📘 قراءة كتاب A Brief Guide to Black Holes أونلاين

اقتباسات من كتاب A Brief Guide to Black Holes

"A Brief Guide to Black Holes" is an engaging and educational book specifically designed for children. The book discusses the topic of black holes in a simple and straightforward manner suitable for 8-year-old children. What makes this book unique is that it is written by the young author Eyad Abi Kamal Elgizouli, who has a passion and interest in the field of science.
The book presents the concept of black holes in an exciting and captivating way for children, explaining how black holes are formed and what happens to objects that come near them. It also provides information about the number of black holes in the universe and their impact on galaxies and planets.
Using a language that is easy to understand and appealing, "A Brief Guide to Black Holes" helps children grasp this complex scientific phenomenon in a simple and enjoyable manner. Children can enjoy reading and acquire knowledge through this fascinating book.
سنة النشر : 2023م / 1444هـ .
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