📘 قراءة كتاب محادثاث إنجليزي أونلاين

لمن هو ملم باللغه الانجلزيه هذه محاثاث ستساعد في مستواك اللغوي .
لمن هو ملم باللغه الانجلزيه هذه محاثاث ستساعد في مستواك اللغوي .
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• Todd: OK, Julia, we're talking about types of people and we have some more that we can discuss. So the next one is worry wart. Are you a worry wart?
• Julia: I guess when it comes to some things maybe yeah. Like sometimes I get insomnia and I know it's because my brain is worrying about stuff.
• Todd: Right. You just can't let it go?
• Julia: Yeah, which is kind of why I took up yoga and meditation because just calming down those, you know, those thoughts that are just going crazy round in your head. So I would be a worry wart if it wasn't for my yoga practice. I think the yoga helps me keep my mind calm.
• Todd: Oh, cool.
• Julia: But I have that natural tendency I think.
• Todd: OK, so what about things around the house? Are you a clean freak?
• Julia: No. No, I am messy, like ridiculously messy. I don't see mess. I don't see it. It's like a blind spot.
• Todd: So you're a slob?
• Julia: Yes, kind of, yes and this is the one thing that drives my husband crazy because he's very tidy, he's very clean, very neat.
• Todd: So you guys are yin and yang?
• Julia: Yeah. He likes things to go in the proper place and he likes things to be tidied up, put away and for him it's very, it's a sort of therapeutic thing. It's, I guess, the mirror of his mental state. If there's a mess going on he feels uneasy so he needs to tidy up in order to kind of be focused and calm. I'm kind of the opposite. If everything's too tidy and neat, I get a bit freaked out. I like, I'm comfortable in mess, very comfortable in mess.
• Todd: Comfortable in chaos?
• Julia: Yeah.
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تعلم اللغة الانجليزية محادثة بالصوت والصورة
سنة النشر : 2016م / 1437هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 25.1kB .
نوع الكتاب : docx.
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