📘 قراءة كتاب Hajj and Umrah Guide أونلاين

Praise be to Allah w ho m ade Hajj to His Sacred House
an obligation upon every able M uslim , and m ade the
accepted Hajj an expiation for sins and transgressions.
And blessings and peace be upon His chosen Prophet,
the m ost excellent of those w ho has perform ed taw af
and sa'i and the m ost noble of those w ho has praised
Allah and supplicated, and upon his fam ily, his
com panions and all those w ho have follow ed his pattern
and exam ple.
I w elcom e you, noble pilgrim , to this secure city and I ask
Allah to enable you to com plete the rites of Hajj and
Um rah in the w ay pleasing to Him, done p urely fo r His
acceptance and correctly according to the S unnah of His
Prophet . M ay He accept it and place it in the balance
of your good deeds.
M y brother pilgrim , as there is fo r every group a leader
and for every journey a guide, the leader o f the Hajj
group is Prophet M uham m ad i- and th e ir guide is his
exam ple and Sunnah, for he has said, "Take from me
your rites of Hajj." therefore, it is incum bent on everyone
w ho approaches the House of Allah for Hajj or Um rah to
learn the w ay it w as perform ed by the P rophet 5a through
accurate guidebooks and by asking scholars a bout any
uncertainties one m ay have..
This book now before you, noble pilgrim , is written in
clear language and has a new form at which presents
and sim plifies for you the rulings pertaining to Hajj and
Um rah which I hope you will m ake use of as yo ur guide.
If you should have any doubts or questions, the Islam ic
Affairs of the Kingdom of saudi Arabia will be at your
service to clarify w hatever you need to know. You will find
in its tents and cabins scholars who can guide and direct
you, as Allah, the Exalted has said, "So ask the people of
the m essage {i. e. scolars] if you do not know".
I would like to express deep thanks to m y brother, shaikh
Talal bin Ahm ad al-A qeel for the com pilation of this
guidebook. I ask Allah to place it and all his efforts in this
field in the balance of his good deeds, and to increase
his reward and that of his colleagues in the C om m ittee
for D istribution of R eligious P ublications to P ilgrim s in
Jeddah fo r their blessed work.
If I m ay advise you, d ear guest of Allah, I w ould rem ind
you and m yself to use this precious tim e to earn the
approval of Him w hose guest you have becom e within
the sanctuary of His noble House and to avoid anything
that angers Him, for Allah has said, "And w h o eve r
intends therein [a deed] of deviation or w rongdoing - W e
will m ake him taste of a painful punishm ent".
Ihram is the first of th e rites of H ajj and U m rah .
It m eans the intention (niyyah) to enter the state of
consecration for hajj or U m rah. T h e tim e for perform ance of
U m rah is any tim e throughout the year. T h e tim e for Hajj is
during the Hajj months, which are:
Shawwal, Dhul-Qa'dah and the first ten days of Dhul hijjah.
The duties of Hajj and Umrah begin with ihram at the meeqat (a
point some distance from Makkah beyond which a pilgrim may
not pass without ihram - Refer to page 10).
W hen som eone intending Hajj or U m rah reaches the m eeqat
on land by car or other transport, he should m a ke ghusl (a
com plete bath) and use scent if it is easy for him , but there is
no sin upon him if he does not bathe. T h e n he w ears two
clean w hite ihram garm ents - one w rapped around his w aist
and the other over his shoulders. T h e re is no particular dress
for a w om an in ihram , but she w ears w h ate ver clothing
ad equately covers her body of any color, as long as it is not
conspicuously decorative.
jThen, he/she makes the intention of ihram for Umrah or Hajj, saying:|
( ' See page 15 (or an explanation of these terms.)
W ith th es e w ords he has begun th e talbiyah, announcing
that he is now in the state o f ihram .
W hen the pilgrim com es by sea or by air, it has become
customary for the captain or a crew m em ber to announce
approach to the m eeqat so that the pilgrims am ong the
passengers can prepare them selves for ihram. Then when they
reach the m eeqat, they begin the talbiyah for Hajj or Umrah.
It is allow able for the pilgrim to put on his ihram garm ents at
h om e in his ow n country and begin the rites o f H ajj or U m rah
in the ship or plane with pronunciation of the talbiyah upon
reaching the m eeqat.
Men recite the talbiyah in a loud voice, and women quietly to themselves.
B e fo re ih ra m it is re c o m m e n d e d to d o th e follo w ing:
1. Trim the nails and m ustache, rem ove underarm and pubic hair
2 . W a s h th e e n tire b o d y w h e n it c a n b e d o n e easily. B u t th e re
is no b la m e if o n e d o e s not b a th e .
T h e a fo re m e n tio n e d is fro m th e S u n n a h a n d a p p lie s to both
m e n a n d w o m e n .
3 . T h e m a n re m o v e s all o f his re g u la r (stitc h ed ) clo th in g an d
p u ts o n th e ih ra m g a rm e n ts .
4 . T h e w o m a n re m o v e s h e r fitted fa c e m a s k o r n iq a b . S h e ca n
c o v e r h e r fa c e from n o n -m a h ra m m e n b y letting d o w n a part of
h e r h e a d c o v e r (k h im a r) o v e r it, a n d th e re is no p ro b le m if th e
cloth to u c h e s h e r fa c e .
5. After bathing, the man perfumes his body, but not his ihram garments.
The woman uses only a faint scent that will not be noticeable. ]
There is
no particu-
lar prayer
s p e c ifie d
in the
Sunnah for
a s s u m in g
6. U p o n c o m p le tio n o f th a t m e n tio n e d a b o v e , th e pilgrim m a k e s
th e intention to c o m p le te th e H a jj o r U m ra h , a n d b y d o in g so
h e /s h e h a s e n te re d th e s ta te of ih ra m , e v e n w ith o u t h avin g
p ro n o u n c e d an yth in g o u t loud. If o n e in te n d s ih ra m
im m e d ia te ly a fte r an o b lig a to ry p ra y e r it is g o o d . O r h e c a n p ra y
tw o ra k a h s a s th e S u n n a h a fte r w u d h u .
If o n e is p e rfo rm in g H a jj o r U m ra h on b e h a lf o f s o m e o n e e ls e ,
h e m a k e s th a t in tention a t th e tim e o f ih ra m , a n d m a y say,
"L a b b a y k for s o -a n d -s o ..."
T h e W o rd s o f T a lb iy a h ................................... i
"Labbayk-A llahum m a labbayk. Labbayka la shareeka laka labbayk.
In n a l-h a m d a w a n -n i m a ta la k a w a l-m u lk . L a s h a re e k a lak."
(I re s p o n d [in o b e d ie n c e ] to You, O A lla h , I re s p o n d . I re s p o n d
- no p a rtn e r is th e re to You I re s p o n d .
All p ra is e an d fa v o r is Y ours, an d so vere ig n ty. T h e r e is no
p a rtn e r to Y ou.)
W h e n to R e c ite th e T a lb iy a h |
During Umrah: from the m om ent of ihram until the beginning of tawaf.
D u rin g H ajj: fro m th e m o m e n t o f ih ra m until th e s to n in g th e
la rg e p illar (ja m ra h ) o n th e m o rn in g o f E id. V
The Prophet( specified five points for entering ihram
for those intending Hajj or Um rah. T hese are:
the m eeqat for those com ing from M adfnah. Today
it is called "A byar AM",
and is 450 kilom eters from M akkah al-M ukarram ah.
the m eeqat for those com ing from or through Syria,
Jordan, northern Hijaz, North A frica and Egypt. It is
near the tow n of Rabigh,
183 kilom eters from M akkah, from w hich people
now adays enter ihram .
Qarn al-Manazil the meeqat for those coming from or through Najd
(eastern Arabia). It is now called "as-Sayl al-Kabeer"
Yalamlam the meeqat for those coming from Yemen and farther
south.Today, people assume ihram from as-Sadiyah,
which is 92 kilom eters from M akkah.
Dhatu Irq the meeqat for those coming from the direction of Iraq,
which is 94 kilometers from Makkah al-Mukarramah.
It is obligatory fo r everyone intending hajj or Um rah
to assum e ihram before entering the a rea beyond
these points. A ny w ho know ingly pass through
w ithout ihram m ust return to the m eeqat for ihram ,
otherw ise the violation requires the slaughter of a
sheep in M akkah for distribution to the poor.
"They are for those who come from them and those from
beyond them who intend Hajj and Umrah."____________
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Residents of Makkah assume ihram for hajj from Makkah itself,
but for Umrah they must go to an area outside the borders of
the haram sanctuary, the nearest of which is at-Taneem.
Those who live inside the meeqat area, for example, in
Jeddah, Masturah, Badr, Bahrah, Umm Salam or ash-Shara'i,
assume ihram from their homes.
For them, their place of residence is the meeqat.
My brother pilgrim, as there is for every group a leader and for every journey a guide, the leader of the Hajj group is the prophet
Muhammad peace be upon him and their guide is his example and Sunnah, for he has said “ take from me your rites of Hajj ”. Therefore it’s incumbent on everyone who approaches the House of Allah for hajj or Umrah to learn the way it was performed by the prophet peace be upon him through accurate guidebooks and by asking scholars about any uncertainties one may have. This book now before you, noble pilgrim, is written in clear language and has a new format which presents and simplifies for you the rulings pertaining to Hajj and Umrah which I hope you will make use of as your guide.
Notice : We could not be able to complete this book.
سنة النشر : 2002م / 1423هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 3.6 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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