📘 قراءة كتاب ENG brochure MagiCAD AutoCAD 2016_single_pages أونلاين

مشروع اساسات اوتوكاد
مشروع اساسات اوتوكاد
Everything concerning the detail design had to come together like Lego. MagiCAD enabled us to create accurate product drawings. Designing in 3D ensured that all our systems would tie in with the rest of the project seamlessly“
Andres Poom, Kodumajatehase AS Project name: Treet (“The Tree”)
MagiCAD System Designer
MagiCAD System Designer is a multipurpose diagram drawing tool for creating functional diagrams and flow charts.
MagiCAD System Designer is easy to use and packed with features that save your time. You can create reports and produce complete lists of all components in the schematic design. If you discover that one or several products must be changed, you can enter new properties directly in the report window. The drawing is updated automatically. MagiCAD System Designer fully integrates with AutoCAD software.
Features and functions
ENG brochure MagiCAD AutoCAD 2016
autocad cep
autodesk cp
سنة النشر : 2018م / 1439هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 10.2MB .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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