📘 قراءة كتاب Teach Yourself Greek أونلاين

(Author), T.W. Melluish
Publisher: Teach Yourself Books | 1970 | ISBN: 0340057939 | pages: 334 | File type: PDF | 23 mb
Many people who would welcome an opportunity to get on nodding terms with Greek are repelled by the austerity of the traditional Greek Course. They want to be able to read, not to write, Greek. The long apprenticeship of translating sentences from English into Greek is for them a tedious irrelevance that stands between them and their limited objective. Many, it is to be feared, thrun away sorrowfully from the prospect, and are the poorer in consequence.
It is primarily for this class that the authors of this book have endeavoured to cater. They believe that it is possible to introduce simple pieces of actual Greek from the very beginning. They provide no translation from English into Greek. They expect no previous knowledge of Latin or any other inflected language.
'Teach Yourself Greek' is an up-to-date course in modern Greek. If you want to make quick progress beyond the basics for your next holiday or business trip to Greece, or if you need to brush up your existing knowledge, then this is the course for you. The language you will learn in this book is the standard Greek that you will hear spoken in everyday life in Greece. The emphasis is on communication thoroughout so that by the end of the course you will be understanding, speaking and writing Greek with confidence. Key structures and vocabulary are introduced in 15 thematic units dealing with topics from saying hello to giving opinions and carrying out business discussions. This new edition has been completely rewritten and updated to make explanations simpler and reflect changes such as the introduction of the euro. There is a new pronunciation guide which is easier to understand and you need no previous knowledge of language terminology to use it. The script is introduced right from the start but English translations and transliterations of the dialogues have been added to the first five units so that you you can start speaking immediately.The transliteration continues up to Unit 10. There are three revision units and a 'mini test' at the end of each unit so that you can check your progress and revise areas of difficulty as you work your way through the course. Other new features include a glossary of grammatical terms, timelines showing important dates in Greek history and the evolution of the language, a taking it further section to direct you to further sources of real Greek and an English-Greek glossary to go alongside the existing Greek-English glossary. The page design has been improved and section headings given in English to make it easier for you to find your way around the book. All the dialogues and other listening material are available on the accompanying recording which has been increased to two cassettes or CDs amounting to approximately 150 minutes of listening material. The CDs and cassettes are available separately or in a pack with the book: Book & Double Cassette Pack 0340 866799 Book & Double CD Pack 0340 866810 Double Cassette 0340 866802 Double CD 0340 866829 The leader in self-learning with more than 300 titles, covering all subjects. Be where you want to be with Teach Yourself.
Teach Yourself Greek
learn greek pdf
greek alphabet
سنة النشر : 2003م / 1424هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 22.4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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