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Below, we have compiled a list of common English usage problems that can ... 8. ain't Ain't, originally a contraction of AM NOT, is not considered acceptable in.
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Common Mistakes in English
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Common Mistakes in English
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Common Mistakes in English
ScienceDirect rd World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership (WCLTA ) Common mistakes in writing abstracts in English PDF Improve Your Written Englishtoefl uobabylon edu iq papers itp pdf PDF Common English Usage Problems cse cuhk edu hk ~cslui english writing pdf PDF Grammatical Mistakes in College English Writing Science
1 100 Common Word Usage Problems Rules 1-20
2 ( 1 ) A and An The article a is used before consonant sounds The article an before vowel sounds. Words starting with h, o, or u might have either a consonant sound or a vowel sound. a histology class (h-sound) a one-way path (w-sound) a uniform look (y-sound)
3 ( 2 ) Accept / Except Accept, a verb, means “to receive.” Except, a preposition, means “leaving out” or “other than.” She did not accept/except the job offer. She did not accept the job offer. Accept/except for Maggie, we were all excited about the reunion. Except for Maggie, we were all excited about the reunion.
4 ( 3 ) Accuse / Allege Accuse means “to blame” or “to carry a charge against.” Allege means “to claim one thing that has not been proven.” He was alleged/accused of treason, which he vehemently denied. He was accused of treason, which he vehemently denied. It was alleged/accused that he secretly cooperated with the Japanese during the war. It was alleged that he secretly cooperated with the Japanese during the war.
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