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Israel An Archaeological Journey
Although Judea was already a Roman province when Jesus lived, there has long been debate about the cultural influences that may have shaped his life and teachings. In their article “How Jewish was Sepphoris in Jesus’ Time?” scholars Mark Chancey and Eric Meyers examine the Galilean city of Sepphoris as it was in the early first century A.D. Since the city is just 4 miles from Nazareth and has yielded more archaeological data than the nearby village, scholars have traditionally viewed Sepphoris as a cultural barometer of life where Jesus grew up. How Jewish was Sepphoris? Chancey and Meyers argue that, despite the influence of the omniscient Romans, a strong Jewish cultural identity existed in the community during Jesus’ formative years. Through a careful examination of the archaeological record at Sepphoris, Chancey and Meyers make a case for the Jewish culture that they maintain was the backdrop of Jesus’ life.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.5 ميجا بايت .
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