technology skills in a rapidly changing environment.
Students seeking ICT skills can now benefit from the accessibility
of online curricula and new opportunities for social learning, collaboration,
and competition.
Cisco® Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation program
that allows students to experiment with network behavior and ask
“what if” questions. As an integral part of the Networking Academy
comprehensive learning experience, Packet Tracer provides
simulation, visualization, authoring, assessment, and collaboration
capabilities to facilitate the teaching and learning of complex
technology concepts.
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Cisco Packet Tracer Data Sheet
Packet Tracer supplements physical equipment in the classroom
by allowing students to create a network with an almost unlimited
number of devices, encouraging practice, discovery, and troubleshooting.
The simulation-based learning environment helps
students develop 21st century skills such as decision making,
creative and critical thinking, and problem solving.
Packet Tracer complements the Networking Academy curricula,
allowing instructors to easily teach and demonstrate complex
technical concepts and networking systems design. Instructors
can customize individual or multiuser activities, providing
hands-on lessons for students that offer value and relevance in
their classrooms. Students can build, configure, and troubleshoot
networks using virtual equipment and simulated connections,
alone or in collaboration with other students. Packet Tracer offers
an effective, interactive environment for learning networking
concepts and protocols. Most importantly, Packet Tracer helps
students and instructors create their own virtual “network worlds”
for exploration, experimentation, and explanation of networking
concepts and technologies.
Figure 1. Packet Tracer’s drag-and-drop interface allows students to configure
and validate system architecture
Cisco Packet Tracer
Cisco Packet Tracer
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