📘 قراءة كتاب Family System In Islam أونلاين

1. Life an Integrated Whole:
Islam, which implies willing and complete submission to Allah
(tn"tl is a complete way of life embracing all aspects of life
including sexual, reproductive, marital and familial. It underlines
two important points:
Firstly, Islam perceives life as an integrated whole and for this
reason sexuality and reproduction are parts of the whole Islamic
system of life, not outside it.
secondly, Islam which is a Divinely ordained system of life,
possesses injunctions and regulations in its texts - the eur'an and
the Prophetic traditions for the regulation of sexuality,
reproduction and all that are related to these.
Islamlc philosophy of Tawhid integrates all aspects of life
Tawhid implies unity of God, unity of the prophets, unity of life,
unity of mankind, unity of the purpose of creation, unity oi
knowledge, etc. The fundamental beliefs -
i) That there is no god but Allah (swt) and the prophet Mohammad
(pbuh) is the last messenger of Allah (surt) for the whole mankind;
ii) That man's life in this rvorrd is temporary and he/she has to
follow Allah's ordained way of rife (Isllm) in all aspects to be
successful here and in Hereafter and;
iii) That with Allah rests all the final judgements of rewards and punishments in the akhirah (life, hereaftei; are all based on these
unity, Tawhid. Hence, questions on'sexuality' and'reproduction,
are also anchored on the Tawhidic paradigm.
1. Life an Integrated Whole:
Islam, which implies willing and complete submission to Allah
(swt) is a complete way of life embracing all aspects of life
including sexual, reproductive, marital and familial. It underlines
two important points:
Firstly, Islam perceives life as an integrated whole and for this
reason sexuality and reproduction are parts ofthe whole Islamic
system oflife, not outside it.
Secondly, Islam which is a Divinely ordained system of life,
possesses injunctions and regulations in its texts - the Qur'an and
the Prophetic traditions for the regulation of sexuality,
reproduction and all that are related to these.
Islamic philosophy of Tawhid integrates all aspects of life.
Tawhid implies unity of God, unity ofthe prophets, unity oflife,
unity of mankind, unity of the purpose of creation, un,ity of
knowledge, etc. The fundamental beliefs -
i) That there is no god but Allah (swt) and the Prophet Mohammad
(pbuh) is the last messenger ofAllah (swt) for the whole mankind;
ii) That man's life in this world is temporary and he/she has to
follow Allah's ordained way of life (Islam) in all aspects to be
successful here and in Hereafter and~
iii) That with Allah rests all the final judgements ofrewards and
punishments in the akhirah (life, hereafter) are all based on these
Unity, Tawhid. Hence, questions on 'sexuality' and 'reproduction'
are also anchored on the Tawhidic paradigm.
1. Life an Integrated Whole:
Islam, which implies willing and complete submission to Allah
(swt) is a complete way of life embracing all aspects of life
including sexual, reproductive, marital and familial. It underlines
two important points:
Firstly, Islam perceives life as an integrated whole and for this
reason sexuality and reproduction are parts ofthe whole Islamic
system oflife, not outside it.
Secondly, Islam which is a Divinely ordained system of life,
possesses injunctions and regulations in its texts - the Qur'an and
the Prophetic traditions for the regulation of sexuality,
reproduction and all that are related to these.
Islamic philosophy of Tawhid integrates all aspects of life.
Tawhid implies unity of God, unity ofthe prophets, unity oflife,
unity of mankind, unity of the purpose of creation, un,ity of
knowledge, etc. The fundamental beliefs -
i) That there is no god but Allah (swt) and the Prophet Mohammad
(pbuh) is the last messenger ofAllah (swt) for the whole mankind;
ii) That man's life in this world is temporary and he/she has to
follow Allah's ordained way of life (Islam) in all aspects to be
successful here and in Hereafter and~
iii) That with Allah rests all the final judgements ofrewards and
punishments in the akhirah (life, hereafter) are all based on these
Unity, Tawhid. Hence, questions on 'sexuality' and 'reproduction'
are also anchored on the Tawhidic paradigm.
II. VicegerencY - PurPose of Life:
The very raison d'etre of man's creation according to the Qur'an
is the peribrmance of the vicegerency of Allah (swt). The Qur'an
Behold Thy Lord said to the angels:
I will create a vicegerent on earth.
Hence, any thought and activity of man in Islam, be that sexual or
reproductiue, rhould be ultimately related to this purpose of life
vicegerency of Allah (swt)
Sexualify and ReProduction:
With this brief background of Islamic worldview, it is easier now
to look into the Islamic texts on sexuality and reproduction.
Sexuality in Islam is not trivialized as man's animalistic function
to be tackled by his own whim and fancy. Sexuality is perceived
as one of the essential parts of man's life to be regulated and
disciplined through the proper guidance.
A man and a woman in Islam can enter into sexual relationship
only after marriage, which is reckoned as a 'sign' of Allah (swt)
and the ways of the prophets', The Qur'an says:
And among His Signs is this that He created spouses for you from
yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them.
We indeed sent messengers before you (O Mohammad) and We
assigned them wives and children.
It implies that in Islam, the very basis of the marital relationship
between husband and wife through which they can enter into
sexual relationship is 'love'. Furthermore, Allah (swt) implants
II. Vicegerency - Purpose of Life:
The very raison d'etre of man's creation according to the Qur'an
is the perfonnance ofthe vicegerency of Allah (swt). The Qur1an
Behold Thy Lord said to the angels:
I will create a vicegerent on earth.
Hence, any thought and activity of man in Islam, be that sexual or
reproductive, should be ultimately related to this purpose oflife
vicegerency ofAllah (swt).
Sexuality and Reproduction:
With this brief background ofIslamic worldview, it is easier now
to look into the Islamic texts on sexuality and reproduction.
Sexuality in Islam is not trivialized as man's animalistic function
to be tackled by his own whim and fancy. Sexuality is perceived
as one of the essential parts of man's life to be regulated and
disciplined through the proper guidance.
A man and a woman in Islam can enter into sexual relationship
only after marriage, which is reckoned as a 'sign' of Allah (swt)
and the ways ofthe prophets', The Qur1an says:
And among His Signs is this that He created spouses for you from
yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them.
We indeed sent messengers before you (0 Mohammad) and We
assigned them wives and children.
It implies that in Islam, the very basis ofthe marital relationship
between husband and wife through which they can enter into
sexual relationship is 'love'. Furthermore, Allah (swt) implants
A comprehensive and scholarly look at the family unit in Islam, from its conception via marriage to rights and roles of the partners that make for a successful team. The learned author also squarely confronts more touching issues such as polygamy, modes of divorce, and social equality.
سنة النشر : 1999م / 1420هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 962.8 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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