❞ كتاب Understanding Jurisprudence: An Introduction to Legal Theory ❝ ⏤ ريموند واكس
Understanding Jurisprudence by Raymond Wacks adopts a novel approach to this challenging subject; It reveals the nature of legal theory with clarity, enthusiasm, and wit, without avoiding its complexities and subtleties. The author provides an illuminating guide to the central questions of
legal theory. An experienced teacher of jurisprudence and distinguished writer in the field, his approach is stimulating, accessible, and even entertaining.
The concept of law lies at the heart of our social and political life. Jurisprudence explores the concept of law and its role in society. It elucidates its meaning and its relation to the universal questions of justice, rights, and morality. And it analyzes the nature and purpose of our legal
system, and its practice by courts, lawyers, and judges.
ريموند واكس - ريموند واكس
من الخبراء الرواد في مجال الخصوصية. لأكثر من ثلاثة عقود، نشر واكس العديد من الكتب والمقالات التي تناولت هذا الموضوع، ومن بينها: «حماية الخصوصية»
❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ Justice: A Beginner's Guide ❝ ❞ Animal Lives Matter ❝ ❞ Privacy and Media Freedom ❝ ❞ Understanding Jurisprudence: An Introduction to Legal Theory ❝ ❞ The Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction ❝ ❞ Law, Morality, and the Private Domain ❝ ❞ Law: A Very Short Introduction ❝ ❞ Privacy: A Very Short Introduction ❝ ❞ The New Legal Order in Hong Kong ❝ الناشرين : ❞ جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلف ❝ ❞ مؤسسة هنداوي للتعليم والثقافة ❝ ❞ جامعة أكسفورد ❝ ❞ The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ❝ ❞ روتليدج ❝ ❱
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