📘 قراءة كتاب القاموس الفريد في المال والإقتصاد إنجليزي - عربي أونلاين

economic adj (of the economy) اقتصادي
The government promised their economic policies would lower the national debt.
economic adj (of economics) مادي، مالي
We have to think about the economic considerations of going ahead with this project; can we afford it?
economics npl (financial considerations) الاعتبارات المالية، الأمور المالية، الاعتبارات المادية، الأمور المادية
The boss liked the idea, but the economics didn't work, so he decided not to go ahead with the project.
economics n (subject: trade and finance) الاقتصاد
Ruth is studying economics at university.
صيغ مركبة:
الإنجليزية العربية
economic analysis n (comparison of financial costs and benefits) التحليل الاقتصادي
This report sets out the results of the economic analysis.
economic condition n (nation's financial situation) حالة اقتصادية
Massive debts and deficits are largely responsible for current economic conditions.
ترجع الحالة الاقتصادية الحالية بدرجة كبيرة إلى الكم الهائل من الديون والعجز.
economic cycle n (pattern of rise and fall of economy) الدورة الاقتصادية
Governments have not been able to overcome the economic cycle of boom and bust.
economic disturbance n ([sth] that affects financial situation) اضطراب اقتصادي
economic growth n (production increase, development) نمو اقتصادي
The world's economic growth is currently sluggish.
economic indicator n (business statistic) مؤشر اقتصادي
Leading economic indicators suggest a recovery is beginning.
تشير كبرى المؤشرات الاقتصادية إلى بدء مرحلة تعاف اقتصادي.
economic migrant n (person: seeks work abroad) مهاجر بسبب الظروف الاقتصادية
Economic migrants move abroad to escape poverty and improve their financial condition.
ينتقل المهاجرون بسبب الظروف الاقتصادية إلى العيش في الخارج للهروب من الفقر وتحسين أوضاعهم المالية.
economic output n (country's total production) الناتج الاقتصادي
economic self-sufficiency n (nation, community: can support self) اكتفاء ذاتي اقتصادي
EEC n historical, initialism (European Economic Community) (السُّوقُ الأُورُوبِيَّةُ المُشْتَرَكَةُ) الإِتِّحَادُ الإِقْتِصَادِيُّ الأُورُوبِي
The EEC was established in 1957 to integrate European economies.
European Economic Community n historical (economic alliance) السوق الأوروبية المشتركة
socio-economic adj (relating to society and economics) متعلق بالاقتصاد والمجتمع
In the United States socio-economic status is linked to race and level of education.
سنة النشر : 1985م / 1405هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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