📘 قراءة كتاب HOW TO PAINT METAL أونلاين

Second coat
Always use paints or primers that are specially developed for metal. Our paint experts at the Kooy
man stores can advise you on this.
Types of paints to use on metal:
Oil-Based Paint.
Oil-based paint forms a tough coating on metal and inhibits the formation of
rust and corrosion;
Latex Paint.
Acrylic latex paint is an alternative for oil-based paints and enamels;
Industrial enamel is a heavy-duty oil-based paint. These products are mostly
used as coatings for the maintenance of industrial projects (e.g. Benjamin Moore);
-Blocking Paint and Primer.
Rust-blocking paint products contain ingredients, which
inhibit the development of rust on a metal surface (e.g. Rust-Oleum).
Drop cloth
Tack cloth
Sand paper
Paint cover
(plastic) glove
Mashing tape
Roller cover
Roller frame
Roller tray
Paint paddle
Brush/roller cleaner
Steel brush
Trim guard
Paint remover/stripper
Paint can open
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