❞ كتاب The Book of Fasting ❝  ⏤ Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Tuwajre

❞ كتاب The Book of Fasting ❝ ⏤ Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Tuwajre

Fasting in Shara: It is worship to Allah Almighty by refraining from eating and drinking, and all other things that break the fast, from dawn to sunset.

[2] and its rule: the obligation to the text and consensus.

[3] Fasting must be done by one of two things: First, seeing the crescent of Ramadan, and fasting should not be made according to arithmetic. . The vision prevails whether we saw it with the naked eye or by means of close; The second: the completion of Shaaban thirty days; because the crescent month can not be more than thirty days, and can not be less than twenty-nine days.

[4] If it is prevented to see the crescent cloud (cloud) or Qatr (dust) and others which prevents his vision, forbidden his fast; to say the Prophet peace be upon him: "month twenty-nine nights, do not fast until you see it, if you are clouded and complete the thirty." . (1) However, if the imam sees that it is obligatory to fast this day, and the people order to fast it, then he does not repudiate.He does not do so.However, it is not permissible for a person to show his fast, but he breaks his fast in secret.This issue does not prove the entry of the month. Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Tuwajre - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ Summarized Islamic Fiqh ❝ ❞ The Book of Fasting ❝ ❞ The Book of Nikah Marriage ❝ الناشرين : ❞ مكتب الدعوة بالربوة ❝ ❱
من كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
The Book of Fasting

Fasting in Shara: It is worship to Allah Almighty by refraining from eating and drinking, and all other things that break the fast, from dawn to sunset.

[2] and its rule: the obligation to the text and consensus.

[3] Fasting must be done by one of two things: First, seeing the crescent of Ramadan, and fasting should not be made according to arithmetic. . The vision prevails whether we saw it with the naked eye or by means of close; The second: the completion of Shaaban thirty days; because the crescent month can not be more than thirty days, and can not be less than twenty-nine days.

[4] If it is prevented to see the crescent cloud (cloud) or Qatr (dust) and others which prevents his vision, forbidden his fast; to say the Prophet peace be upon him: "month twenty-nine nights, do not fast until you see it, if you are clouded and complete the thirty." . (1) However, if the imam sees that it is obligatory to fast this day, and the people order to fast it, then he does not repudiate.He does not do so.However, it is not permissible for a person to show his fast, but he breaks his fast in secret.This issue does not prove the entry of the month.

تعليقات القرّاء:

Fasting in Shara: It is worship to Allah Almighty by refraining from eating and drinking, and all other things that break the fast, from dawn to sunset.

[2] and its rule: the obligation to the text and consensus.

[3] Fasting must be done by one of two things: First, seeing the crescent of Ramadan, and fasting should not be made according to arithmetic. . The vision prevails whether we saw it with the naked eye or by means of close; The second: the completion of Shaaban thirty days; because the crescent month can not be more than thirty days, and can not be less than twenty-nine days.

[4] If it is prevented to see the crescent cloud (cloud) or Qatr (dust) and others which prevents his vision, forbidden his fast; to say the Prophet peace be upon him: "month twenty-nine nights, do not fast until you see it, if you are clouded and complete the thirty." . (1) However, if the imam sees that it is obligatory to fast this day, and the people order to fast it, then he does not repudiate.He does not do so.However, it is not permissible for a person to show his fast, but he breaks his fast in secret.This issue does not prove the entry of the month.

[5] If the crescent sees the people of the country to fast, it must not only those who saw it, or it was in their judgment that the views of the crescent agreed, if they do not agree, it is not obligatory to fast; In reading it is not said that they saw him neither truth nor judgment. Just as Muslims differ in breakfast and daily constipation, they should also differ in constipation and iftar monthly.

[6] He fasts with a vision of justice, thus proving the month. Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with them) said: (2) Fasting according to one testimony is necessary to measure, because people break the ears of one and hold the ears of one. Which is accepted from the testimony of what is likely to be truth and truth, and is required with justice to be strong eyesight so as to be likely honesty in what he claimed, if the visually impaired did not accept his testimony, even if fair. And Hilal Shawal and other months prove only two witnesses; to say the Prophet peace be upon him: "If two witnesses fast and fast." (3)

[7] If people fasted by one testimony thirty days, they are obliged to break the fast, because the fungus is fasting and built upon it.


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كتب Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al Tuwajre
مكتب الدعوة بالربوة
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