📘 قراءة مذكّرة Nouns,Adjectives and Verbs Suffixes أونلاين

Nouns,Adjectives and Verbs Suffixes
تأليف: مبارك أحمد الطالب
Nouns,Adjectives and Verbs Suffixes
تأليف: مبارك أحمد الطالب
Suffixes: spelling
Often, the suffix causes a spelling change to the original word. In the table above, the -e ending of complicate and create disappears when the -ion suffix is added. Other examples of spelling changes include:
beauty, duty + -ful → beautiful, dutiful (-y changes to i)
heavy, ready + -ness → heaviness, readiness (-y changes to i)
able, possible + -ity → ability, possibility (-le changes to il)
permit, omit + -ion → permission, omission (-t changes to ss)
A good learner’s dictionary will give you information on the correct spelling of words with suffixes.
See also:
Common suffixes and examples
Noun suffixes
examples of nouns
baggage, village, postage
arrival, burial, deferral
reliance, defence, insistence
boredom, freedom, kingdom
employee, payee, trainee
driver, writer, director
brotherhood, childhood, neighbourhood
capitalism, Marxism, socialism (philosophies)
capitalist, Marxist, socialist (followers of philosophies)
brutality, equality, cruelty
amazement, disappointment, parliament
happiness, kindness, usefulness
entry, ministry, robbery
friendship, membership, workmanship
expression, population, complexion
Nouns,Adjectives and Verbs Suffixes
verb suffixes
noun suffixes شرح
noun suffixes list
forming nouns from verbs
adjective suffixes
forming adjectives from nouns
كلمات suffixes
suffixes that are used to form nouns and adjectives شرح
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