📘 قراءة كتاب Fundamentals of Telecommunications أونلاين

Fundamentals of Telecommunications
Fundamentals of Telecommunications. Roger L. Freeman
Copyright 1999 Roger L. Freeman
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBNs: 0-471-0-471-29699-6 (Hardback); 22416-2 (Electronic)
Preface xxi
Chapter 1 Introductory Concepts 1
1.1 What Is Telecommunication? 1
1.2 Telecommunication Will Touch Everybody 1
1.3 Introductory Topics in Telecommunications 2
1.3.1 End-Users, Nodes, and Connectivities 2
1.3.2 Telephone Numbering and Routing 6
1.3.3 Use of Tandem Switches in a Local Area
Connectivity 7
1.3.4 Busy Hour and Grade of Service 7
1.3.5 Simplex, Half-Duplex, and Full Duplex 9
1.3.6 One-Way and Two-Way Circuits 9
1.3.7 Network Topologies 10
1.3.8 Variations in Traffic Flow 14
1.4 Quality of Service 15
1.5 Standardization in Telecommunications 16
1.6 Organization of the PSTN in the United States 17
1.6.1 Points of Presence 17
Review Exercises 18
References 19
Chapter 2 Signals Convey Intelligence 21
2.1 Objective 21
2.2 Signals in Everyday Life 21
2.3 Basic Concepts of Electricity for Communications 22
2.3.1 Early Sources of Electrical Current 22
2.3.2 Electrical Telegraph: An Early Form of Long-
Distance Communications 23
2.3.3 What Is Frequency? 25
2.4 Electrical Signals 30
2.4.1 Introduction to Transmission 30
2.4.2 Modulation 31
2.4.3 Binary Digital Signals 33
2.5 Introduction to Transporting Electrical Signals 34
2.5.1 Wire Pair 34
2.5.2 Coaxial Cable Transmission 37
2.5.3 Fiber Optic Cable 38
2.5.4 Radio Transmission 38
Review Exercises 40
References 41
Chapter 3 Quality of Service and Telecommunication Impairments 43
3.1 Objective 43
3.2 Quality of Service: Voice, Data, and Image 43
3.2.1 Introduction to Signal-to-Noise Ratio 43
3.2.2 Voice Transmission 44
3.2.3 Data Circuits 46
3.2.4 Video (Television) 47
3.3 Three Basic Impairments and How They Affect the
End-User 47
3.3.1 Amplitude Distortion 47
3.3.2 Phase Distortion 48
3.3.3 Noise 50
3.4 Level 53
3.4.1 Typical Levels 53
3.5 Echo and Singing 54
Review Exercises 54
References 55
Chapter 4 Transmission and Switching
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