📘 قراءة كتاب Combat Kit أونلاين

ARABS and ARABIA: In the Christian Bible 4
3. ABSURDITIES in the Book of God (?) the Holy Bible 5
4. ALCOHOL: A devilish advice in God's (?) Book!? 6
5. APOSTASY: The apostate "thou shalt surely kill him" 6
6. BASTARD: Occurs only three times in the Bible 6
7. CIRCUMCISION: A perpetual pact with God 7
8. CONTRADICTIONS: In the Bible 7
9. DAVID: A man after God's own heart 8
10. GOD: Qualities ill-befitting God 8
11. God with a small "g" 8
12. His contradictory attributes 9
13. Is not a fabricator of confusion 10
14. Further contradictory qualities 10
15. HOLY GHOST: All sects and cults has it (?) 12
16. INCEST: Types and types of incest in the Bible 13
17. ISRAELITES: Insatiable whores 16
18. JEREMIAH: Ordained a prophet before his birth 16
19. JESUS (PBUH): Generalities regarding him 17
20. As a "God"? 20
21. A racist? 21
22. Sundry tit-bits 21
23. JEWS: A rebellious people 22
24. KETURAH: The third wife of Abraham 23
25. MASSACRE: At the hands of the Jews 24
26. MELCHISEDEK: Outshines Jesus (pbuh) 24
27. MESSIAH: By the dozens in the Bible 24
28. MUHUMMED (PBUH): In the Bible 25
29. ONANISM: Mankind's common trait 26
30. PAUL: Full of cunning and guile 27
31. PIGS: Look for "swine" in the index 27
32. POLYGAMY: Most prophets were polygamous 27
33. PROPHECIES: Unfulfilled 27
34. PROPHETS (BUT NAKED): An indictman on prophethood 28
35. RAPE: Brother rapes sister, and son rapes his mothers 29
36. SABBATH: A standing insult to God 29
37. SARAH: God visits her? 30
38. SLAVERY: Sanctioned by God 30
39. SODOMY: Cause of this sickness 30
40. SONS OF GOD: God has them by the tons in the Bible 31
41. SWINE: Flesh of the swine forbidden 32
42. WHORRING: See under "Israelites" in the index 32
43. WOMEN: Forbidden to open their mouths in the Church 32
44. WORSHIP: Synonymous with respect, revere, adore, adulate 32
In the current crusade, the Christian world has launched their "scud" (The
Holy Bible) in two thousand different languages. For the Arabs alone they
have published their Holy Scriptures in fifteen different scripts and dialects.
This is clearly shown on the opposite page, a reproduction from their book -
"The Gospel in many Tongues."
This manual will enable you to convert the Christian scud into a "Patriot
Missile!" To achieve this, a little exercise is expected of you.
The first thing you must do is to get your own copy of the Bible, then paste
or glue this booklet onto the inside Front Cover of your Bible. Use it as an
Index. The second step is to browse through the index. Thirdly select a topic:
For example "INCEST." You will find this topic on page 13. Memorize the
WHO ARE TOO CLOSELY RELATED," like "between father and . . ." also from
page 13.
The first subject under the heading "INCEST" refers to Genesis 19:33-35.
Familiarize yourself with the verses. Encircle the verses with a RED pen. On
the top of the page write in RED - "INCEST BETWEEN FATHER AND
DAUGHTERS." At the bottom of the same page write the page number of
the next reference in your bible, i.e. that of Genesis 35:22. On that page
write on top - "INCEST BETWEEN MOTHER AND SON," and circle the
verse again in RED, at the bottom of that page write the page number of the
next reference, i.e. Genesis 38:15-18. Find the verses and circle them in
RED, and complete the exercise as in cases 1 and 2 above. Thus you are set
to confront any Bible Thumper.
This all in one removes supercilious, contemptuous and disdainful Christians from your homes and puts back the sunshine in your doorway. A must have for all Muslims who encounter Bible Thumpers.
سنة النشر : 1992م / 1412هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 413.2 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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