📘 قراءة كتاب أقدم وأهم كتاب في الكمياء العضوية انجليزي أونلاين

أقدم وأهم كتاب في الكمياء العضوية انجليزي من كتب علمية
Aromati c Hydrocarbon s 1 0
Derivative s o f Aromati c Hydrocarbon s 1(5
Isoraoris m i n th e Aromati c Grou p 3 3
Orientatio n i n th e Aromati c Serie s 3 6
T h e Constitutio n o f Beuzen e 6 2
Characteristi c Reaction * o f th e Di-substitntio n Product s .. . $ 1
Benzen e 6 1
Additiv e Product s o f Benzen e 7 8
Chlorin e Substitutio n Product s o f Benzen e 8 0
Bromin o Substitutio n Product s o f Benzen e 8 4
Iodin e Substitutio n Product s o f Benzen e 8 7
Fluorin e Substitutio n Product s o f Benzen e 8 8
Nitroso-Substitutio n Product s o f Benzcn o 8 3
Nitro-Sutetitutio n Product s o f Benzen e 8 9
Beuzen o Sulphoui c Acid s 0 4
Hydroxybenzene s an d Allie d Bodie s 0 9
1'heny l Ethot s 10 5
Etherea l Salt s o f Pheny l wit h Inorgani c Acid s 10 S
Etherea l Suits o f Phcny l wit h Organi c Acid s Il l
Chlorin e Substitutio n Product s o f Pheno l , 11 3
Bromin e Substitutio n Product s o f Pheno l 11 5
lodin o Substitutio n Product s o f Pheno l 11 6
Nitre-Substitutio n Product s o f Pheno l 11 8
Haloge n Substitutio n Product s o f th e Moiiouitroplieno U . . . 1^ 0
Dinitrophenol s 1? 1
Trinitropheiiols 12 1
Picrate s 1? 4
Phenolmonosulphom c Acid s 1^8
Phenoldiaulphoni c Acid s 12 9
Sulphu r Compound s o f Pheno l 13 0
Dihydroxybonzenc s an d Relate d Coinnouiid s 13 s
Orthodihydroxyboiizene , Pyrocatechi n o r Catccho l . . . .13 3
Motadihydroxybcuzeue , Kesorcin , o r Rcsorcuio l 13 8
BENZENE GROUP—continual.
Chlorino Substitution Products of Resoreinol 141
Bromine Substitution Products of Rosorcinol 141
Iodiao Substitution Producta of Resorefaol 142
Nitro-Substitution Products of Resorcinol 143
Pamdihydroxybeuzene, Hydroquinone, or Quinol . . . .146
CSiloriiw Substitution Products of Quinol 1S1
Bromine Substitution Products of Quinol 162
Nitro-Substitution Products of Qntaol 153
Quiuono, or Benzoquinono 155
Chlorine Substitution Products of Quinono 157
Bromine and iodine Substitution Products of Quinono . . . 162
Hitro-Substitution Products of Quinone 163
Quinhydronos ' 164
Quiiiouoximea, or Nitrosopbonols 170
Colouring-matters from Quinonoximes and Phenols . . . .176
Trihydroxybenzenes 181
PyrogaUol 181
Phloroglucinol 185
Hydroxyiniinol 190
Hexhydroxybenzene 191
Quercitol 193
Amido-Dorivatives of Benzene 105
AniidobonzcM, or Aniline 195
Salts of Anilino 200
Secondary and Tertiary Anilines 201
Anilities 209
Phcnylamidines 216
Cyanogen Compounds of Benzene 218
Phenylcarbamides 222
Fhenylguaniilines 225
Halogen Substitution Products of Aniline 226
Chlot&nUmca 228
Dichloronilines .. . . . . .229
Trichloranilincs 229
Tetrachloranilines 229
Broraanilinea 2S0
Dibromnnilines . 230
Tribromanilinos 231
Iodacilines 231
Nitro-Subatitution products of Aniline 232
Nitmnilinus 233
Dinitranilines 234
Trinitranilinc 235
Chloronitraniliias 235
Bromonitranilincs 236
lodonitranilines 236
Aniidobeuzeuesulplionic Acids 236
Uiamidobcnzonus, or Phonylenediamiucs 288
Orthodiamidobenicno 238
Hetadiamidobenzene 240
Parndiamidobenzeiic 241
Carbamide-Derivatives of the Diamidobenzenes 244
Triamidobenzenes 246
Amidophenob 247
Amidodihydtoxybenzenes 202
Amidotribydroxybenzonea 254
Amidotetrahydroxyboiizciies 255
Amido-Tterivatives of Quinone 255
Thio-amido Compounds 259
Diazo Derivatives of Benzene , 268
Hydrazino Derivatives of Benzeno 274
Acid-Derivatives of Phenylhydrazine or PhcnyUrydrazides . . . 281
Compounds of Phenylkydnusine with Aldehydes and Ktstoues . . 283
Compounds of Fhenylhydrozino with the Cyanhydrins . . . 287
A»>»Derivatives of Benzene . S!88
Hydroxy- and Amido Derivatives of Azo-Benzcno ... . 300
TboAzo-Dyes SOO
Tlio Indulincs 313
Manveine and tie Safmuines 318
Suljihuretted Colouring Matters 331
Phosphorus Derivatives of Benzene 343
Arsenic-Derivatives of Benzene 359
Antimony Derivatives of Benzene 363
Boron-Derivutivcs of Benzene 363
Silicon-Derivatives of Bcnzcno 365
Tin-Derivatives of Benzene 367
Mercury Donvatives of Benzene 3jO
سنة النشر : 1886م / 1303هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 11.6MB .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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