📘 قراءة كتاب Al Hijab Purdah and status of women in Islam أونلاين

نبذه عن الكتاب :
urdah and the Status of Woman in Islam" was written by Abul A'la Maududi (1903-1979). He was a Sunni Muslim of Pakistan, and as a Muslim revivalist theologian, founded the "Jamaat-e- Islami" political party in 1941 in Pakistan-India, and later became politically active in Pakistan upon its independence. Chapter titles and sub-topics include: Status of woman in different ages (Greece, Rome, Europe), Western concepts of morality, Tragic consequences (Industrial revolution, capitalist selfishness, Moral bankruptcy), Sexual delinquency among American children (venereal diseases, divorce), the Oriental `Occidentals', Laws of Nature (control of sexual urge), Social system of Islam (Prohibited relations- muharramat, adultery, Restrictions for woman, Nudity, Evil look, Haya), Punishment for Fornication (injunctions for clothing and covering of nakedness (boundaries of Satar for males and women; Prohibition of touching or having privacy with women; Mahram relatives); Commandments of Purdah (restraining the eyes, covering the face-veiling); Divine laws for the movements of women (permission to leave the house, permission to visit the mosque, participation in battle [women can use weapons to defend themselves while adding their men-folk who are in battle against some enemy]). When the author discusses some topic from the Quran, he will cite a specific ayat; however, when he quotes some hadith while he will cite Bukhari/ Nasai/ Muslim/ Tirmizi, he seldom provides a specific
Book AlHijab Purdah and status of women in Islam author :
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 6.7 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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