تم ازالة الكتاب
لانتهاكه لسياسة المكتبة

التعويضات السنية Prosthodontics وتشمل
الجسور الثابتة Fixed bridges والزرعات Implants
الطقوم الكاملة المتحركة removable complete denture
الطقوم الجزئية المتحركة removable partial denture
معالجة و إصلاح الأسنان Operative Dentistry وتشمل:
تشخيص تسوس الأسنان caries diagnosis
الوقايه والحد من انتشار تسوس الاسنان management of dental caries
تبييض الأسنان Dentalbleaching
تجميل الأسنان cosmetic dentistry
حشوات الأسنان Dental Fillings
معالجة لب الأسنان Endodontics
معالجة الأسنان المجهرية microscopic endodontics
طب الأسنان الوقائي Preventive Dentistry
تقويم الأسنان Orthodontics
جراحة الفم والوجه والفكين Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
طب أسنان الأطفال Pedodontics
أمراض اللثة
أمراض الأنسجة المحيطة بالأسنان Periodontics
زراعة الأسنان Dental Implantology
أشعة الأسنان Dental Radiology
طب الأسنان الشرعي Forensic Dentistry
طب الفم Oral Medicine
أمراض الفم Oral Pathology
أنسجة الفم والأسنان Oral Histology
المادة السنية Dental material
تشريح الأسنانDental anatomy
مواضيع متعلقة بطب الأسنان
طب الأسنان للرضع
جراحة الأسنان
طقم أسنان
طب الاسنان في الاردن
طب الأسنان في جميع أنحاء العالم
This tenth edition of Mosby’s Dental Drug Reference continues Mosby-
Elsevier’s tradition of providing comprehensive and current information on
prescription drugs and recommendations for the care of the dental patients who
take them. As in past editions, new individual drugs, as well as new drug
classes, are included in this concise reference book, which is designed to
address the need of oral health care practitioners and educators for readily
accessible and up-to-date drug information and guidance for the dental management
of medically compromised patients. The tenth edition incorporates
many significant improvements, including:
1. A revised and updated section on the Therapeutic Management of Common
Oral Lesions.
2. A revised and updated section on Medically Compromised Patients, addressing
the most recent antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines for patients at risk of
infective endocarditis and for patients with total joint replacements, as well
as a summary of monoclonal antibody therapy.
3. Revised and updated monographs on cardiovascular drugs.
4. The relocation of the section on Herbal and Nonherbal Remedies to a more
comprehensive database within the Evolve Online Learning Resources.
5. Practice-oriented precautions, dental considerations, and recommended
medical consultations for every drug entry, and essential drug facts that are
placed directly in the context of the dentist’s and dental hygienist’s care.
6. Highlights of serious adverse reactions and contraindications. In each drug
entry, the book calls attention to dangerous or life-threatening reactions so
that you can identify them easily and deal with them promptly.
7. Specialized dental care guidelines, including the most recent recommendations
for the prevention of infective endocarditis. Suggested protocols for the
treatment of medically compromised patients and the therapeutic management
of common oral lesions are also included.
8. Combination drug guide. Detailed index of combination drugs arranged by
trade name.
9. Comprehensive appendices. Eleven ready-reference appendices give you
easy access to additional vital drug-related information and detailed sections
concerning anesthetics, controlled substances, disorders and conditions,
pregnancy and pediatrics, and sample prescriptions for drugs more commonly
prescribed in dental practice.
A detailed guide to Mosby’s Dental Drug Reference, Tenth Edition:
Mosby’s Dental Drug Reference provides essential drug information in a userfriendly
format. The bulk of this handbook contains an alphabetical listing of
drug entries by generic name. Drug entries include the following:
Generic and Brand Names. Drug entries begin with the generic drug name,
followed by its pronunciation and its U.S., Canadian, and Australian brand
Category and Schedule. This section lists the drug’s pregnancy risk category
and, when appropriate, its controlled substance schedule or over-the-counter
(OTC) status.
Mechanism of Action. This section clearly and concisely describes the drug’s
mechanism of action and therapeutic effects.
deal for chairside use by the entire dental team, Mosby's Dental Drug Reference, 11th Edition, provides the current, concise, dental-specific drug information you need at the point of care. More than 850 drug monographs make it easy to find indications and dosages, contraindications, interactions, side effects, serious reactions, and dental considerations. A companion website adds regular drug updates, a full-color pill atlas, printable patient education handouts, reference tables, and more.
More than 850 drug monographs offer the vital dental-specific drug information you need.
Drug information with relevant patient and family education guidelines in each monograph emphasize oral health, prevention, and treatment from the dental hygiene perspective.
Durable and pocket sized, a succinct and organized format makes this guide ideal for chairside use.
Bulleted lists provide quick and easy access to general and specific dental-related information in each monograph. .
Primers on therapeutic management of common diseases and on medically compromised patients offer key foundational information relevant to the treatment of all patients.
New monographs, FDA updates, a color pill atlas, images of common pathologic conditions, patient education handouts, quick-reference guides, and more are available online to help keep this guide compact and user-friendly.
Nearly 60 new drug monographs provide need-to-know information for a variety of recently approved drugs with considerations dental team members need to know relative to the oral health care of their patients.
Companion website with annual drug updates, as well as ancillary content, keeps you current in the ever-changing world of pharmacology.
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