📘 قراءة كتاب BIMarabia2en أونلاين


هندسة هياكل توفر منتدى للمزيج واسع من الأوراق العلمية والتقنية لتعكس الاحتياجات المتطورة لل الهندسة الإنشائية و ميكانيكا الهيكلية المجتمعات. ونرحب بصفة خاصة بالمساهمات التي تتناول تطبيقات مبادئ الهندسة والهندسة الهيكلية في جميع مجالات التكنولوجيا . وتطمح المجلة إلى تغطية واسعة ومتكاملة لآثار التحميل الديناميكي وتقنيات النمذجة التي يمكن من خلالها حساب الاستجابة الهيكلية لهذه التحميلات.
ويشمل نطاق الهياكل الهندسية ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، المجالات التالية: هندسة البنية التحتية؛ هندسة الزلازل؛ بنية السائل التفاعل التربة. هندسة الرياح؛ هندسة الحريق؛ هندسة الانفجار؛ الثبات الهيكلي / الاستقرار؛ تقييم الحياة / النزاهة؛ الرصد الصحي الهيكلي؛ هندسة المخاطر المتعددة؛ الديناميات الهيكلية؛ تهيئة؛ نظم الخبراء؛ النمذجة التجريبية؛ التصميم القائم على الأداء؛ تحليل متعدد المستويات. الهندسة القيمية.
وتشمل الموضوعات ذات الاهتمام: المباني العالية؛ هياكل مبتكرة؛ والهياكل المستجيبة بيئيا؛ الجسور. الملاعب. والمباني التجارية والعامة؛ أبراج نقل؛ التلفزيون وصواري الاتصالات السلكية واللاسلكية؛ طوي الهياكل؛ أبراج التبريد؛ لوحات وقذائف؛ هياكل التعليق؛ هياكل الحماية؛ الهياكل الذكية؛ المفاعلات النووية؛ السدود. أوعية الضغط؛ خطوط الأنابيب. الأنفاق.
تنشر الهياكل الهندسية أيضا مقالات المراجعة، والاتصالات القصيرة والمناقشات، واستعراض الكتب، ومذكرات على الأحداث الدولية المتعلقة بأي جانب من جوانب الهندسة الإنشائية.
إخفاء الأهداف الكاملة والنطاق
هذه قائمة ديناميكية وقد لا تكون قادرة على تلبية معايير معينة لاستكمال. يمكنك المساعدة من خلال توسيعه مع إدخالات مصادر موثوق بها .
هذه قائمة تمثيلية من المجلات الأكاديمية و المجلات في الهندسة والحقول الفرعية المختلفة.
منشورات إيت
في معهد الهندسة والتكنولوجيا تنشر مختلف المجلات والدوريات:
مجلة الهندسة والتكنولوجيا
منشورات إيي
المقالة الرئيسية: قائمة منشورات إيي
و معهد مهندسي الكهرباء والإلكترونيات تنشر مختلف الصحف والمجلات.
هندسة الفضاء
أسبوع الطيران وتكنولوجيا الفضاء
الرحلة الدولية
مجلة التلسكوبات الفلكية، الصكوك، والأنظمة
الهندسة الطبية الحيوية
المراجعة السنوية للهندسة الطبية الحيوية
الميكانيكا الحيوية والنمذجة في الميكانيكا
الأجهزة الطبية الحيوية
التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الحيوية
التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الحيوية
ملاحظات نقدية في الهندسة الطبية الحيوية
الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية
إي تايمز
التصميم الإلكتروني
إيي سبيكتروم
إيي الاتصالات اللاسلكية
إلكترونيات جديدة
أنظمة الإذاعة اللاسلكية والاتصالات
الطاقة - الطاقة واقتصاد الطاقة
نقل الحرارة، تدفق السوائل والطاقة ونقل الطاقة
الطاقة والبيئة
المجلة الدولية للطرق العددية في السوائل
مجلة ميكانيكا الموائع
الميكانيكا الصلبة
المجلة الدولية للكسور
المجلة الدولية للبحوث الروبوتات
هندسة البترول
أخبار البترول
الهندسة الإنشائية
أجهزة الكمبيوتر والهياكل
مجلة السلامة من الحرائق
التحسين الهيكلي ومتعدد التخصصات
هندسة التوربينات الريحية
ويندبور شهريا
هندسة التعدين
أكتا جيوتكنيكا
الهندسة الجيولوجيا
المجلة الدولية لميكانيكا الصخور وعلوم التعدين
مجلة علوم التعدين
هواية، الهندسة العملية والخفيفة
الماكنه الأمريكي
مهندس نموذج
ورشة عمل مهندسين نموذجيين
آلة حديثة للتسوق
المجلات الهندسية ويكيبيديا
الهندسة ويكيبيديا
اقسام الهندسه
افضل انواع الهندسة
تعريف الهندسة
بحث عن الهندسه
هندسه ميكانيكية
الهندسة في الرياضيات
مفهوم الهندسة
الهندسة التطبيقية فن واحتراف واكتساب المهارات الفنية والعلمية والحسابية وتطبيقها لتصميم وتنفيذ المنشآت والآلات والإختراعات والأدوات والأنظمة والعمليات المطلوبة كافة للوصول إلى هدف معين. بمعنى آخر هي فن تطبيق المعارف النظرية والتجارب الحياتية في حياتنا لتحسين الأشياء التي نستعملها أو المنشآت التي نعيش فيها. عرفها مجمع المهندسين الأمريكي للتطوير (بتصرف) بأنها " التطبيق الفعلي المبادئ العلمية النظرية لتصميم أو تطوير المنشآت والماكينات والأدوات أو عمليات التصنيع سواء تصميم كل عملية بمفردها أو تصميم العملية بالكامل أو التنبؤ بسلوك هذه العمليات تحت ظروف التشغيل، كل ذلك لأداء الهدف المقصود بشكل اقتصادي وآمن ". الإنسان الذي يمارس الهندسة يسمى مهندس، وهؤلاء المصرح لهم بفعل ذلك قد يكون لهم تسميات رسمية تختلف أحيانا بين الدول مثل: مهندس أو كبير مهندسين أو مهندس خبير أو مهندس تصميمات أو مهندس موقع أو مهندس فني في الدول العربية. تخصص الهندسة يتضمن العديد من التخصصات وبالتالي تسميات مختلفة لهؤلاء الأشخاص الذين يعملون في تلك التخصصات وكل ذلك يختلف باختلاف المجال أو التطبيق المطلوب.
المجلات الهندسية
كلمه السر هي من مجالات الهندسه من 9 حروف
شبكة وتطبيق لمشاركة مقاطع الفيديو
كلمة السر هي اطول نهر في الاتحاد الاوروبي يمر عبر 10 دول من 7 حروف
شبكة وتطبيق لمشاركة مقاطع فيديو من سبع حروف
شبكه وتطبيق لمشاركة مقاطع الفيديو من 7
شبكة وتطبيق لمشاركة الفيديو من سبعة حروف
شبكة وتطبيق لمشاركة مقاطع فيديو من ٧ حروف
شبكه وتطبيق لمقاطع الفيديو من سبع حروف
Editorial Team:
Omar Selim
Engineer : Hamza Faisal Moshrif
Engineer : Sonia Ahmed, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Department of Construction Management and Economics
1. 2 Introduction BIMarabia is the first E-magazine intended to spread awareness of BIM tools and workflows across Arabic region. BIMarabia is written and edited by users, targeted to be beneficial to practitioners and researchers in the field. For more information, please go to http://bimarabia.com/. This is the second edition from BIMarabia magazine English version, the growth in the construction industry in Arab World especially in Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications pushing us to develop this magazine to satisfy the needs of the market. When the Arabic version was published, many readers asked for translation into English or any other language, Thus, we decided to translate it into English. If anyone is interested in translating into any other language or join our team, please don’t hesitate to contact us: BIMARABIA@gmail.com Nothing is wiser than what Abdul Rahim Bin Ali said “ I’ve never seen a writer wrote a book without saying in the next day : If this was changed it’d be better, If this was increased it’d be advisable, If this was moved forward it woudl have been better and If this was let as it was it’d be better, This is the greatest lesson and an evidence of the size of shortage among humans. Finally, after modicum progress in this broad knowledge hopes to obtain admission and receive plaudits. Editor Omar Selim
2. 3 Editorial Team: Omar Selim Engineer : Hamza Faisal Moshrif Engineer : Sonia Ahmed, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Construction Management and Economics CONTENTS Introduction To BIM 4 BIM, is it a new science? Alternatively, is it an ancient one? 8 4D specialist (responsible for building 4D model) 17 Fifth Dimension (5D) in BIM 22 Level of Details (LoD) 25 Introduction to Facility Management Filed 31 Implementing BIM technology between acceptance and rejection 35 Quotes about BIM 37 Qatar BIM User Day 40
3. 4 Introduction to those who did not read the first issue of BIMarabia magazine Building Information Modeling (BIM) is: A digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building displayed as a 3D model, with the added capability to integrate a whole array of design and construction data related to cost, schedule, materials, assembly, maintenance, energy use, and more a digital representing of physical and functional characteristics of a building in three-dimensional form (Jackson, 2010) Or simply: making a virtual model of the building on the computer so you can find out the information you need as an engineer and as a project manager and stakeholders The BIM was found as a result (an innovative solution for problems inherent in the AEC sector) of the problems that existed in traditional ways. If there was no BIM, we would have created a system that avoids problems that occur on the site as a result of discovering conflicts and problems during work. If there was no BIM, another system would have been found in any name and may have been abbreviated BIM also or virtual building Introduction To BIM Omar Selim
4. 5 Virtual Building. One of the important issues is that, BIM is not limited to buildings only, it could be an air plane, submarine, artificial body parts, etc... BIM is the abbreviation of Building Information Building and here is the question: Is BUILDING a name, or a verb? Does it mean already existing buildings or the construction process? BIM is interested in BOTH construction process and existing buildings, we use it during construction where the big benefit appears after the construction ends through the building management, monitoring and controlling. Is it intended for architectural or structural purposes?.the answer is: all involved disciplines in construction process like: arch. , structural , electro-mechanical.... What is the benefit of BIM? My teacher engineer Maaz Al-Najjar answers in an interview. In short, the benefits of BIM for both: Architectural: − Focus on designing rather than drawing − Taking correct and direct readings from the spaces and dividing them between the model − Effective management of the project according to the fact that the architect is the author of the idea of the project and he is responsible for it in front of the companies' management in a healthy work environment. Construction (Civil): − Taking the model correctly (constructional elements required only, without diving in the eternal thinking to understand the model and re-work on it to become the form they wish) − The possibility of analyzing the model within its program which he works on comfortably and then re-form it with the modifications of the basic project on the BIM Server to follow-up working on it later with an alert to changes taking place to the other engineering complementary, specialties and multiple staff. − A direct calculation of the quantity related to space and sizes (and in some scenarios, calculating lengths and diameters of reinforcing bars) and extracting quantity tables directly from the model without returning to the previous drawings like : architectural , plumbing , electrical and mechanical ones. Mechanical Electrical and Plumping (MEP): Majority of work scenarios, MEP engineers have a prior experience of building needs to diameters of wires and their access as the case of push and pull circuits volumes used in air conditioning, refrigeration and so on for piping fresh water circuit and salt water... etc. But what needed is the knowledge of extension of these circuits, cables and pipes which would interfere or clash a non-structural or structural elements, such
5. 6 as ceilings and others that will be installed in the building later MEP specialists benefit in knowing the sizes for heating and cooling − Extension to show the place of trays, which cables will be extended on. − Full representation of the central air-conditioning circuits Air Ducts with the work called Collision Detection to indicate if there is any objection with the structural elements that is currently installed − A review of the project as a whole after the installation of all systems. This allows us to inspect the integrity of the original design and its lifetime. − The possibility of transferring the model to other software which the engineering staff works on for further analysis and matching specifications The benefits of BIM for the contractor: (Contractor) − Knowing the specifications required for implementation in the field. − True and accurate knowledge of the necessary building materials and other accessories (Scaffolding and tower cranes to what else of toolkits) for the completion of the construction and overall site logistics. − An estimated initial a true report for labor fees and required staff. − True inventory of warehouses and what necessary for the construction project. − Simulation of the time schedule (4D analysis) and giving the best reports for engineers’ feedback about the proper functioning of the site. − Setting up safety and evacuation plans. The benefits of BIM for workers in real estate (Real Estate Brokers and agents): the environment , the nature of the client and the property as well in addition to the site. But most real estate workers share some specific characteristics which , BIM could contribute to such as: − BIM helps in providing a true age of the property and its specifications which positively motivate the client to buy it. − Full data on the location, size, and volumes if necessary. − The possibility of providing the ready scheme to the client who wants to know everything about the property which he wants to buy. − The possibility of expanding the data included in BIM system in order to contain the real estate date associated with the property, owners, transfer of ownership and its problems data, if existing. − - Real-time reporting of leased area data of a facility (7D Simulation) The benefits of BIM for Facility Management (FM): Usually, firms associated with facility management work with the owners according to maintenance annual contracts for everything related to this property.
6. 7 BIM system is very essential according to the nature of the facility management. Some BIM software take the full model information, then add information about workers in facility management to connect them with time. ArchiFM, for instance, is one of the most common software in Britain, which works directly with the internet. It takes the property number after obtaining its model from Archicad software, then schedules the consumed items (they are often covered by the maintenance contract) within timetables in order to allow the maintenance department to follow it directly for repairing on a regular basis. This scheduling is based according to specific work hours or recording the damage when a problem occurs in the record to see what has been altered during a period, which is currently done by the accountant! Which unfortunately does not have any engineering experience of those pieces functions. Benefits of BIM for manufacturers: BIM Object in the library has become an alternative to the image that we used to see in catalogs during the eighties and before. Within BIM software, we are working on providing ready-element by the manufacturer (furniture pieces, for example) that allows the designer to choose the right characterization of this element rather than the popular way in which the designer puts a general Block for any piece of furniture and then the problems come. When it turns out that the piece which was for beautiful decoration, on the ground, there will be other dimensions for the customer piece that will be chosen by the customer (later unfortunately)... Practically the manufacturer puts all models which are manufactured in the form of BIM Objects within its own site or it will be sent by any available way like: nowadays DropBox, Email to engineer, who will put on his turn the elements as they are (dimensions, price, manufacturer’s name, date of manufacturing, shipping cost...) and so forth of information which the engineer must know and and consequently preparing answers to the client and never leave that to the last moment.
Introduction To BIM 4
BIM, is it a new science? Alternatively, is it an ancient one? 8
4D specialist (responsible for building 4D model) 17
Fifth Dimension (5D) in BIM 22
Level of Details (LoD) 25
Introduction to Facility Management Filed 31
Implementing BIM technology between acceptance and rejection 35
Quotes about BIM 37
Qatar BIM User Day
Editorial Team:
Omar Selim
Engineer : Hamza Faisal Moshrif
Engineer : Sonia Ahmed, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Department of Construction Management and Economics
BIMarabia is the first E-magazine intended to spread awareness of
BIM tools and workflows across Arabic region. BIMarabia is written and
edited by users, targeted to be beneficial to practitioners and researchers
in the field. For more information, please go to
This is the second edition from BIMarabia magazine English version,
the growth in the construction industry in Arab World especially in
Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications pushing us to develop
this magazine to satisfy the needs of the market. When the Arabic
version was published, many readers asked for translation into English
or any other language, Thus, we decided to translate it into English. If
anyone is interested in translating into any other language or join our
team, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Nothing is wiser than what Abdul Rahim Bin Ali said “ I’ve never seen a
writer wrote a book without saying in the next day : If this was changed
it’d be better, If this was increased it’d be advisable, If this was moved
forward it woudl have been better and If this was let as it was it’d be
better, This is the greatest lesson and an evidence of the size of shortage
among humans.
Finally, after modicum progress in this broad knowledge
hopes to obtain admission and receive plaudits.
Omar Selim
Introduction To BIM 4
BIM, is it a new science? Alternatively, is it an ancient one? 8
4D specialist (responsible for building 4D model) 17
Fifth Dimension (5D) in BIM 22
Level of Details (LoD) 25
Introduction to Facility Management Filed 31
Implementing BIM technology between acceptance and rejection 35
Quotes about BIM 37
Qatar BIM User Day
سنة النشر : 2017م / 1438هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 19.4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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