❞ كتاب Environmental Engineering ❝

❞ كتاب Environmental Engineering ❝

Formerly Commissioner, Division of Sanitary Engineering
New York State Department of Health, Albany, N.Y.
Sanitary and Public Health Engineer
Consulting Environmental Engineering
Encinitas, California
President Forensic Management Associates
San Mateo, California

Workers in environmental health and in environmental protection who have
had experience with environmental sanitation and engineering problems have
noted the need for a book that is comprehensive in its scope and more directly
applicable to conditions actually encountered in practice.
Many standard texts adequately cover the specialized aspects of environ-
mental health, engineering, and sanitation, but little detailed information is
available in one volume dealing with the urban, suburban, and rural environ-
ment and community.
In this text emphasis is placed on the practical application of sanitary
science and engineering theory and principles to comprehensive environmen-
tal control. This is necessary if available knowledge is to bene
t humans now
and in future generations without transferring an environmental problem from
one media (air, water, or land) to another. In addition, and in deliberate con-
trast to complement other texts, empirical formulas, rule of thumb, experience,
and good practice are identi
ed and applied when possible to illustrate the
possible solution under the particular circumstances. It must be rec-
ognized, however, that knowledge and conditions change and that this may
be hazardous when blindly applied by the practitioner. It is sincerely hoped,
however, that individual ingenuity and investigation will not be sti
ed by such
practicality but will be challenged and stimulated to always consider new
developments and alternatives.*
A special effort was made to include general design, construction, main-
tenance, and operation details as they relate to plants and structures. Examples
and drawings are used freely to help in the understanding and use of the
subject matter. The reader is referred to the references and bibliography in
each chapter for more information on complex designs and problems that are
beyond the scope of this text.
Since the
eld is a very broad one, the following subjects are speci
covered in this new revised edition:
1. control of communicable and certain noninfectious diseases,
2. environmental engineering planning and impact analysis,
3. water supply,
4. wastewater treatment and disposal,
Education is a continuing process, the distillation of life experiences, and not only something
dispensed in schools and based on books alone.
[Author unknown.

5. solid waste management,
6. air pollution and noise control,
7. radiation uses and protection,
8. food protection,
9. recreation areas and temporary residences,
10. the residential and institutional environment,
11. environmental emergencies and environmental preparedness, and
12. soil and groundwater remediation. -
من الهندسة المدنية - مكتبة كتب الهندسة والتكنولوجيا.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Environmental Engineering

Formerly Commissioner, Division of Sanitary Engineering
New York State Department of Health, Albany, N.Y.
Sanitary and Public Health Engineer
Consulting Environmental Engineering
Encinitas, California
President Forensic Management Associates
San Mateo, California

Workers in environmental health and in environmental protection who have
had experience with environmental sanitation and engineering problems have
noted the need for a book that is comprehensive in its scope and more directly
applicable to conditions actually encountered in practice.
Many standard texts adequately cover the specialized aspects of environ-
mental health, engineering, and sanitation, but little detailed information is
available in one volume dealing with the urban, suburban, and rural environ-
ment and community.
In this text emphasis is placed on the practical application of sanitary
science and engineering theory and principles to comprehensive environmen-
tal control. This is necessary if available knowledge is to bene
t humans now
and in future generations without transferring an environmental problem from
one media (air, water, or land) to another. In addition, and in deliberate con-
trast to complement other texts, empirical formulas, rule of thumb, experience,
and good practice are identi
ed and applied when possible to illustrate the
possible solution under the particular circumstances. It must be rec-
ognized, however, that knowledge and conditions change and that this may
be hazardous when blindly applied by the practitioner. It is sincerely hoped,
however, that individual ingenuity and investigation will not be sti
ed by such
practicality but will be challenged and stimulated to always consider new
developments and alternatives.*
A special effort was made to include general design, construction, main-
tenance, and operation details as they relate to plants and structures. Examples
and drawings are used freely to help in the understanding and use of the
subject matter. The reader is referred to the references and bibliography in
each chapter for more information on complex designs and problems that are
beyond the scope of this text.
Since the
eld is a very broad one, the following subjects are speci
covered in this new revised edition:
1. control of communicable and certain noninfectious diseases,
2. environmental engineering planning and impact analysis,
3. water supply,
4. wastewater treatment and disposal,
Education is a continuing process, the distillation of life experiences, and not only something
dispensed in schools and based on books alone.
[Author unknown.

5. solid waste management,
6. air pollution and noise control,
7. radiation uses and protection,
8. food protection,
9. recreation areas and temporary residences,
10. the residential and institutional environment,
11. environmental emergencies and environmental preparedness, and
12. soil and groundwater remediation.

تعليقات القرّاء:

موسوعه الهندسه الصحيه

covered in this new revised edition:
1.  control of communicable and certain noninfectious diseases,
2.  environmental engineering planning and impact analysis,
3.  water supply,
4.  wastewater treatment and disposal,
Education is a continuing process, the distillation of life experiences, and not only something
dispensed in schools and based on books alone.
[Author unknown.

5.  solid waste management,
6.  air pollution and noise control,
7.  radiation uses and protection,
8.  food protection,
9.  recreation areas and temporary residences,
10.  the residential and institutional environment,
11.  environmental emergencies and environmental preparedness, and
12.  soil and groundwater remediation.

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حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 11.5 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
عداد القراءة: عدد قراءة Environmental Engineering

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