❞ كتاب Hand book of Veterinary Internal Medicine ❝  ⏤ مجموعة من المؤلفين

❞ كتاب Hand book of Veterinary Internal Medicine ❝ ⏤ مجموعة من المؤلفين

1, Diseasesof the Digestive System
Stomatitis 1
Parotitis - 2
Pharyngitis 3
Chock 4
Vomiting 5
Gastritis 6
Simple indigestion 7
Acute impaction 8
Traumatic reticulars 10
Tympany 12
Vagal indigestion 13
Abomasal displacement 14
Abomasal ulcer 15
Enteritis 16
Diarrhea 1?
Dietetic scours 18
Constipation 19
Spasmodic colic 20
Flatulent colic 21
Intestinal impaction • 22
Obstructive colic 23
Jaundice 24
Hepatitis 25
Peritonitis 26
2, Diseasesof the Respiratory System
Epistaxis 27
Rhinitis •-. 28
Laryngitis, Tracheitis and Bronchitis 29
Pneumonia 30
Drenching Pneumonia 31
Pleurisy • 32
Chronic Alveolar Emphysema 34
3, Disease of the Cardiovascular System
Traumatic pericarditis ' 35
Congestive heart failure 36
Acute heart failure 37
Peripheral circulatory failure 38
Anemia 39
Edema 40


4. Diseases of the urinary system

Pyelonephritis 41
Nephritis 42
Cystitis 43
Urolithiasis 44

5. Diseases of the nervous system

Encephalitis 45
Meningitis , 46

6, Diseases of metabolic disorders
Milk fever or hypocalcemia 47
Hypoglycemia 48
Pregnancy toxemia , , 49
Hypophosphatemia 50
Hypomagnesemia tetany 51
Azoturia 52
7. Diseases caused by nutritional deficiency
Rickets 53
Osteomalacia 54
Copper deficiency 55
Zinc deficiency 56
Iodine deficiency 57
Cobalt deficiency 58
Vitamin A deficiency 59
Vitamin E deficiency ; 60
Vitamin B deficiency 61
Vitamin k deficiency , 62
Vitamin C deficiency 62

8, Diseases of the skin

Dermatitis 63
Eczyma 64
Urticharia 65
Photosynsetization 66
Alopecia : 67
Hyperthermia 68
Dehydration 69
Etiology and pathogenesis of dehydration 70
Etiology and pathogenesis of hyponatremia 71
Etiology- and pathogenesis of hypochloremi 72
مجموعة من المؤلفين - "مجموعة من المؤلفين"، هو ركن للكتب التي شارك في تأليفها أكتر من كاتب ومؤلف، وهو قسم مميز مليء بالكتب التي تعددت الجهود في إخراجها على أكمل الوجوه.

من كتب طب بيطرى - مكتبة كتب الطب.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Hand book of Veterinary Internal Medicine

1, Diseasesof the Digestive System
Stomatitis 1
Parotitis - 2
Pharyngitis 3
Chock 4
Vomiting 5
Gastritis 6
Simple indigestion 7
Acute impaction 8
Traumatic reticulars 10
Tympany 12
Vagal indigestion 13
Abomasal displacement 14
Abomasal ulcer 15
Enteritis 16
Diarrhea 1?
Dietetic scours 18
Constipation 19
Spasmodic colic 20
Flatulent colic 21
Intestinal impaction • 22
Obstructive colic 23
Jaundice 24
Hepatitis 25
Peritonitis 26
2, Diseasesof the Respiratory System
Epistaxis 27
Rhinitis •-. 28
Laryngitis, Tracheitis and Bronchitis 29
Pneumonia 30
Drenching Pneumonia 31
Pleurisy • 32
Chronic Alveolar Emphysema 34
3, Disease of the Cardiovascular System
Traumatic pericarditis ' 35
Congestive heart failure 36
Acute heart failure 37
Peripheral circulatory failure 38
Anemia 39
Edema 40


4. Diseases of the urinary system

Pyelonephritis 41
Nephritis 42
Cystitis 43
Urolithiasis 44

5. Diseases of the nervous system

Encephalitis 45
Meningitis , 46

6, Diseases of metabolic disorders
Milk fever or hypocalcemia 47
Hypoglycemia 48
Pregnancy toxemia , , 49
Hypophosphatemia 50
Hypomagnesemia tetany 51
Azoturia 52
7. Diseases caused by nutritional deficiency
Rickets 53
Osteomalacia 54
Copper deficiency 55
Zinc deficiency 56
Iodine deficiency 57
Cobalt deficiency 58
Vitamin A deficiency 59
Vitamin E deficiency ; 60
Vitamin B deficiency 61
Vitamin k deficiency , 62
Vitamin C deficiency 62

8, Diseases of the skin

Dermatitis 63
Eczyma 64
Urticharia 65
Photosynsetization 66
Alopecia : 67
Hyperthermia 68
Dehydration 69
Etiology and pathogenesis of dehydration 70
Etiology and pathogenesis of hyponatremia 71
Etiology- and pathogenesis of hypochloremi 72


تعليقات القرّاء:

Hand book of Veterinary Internal Medicine من كتب طب بيطرى

This book is intended to be used as quich reference for those involved in farm animal care. We spend along time in choosing, collecting and arranging the material found in this book according to the best, recent, international texts and references. This book is arranged in four parts 1. Field Cases of Internal Medicine Diseases. 2. Key to Diffrential Diagnosis. 3. Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis. 4. Therapeutic Index. This book is supported with many colored clinical illustrated photos distributed in 18 colored plates. We hope this book will fill a gap in the veterinary field in Egypt and the Arabian contrier. Hamed Attia and hatem Selim

حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 5 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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مجموعة من المؤلفين - Amr Hashem Rabie

كتب مجموعة من المؤلفين "مجموعة من المؤلفين"، هو ركن للكتب التي شارك في تأليفها أكتر من كاتب ومؤلف، وهو قسم مميز مليء بالكتب التي تعددت الجهود في إخراجها على أكمل الوجوه. . المزيد..

كتب مجموعة من المؤلفين