📘 قراءة كتاب REMOVABLE PARTIAL PROSTHODONTICS Fourth Edition أونلاين

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Preface vii
Contributors ix
1 Introduction and Classification 1
2 Major Connectors,Minor Connectors,Rests, and Rest Seats 19
3 Direct Retainers, Indirect Retainers, andTooth Replacements 51
4 Mechanical Principles Associated with Removable
Partial Dentures 95
5 The First Diagnostic Appointment 119
6 The Second Diagnostic Appointment 159
7 Survey and Design 205
8 I-bar Removable Partial Dentures 249
Michael A.Mansueto
9 Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures 259
Thomas R. Schneid and Patrick A.Mattie
10 Mouth Preparation and Master Cast 279
11 Laboratory Procedures for Framework Construction 313
Raymond G.Koeppen and Michael A.Mansueto
12 Fitting the Framework 339
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
13 Special Impression Procedures forTooth-Tissue–Supported
Removable Partial Dentures 351
Ronald G.Verrett
14 Establishing Occlusal Relationships 367
15 Try-In and Completion of the Partial Denture 397
16 Delivering the Removable Partial Denture 429
17 Postinsertion Observations 447
18 Maintenance and Repair of Removable Partial Dentures 457
James S. Brudvik
19 Interim,Transitional, andTreatment Prostheses 469
20 Other Forms of Removable Partial Dentures 487
21 Attachments for Removable Partial Dentures 501
Index 51
1. Introduction and Classification
2. Major Connectors, Minor Connectors, Rests, and Rest Seats
3. Direct Retainers, Indirect Retainers, and Tooth Replacements
4. Mechanical Principles Associated with Removable Partial Dentures
5. The First Diagnostic Appointment
6. The Second Diagnostic Appointment
7. Survey and Design
8. I-bar Removable Partial Dentures
9. Implant-Assisted Removable Partial Dentures
10. Mouth Preparation and Master Cast
11. Laboratory Procedures for Framework Construction
12. Fitting the Framework
13. Special Impression Procedures for Tooth-Tissue Supported Removable Partial Dentures
14. Establishing Occlusal Relationships
15. Try-In and Completion of the Partial Denture
16. Delivering the Removable Partial Denture
17. Postinsertion Observations
18. Maintenance and Repair of Removable Partial Dentures
19. Interim, Transitional, and Treatment Prostheses
20. Other Forms of Removable Partial Dentures
21. Attachments for Removable Partial Dentures
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