📘 قراءة كتاب The IDEAL MUSLIMAH:The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman أونلاين

when Muslim and Non-Muslim women are being harshly attached and attracted by the
"feminist theories and studies" this book is a good approach and a reminder that Islam has held
women as highly esteemed and respected. It is enough that the Holy Qur'an contains a full chapter
on women. The sources of Islam i.e. the Holy Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions have always
spoken of the women's rights and made them full partners in the human venture of history more
than any other religion or thought.
Women in Islam are; mothers, sisters, partners, workers, scholars and business owners and
managers. etc.
Though this book outlines the ideal Muslimah personality as it should be according to the Qur'an
and Sunnah Husbands, sons and daughters will also draw very much benefit from it.
A true Muslimah is the one who is alert, knowledgeable, true to herself as well as to others. She is
righteous, and faithful. She balances her obligations to Allah (SWT), her parents and children. She
does not excel in one thing and neglect the other. She is a Qur'anic example to follow-, she is a
woman whose examples to follow are the she-companions of the Messenger (PBUH). Her ideals are
the wives of the Messenger (PBUH).
The reader will find all this and much more in this book, which Dr. Hashmi wrote in a Arabic and
was also broadcast on Riyadh Radio.
This is his second book I.I.P.H translated into English. We hope the readers will find it really
informative and comprehensive and pray Allah (SWT) for the best reward for them and ourselves.
May the peace and blessing of Allah (SWT) be upon Muhammad (PBUH) his household and all his
Mohammed Abdul-Mohsin Al Tuwaijri
International Islamic Publishing House (I.I.P.H)
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
At a time when Muslim women are being increasingly attracted by "feminist theories" and
"women's studies," this book serves as a timely reminder that the unique and authentic sources of
Islam have always spoken of the rights of women and recognized women as full partners in the
human venture of history. The translation of this book into English will render this valuable
information more readily accessible to all the Muslims whose mother-tongue is not Arabic.
Dr. Muhammad Ali Hashmi is a well-known writer in the Arab world. Born in Syria, he is the author
of numerous books on Islamic and literary topics. This is his second book translated into English;
the first was "The Ideal Muslim."
سنة النشر : 1996م / 1417هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.5 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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