📘 قراءة كتاب Bearing True Witness: quot Now that I Found Islam What do I do With it quot أونلاين

This present book is the last in a series of four. The first book in this series, The
Eighth Scroll, is a work of historical fiction—an action/adventure novel designed to
thrill the audience, and at the same time ease them into the subject of comparative
religion. The second book in this series, The First and Final Commandment, has been
rewritten and divided into two volumes, MisGod'ed and God'ed. With publication of
these two volumes—now books numbered two and three in this series—The First and
Final Commandment becomes redundant, but remains on the market for those who
prefer one large tome over two separate volumes. MisGod'ed provides a roadmap of
guidance and misguidance in the Abrahamic religions, and presents the continuity of
revelation from Judaism to Christianity, and then to Islam. God'ed picks up where
MisGod'ed leaves off, and argues the case for Islam as the completion of revelation.
Bearing True Witness completes this series by providing practical guidance to those
who embrace the Islamic religion. However, a fifth book is in the planning stage, in
which I intend to address the many disingenuous criticisms and blatant slanders
leveled against Muslims and the Islamic religion. In this book, I plan to discuss
polygamy, slavery, racism, the female headscarf, oppression of women, terrorism,
“fundamentalism,” and idolatry, among other topics.
The order of this series of books, then, is to introduce the fiction-reading audience to a
serious investigation of religious evidence (The Eighth Scroll), to analyze that body of
evidence (MisGod'ed), to argue the case for Islam as the final revelation and
fulfillment of predictions of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (God'ed), to suggest
the manner in which the Islamic religion should be practically applied (Bearing True
Witness), and to provide the confirmed Muslim with defense against the most
common slanders against Islam (in the planned fifth book in this series).
Regarding the present work, Muslims frequently observe that converts to the Islamic
religion progress through several stages of ideological, spiritual, and psychological
growth before achieving a semblance of religious maturity. The period of maturation
varies from one individual to another, as does the end result. Some Muslims have
shown remarkable religious maturity as children. Others experience dramatic reversal
of ideology late in life. The renunciation of extreme Sufism by the famous eleventh
century (CE) Imam Al-Ghazali (full name: Abu Haamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali) in
later life, and the refutation of his errors in aqeeda by the tenth century (CE) Al-
Ash’aree (full name: Abu Al-Hasan ‘Ali ibn Ismaa’eel al-Ash’aree, to whom the
Ash’aree aqeeda is attributed), also late in his days, serve as prominent examples. In
more recent history, Malcolm X’s transition from the racist and ideologically
condemned political cult known as the Nation of Islam to orthodox (Sunni) Islam is
perhaps the best known example.
On the tail of Dr. Brown’s two theological tsunamis, MisGod’ed and God’ed, comes this indispensable Islamic primer. Bearing True Witness takes its rightful place at the conclusion of this trilogy of theological works by providing essential yet practical advice on how to correctly live the chosen religion of Islam.
سنة النشر : 2007م / 1428هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 310.2 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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