📘 قراءة كتاب Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design أونلاين

by Richard G Budynas
Abrasion, 743
Abrasive wear, 328
Absolute safety, 12
Absolute system of units, 21
Absolute tolerance system, 21
Absolute viscosity, 620
Acme threads, 412
Addendum, 676
Addendum distances, 680
Adhesive bonding
about, 498
adhesive types, 499–501
joint design, 504–506
stress distributions, 501–504
Admiralty metal, 58
AGMA equation factors
allowable bending stress
numbers, 747–749, 800
allowable contact stress, 750–752,
bending strength geometry factor,
751–754, 793–794
crowning factor for pitting, 793
dynamic factor, 756, 758, 791–792
elastic coefficient, 744, 756–757,
geometry factors, 751–756,
hardness-ratio factor, 761, 796
lengthwise curvature factor for
bending strength, 793
load-distribution factor, 759–760, 793
overload factor, 758, 791
pitting resistance geometry factor,
751, 754–756, 793
reliability factors, 763,
reversed loading, 800
rim-thickness factor, 764
safety factors, 765, 791
size factor, 759, 793
stress-cycle factor, 762, 795–796
surface condition factor, 758
temperature factor, 764, 796
AGMA gear method
bevel gears, 788, 801–802
helical gears, 745–750
spur gears, 745–750, 766–767
worm gears, 809
AGMA transmission accuracy-level
number, 756
Alignment, 607
Allowance, 20
Alloy cast irons, 55
Alloying, 33
Alloy steels
chromium, 52
manganese, 52
molybdenum, 53
nickel, 52
numbering system, 45
quenching, 50
silicon, 52
tempering, 50
tungsten, 53
vanadium, 53
Alternating and midrange von Mises
stresses, 318, 367
Alternating stresses, 266, 301
Aluminum, 55–56
Aluminum brass, 58
Aluminum bronze, 58, 817
American Bearing Manufacturers
Association (ABMA), 12
standard, 573
American Gear Manufacturers
Association (AGMA), 12
approach, 734
American Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC), 12
code, 489–490
American Iron and Steel Institute
(AISI), 12, 45
American National (Unified) thread
standard, 410
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM), 12
numbering system, 46
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME), 12, 620
American Welding Society (AWS),
American Welding Society (AWS), 12
code, 490
Amplitude ratio, 302
Anaerobic adhesives, 500
Angle of action, 682
Angle of approach, 682
Angle of articulation, 908
Angle of recess, 682
Angle of twist, 101–102
Angular-contact bearing, 572
Angular-velocity ratios, 677, 683,
880, 882
Annealing, 49
Annealing effect, 44
Antifriction bearing lubrication, 604
Antifriction bearings, 570
Arc of action, 684
Arc of approach, 684
Arc of recess, 684
Area principal axes, 93
Area reduction, 39
Arithmetic mean, 980–984
Arrow side (weld symbol), 477
ASME-elliptic failure criteria, 305–306,
308, 338, 346, 369
ASM Metals Handbook
(ASM), 269
ASTM fastener specifications, 432
Austenite, 50
Average factor of safety, 249
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 49.2 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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