📘 قراءة كتاب Introduction Digital Design M. Morris Mano أونلاين

Digital Design M. Morris Mano
Digital Design
M. Morris Mano
Emeritus Profemr of Computer Engineering
Callfornio Stote University, Los Angeles
Michael D. Ciletti
Department of Wricol and Conputor Engineering
University of Colomdo at Cd~adOSp rings
PEARSON L4 Upper Saddle River, Nl07458
Preface ix
1 Digital Systems and Binary Numbers 1
1.1 Digital Systems
1.2 Blnan Numbers
1.3 b umber-Bare Conversions
1.4 Octal and Hexadecimal Numben
1.5 Complement9
1.6 Signid Binary Numbers
1.7 Binary Coder
1.8 Binary Storage and Registers
1.9 Binary Logic
2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates 36
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Definition! .
2.3 Axiomatic Definlhon of Boolean Algebra
2.4 Basic Theorems and Pmpemier
of Boolean Algebra
2.5 Boolean Functions
2.6 Canonical and Standard Farms
2.7 Other Logic Operations
2.8 Digital Logic Gates
2.9 Integrated Circuit9
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.8 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : PDF.
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