📘 قراءة كتاب Microbial Water Quality أونلاين

Microbial Water Quality من كتب علمية
Microbial Water Quality من كتب علمية
An-Najah National University
Faculty of Graduate ◌ Studies
Microbial Water Quality
in Nablus District
Muyasar Lutfe Abdul Fattah Menawee
Dr. Ansam Sawalha
Dr. Issam Al-Khatib
List of Content
Dedication. iii
Acknowledgment. iv
List of content. v
List of tables. viii
List of abbreviation. ix
Abstract. x
Chapter one Literature Review 1
1 Introduction. 2
1.1 Nablus district. 3
1.1.1 Topography. 3
1.1.2 Geographical location. 3
1.1.3 Temperature. 4
1.1.4 Population 4
1.1.5 Humidity. 6
1.3.6 Water supply system in Nablus district. 6
1.2 Drinking water quality. 7
1.3 Microbial quality of water. 8
1.3.1 Water-borne pathogens and diseases. 9 Bacteria. 9
Salmonella. 9
Campylobacter jejuni. 10
Yersinia. 11
Shigella. 12
Vibrio cholerae. 13
Escherichia coli (0157:H7). 13 opportunistic pathogens. 14
Legionella. 14
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 15
Mycobacterium. 16 Viruses. 16
Rotavirus. 17
Norwalk virus family. 18
Hepatitis A. 19
Adenovirus. 20 Protozoa. 20
Giardia lamblia 21
Cryptosporidium spp. 21
Entamoeba hestolytica 22
1.4 Microbial indicator of water quality. 23
1.4.1 Total coliform (TC) and E.coli. 24
1.4.2 Fecal coliform (FC). 25
1.4.3 Other less commonly used bacterial indicator. 26 Fecal streptococci (Enterococci). 26 Sulfite-reducing Clostridia. 26 Bacteriophages. 27
1.5 Drinking water treatment. 28
The Challenge of disinfection by-product. 30
1.6 Objectives. 32
Chapter two Methodology 33
2.1 Types of collected samples 34
2.1.1 Area of collection. 34
2.1.2 The sources of samples. 34
2.1.3 The years of taken samples. 34
2.1.4 The season of taken samples 34
2.2 sample collection 35
2.3 Receiving samples at the laboratory 35
2.4 Detection of total coliforms. 35
2.5 detection of fecal coliforms. 36
2.6 Data analysis 36
Chapter three Results 37
3.1 Distribution of water samples. 38
3.1.1 Distribution according to years. 38 Concentration of free chlorine in the year studied 38 Levels of total coliform in the year studied. 39 Levels of fecal coliform in the year studied. 40
3.1.2 Distribution according to area. 41 Concentration of free chlorine in the area studied 41 Levels of total coliform in the area studied. 42 Levels of fecal coliform in the year studied. 42
3.1.3 Distribution according to sources of sampling. 43 Concentration of free chlorine and sources of sampling. 43 Levels of total coliform and sources of sampling. 44 Levels of fecal coliform and sources of sampling. 45
3.1.4 Distribution according to season. 46 Concentration of free chlorine and season. 46 Levels of total coliform and season. 47 Levels of fecal coliform and season. 48
Chapter four Discussion 49
4.1 Level of (FCR), (TC), (FC) in years studied. 50
4.2 Level of (FCR), (TC), (FC) in area studied. 51
4.3 Level of (FCR), (TC), (FC) and sources of sampling. 53
4.4 Level of (FCR), (TC), (FC) and the seasons. 54
Conclusion. 56
Recommendations. 57
Limitations. 58
References 59
ب الملخص
Microbial Water Quality
water microbiology pdf
total bacterial count in water
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ميكروبيولوجيا المياه ppt
why coliform is detected by mpn
بكتيريا الكوليفورم
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