❞ كتاب Dawah Training Manual ❝  ⏤ فضل الرحمن

❞ كتاب Dawah Training Manual ❝ ⏤ فضل الرحمن

What is Da’wah?
Da’wah means to invite or to summon. Usually understood to mean to preach.
Many different ways to invite to Islam; obviously the most important is by example.
The Prophet Muhammad ‘gave’ Da’wah through his personality, honesty and truthfulness

Do ‘I’ Need To Give Da'wah
An important matter for us to realize is that Da’wah is an
obligation upon all of us.
Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an (translated):
“Invite to the way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them
in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His path, and He
is the best aware of those who are guided.”
(Surah an-Nisa’ 16:125)
The Prophet (PBUH) has said
“Convey from me, even one verse.” (al-Bukhari).
Conveying the message therefore does not require a high level of scholarship, it is in fact a
responsibility of each and every one of us, according to our ability.

What If I Don’t Invite And Hide The Truth?
The obligation is further emphasised by the following verse which explains that not conveying
the message – hiding knowledge- is disobedience to Allah, which causes Allah’s curse to
descend on such people, which shows that such a sin leads to The Hellfire.
“ Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which we have sent
down, after We have made it clear for the people in the book, they are the ones cursed by Allah,
and cursed by the cursers.” (Quran 2:159)
In the same connection, The Prophet (PBUH) has stated,
“Whoever hides knowledge, Allah will brand him with the branding iron from The Hellfire.”

The by Dr. gives us the tools we need to turn our interactions into fruitful opportunities for Dawah. Starting from the legal ruling of Dawah and taking us through various Dawah techniques.
فضل الرحمن - فضل الرحمن (1919-1988) مفكر إسلامي باكستاني كبير، ترك بعد وفاته تراثا لا يزال متداولا بالبحث والتحليل في أغلب الجامعات الغربية والمنتديات الثقافية العالمية.

مولده ونشأته

ولد فضل الرحمن في 21 سبتمبر سنة 1919م في مقاطعة حزرة في باكستان. أبوه مولانا شهاب الدين كان عالما من علماء ديوبند في الهند.
تكوينه العلمي

توفي فضل الرحمن في 26 يوليو سنة 1988م، وقد عاش طيلة حياته عيشة بسيطة زاهدة، مما دفع زملاء له لاشتراء مكتبته بمبلغ يفوق أضعاف ما تستحق بغية جعل أرملته في منأى عن الحاجة.

❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ Dawah Training Manual ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Dawah Training Manual

What is Da’wah?
Da’wah means to invite or to summon. Usually understood to mean to preach.
Many different ways to invite to Islam; obviously the most important is by example.
The Prophet Muhammad ‘gave’ Da’wah through his personality, honesty and truthfulness

Do ‘I’ Need To Give Da'wah
An important matter for us to realize is that Da’wah is an
obligation upon all of us.
Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an (translated):
“Invite to the way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them
in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His path, and He
is the best aware of those who are guided.”
(Surah an-Nisa’ 16:125)
The Prophet (PBUH) has said
“Convey from me, even one verse.” (al-Bukhari).
Conveying the message therefore does not require a high level of scholarship, it is in fact a
responsibility of each and every one of us, according to our ability.

What If I Don’t Invite And Hide The Truth?
The obligation is further emphasised by the following verse which explains that not conveying
the message – hiding knowledge- is disobedience to Allah, which causes Allah’s curse to
descend on such people, which shows that such a sin leads to The Hellfire.
“ Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which we have sent
down, after We have made it clear for the people in the book, they are the ones cursed by Allah,
and cursed by the cursers.” (Quran 2:159)
In the same connection, The Prophet (PBUH) has stated,
“Whoever hides knowledge, Allah will brand him with the branding iron from The Hellfire.”

The by Dr. gives us the tools we need to turn our interactions into fruitful opportunities for Dawah. Starting from the legal ruling of Dawah and taking us through various Dawah techniques. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

What is Da’wah?.......................................................................................................................... 4
Do ‘I’ Need To Give Dawa ........................................................................................................... 4
What If I Don’t Invite And Hide The Truth? .................................................................................. 4
What will I get through Da’wah? .................................................................................................. 5
Why Is Da’wah Training necessary?............................................................................................ 5
Methodology of the Prophets ....................................................................................................... 5
What Is The Role of The Da’ee?.................................................................................................. 7
What are we initially inviting to?................................................................................................... 7
Essential Mnemonic when giving Da’wah.................................................................................... 8
The Seven Essentials During Da’wah to avoid the common pitfalls ............................................ 8
Psychology of Da’wah.................................................................................................................. 9
Vital Knowledge ........................................................................................................................... 9
How to Break The Silence and Start a Conversation................................................................... 9
Stopping people in the street ..................................................................................................... 10
Why should they accept a Creator (or God) into their life? ........................................................ 10
Closing the deal... ...................................................................................................................... 11
Basic Rule: During Conversations ............................................................................................. 11
The Key to Da’wah .................................................................................................................... 11
How to Prove That The Qur'an Is From Almighty God............................................................... 12
How to Prove That The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Was a True Prophet .............................. 13
How To Prove That The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Didn’t Copy The Bible........................... 13
Christian beliefs (except Jehovah witnesses): ........................................................................... 13
Formulation of the Bible............................................................................................................. 14
Da’wah to a Christian:................................................................................................................ 15
The Key to Da'wah with Christians ............................................................................................ 16
Jesus lived as a Muslim (from the Bible).................................................................................... 16
How to Prove that Jesus (PBUH) Is NOT God........................................................................... 16
How to Prove That Jesus Was Not the only Son Of God in the Bible ........................................ 17
How To Prove The Bible Contradicts Scientific Facts And Logic ............................................... 17
How To Disprove Trinity............................................................................................................. 18


Beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses ................................................................................................ 18
Giving Da’wah:........................................................................................................................... 18
Their main weak points are:....................................................................................................... 19
Beliefs of Judaism...................................................................................................................... 19
How To Invite Jews To Islam..................................................................................................... 20
The Beliefs................................................................................................................................. 20
Their common criticisms of religion:........................................................................................... 20
Proof that God exists: ................................................................................................................ 20
How to persuade a Hindu of Islam’s truth .................................................................................. 21
So you can marry four wives?.................................................................................................... 22
Why do women have to cover themselves?............................................................................... 22
Why do you call him Allah?........................................................................................................ 22
Further Questions and Comments The Da’ee Should Be Able To Answer.... غير المرجعية الإشارة! خطأ


What is Da’wah?
Da’wah means to invite or to summon. Usually understood to mean to preach.
Many different ways to invite to Islam; obviously the most important is by example.
The Prophet Muhammad ‘gave’ Da’wah through his personality, honesty and truthfulness

Do ‘I’ Need To Give Da'wah
An important matter for us to realize is that Da’wah is an
obligation upon all of us.
Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an (translated):
“Invite to the way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them
in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His path, and He
is the best aware of those who are guided.”
(Surah an-Nisa’ 16:125)
The Prophet (PBUH) has said
“Convey from me, even one verse.” (al-Bukhari).
Conveying the message therefore does not require a high level of scholarship, it is in fact a
responsibility of each and every one of us, according to our ability.

What If I Don’t Invite And Hide The Truth?
The obligation is further emphasised by the following verse which explains that not conveying
the message – hiding knowledge- is disobedience to Allah, which causes Allah’s curse to
descend on such people, which shows that such a sin leads to The Hellfire.
“ Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which we have sent
down, after We have made it clear for the people in the book, they are the ones cursed by Allah,
and cursed by the cursers.” (Quran 2:159)
In the same connection, The Prophet (PBUH) has stated,
“Whoever hides knowledge, Allah will brand him with the branding iron from The Hellfire.”


What will I get through Da’wah?
“And who is better in speech than he who invites to Allah and does righteous deeds, and says: I
am one of the Muslims.”
(The Quran 41:33)
“By Allah, If Allah Were To Guide One Man through You It Would Be Better For You than the
Best Type of Camels”

(Al Bukhari & Muslim)

Why Is Da’wah Training necessary?
Let’s looks at a simple question such as
‘What is Water?’
Surely you would give a different answer to a Biologist a Physicist and a Chemist;
Similarly for a question like:
‘What is Islam?’
The answer must also be appropriate to the listener.
You need to be able to answer some simple questions ‘in the correct way’ Insha’Allah:
For Example:
 Who made God?
 Why Islam not Christianity?
 How Can You Prove Islam is true?
 Can You Prove to me that God Exists.
 Why do natural disasters happen?
 If I become a Muslim will I have to wear a headscarf?
Methodology of the Prophets
Sheikh Salih Ibn Fawzan says that the three essentials in Da’wah are:








 The by Dr. gives us the tools we need to turn our interactions into fruitful opportunities for Dawah. Starting from the legal ruling of Dawah and taking us through various Dawah techniques.

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فضل الرحمن - Fadl al Rahman

كتب فضل الرحمن فضل الرحمن (1919-1988) مفكر إسلامي باكستاني كبير، ترك بعد وفاته تراثا لا يزال متداولا بالبحث والتحليل في أغلب الجامعات الغربية والمنتديات الثقافية العالمية. مولده ونشأته ولد فضل الرحمن في 21 سبتمبر سنة 1919م في مقاطعة حزرة في باكستان. أبوه مولانا شهاب الدين كان عالما من علماء ديوبند في الهند. تكوينه العلمي وفاته توفي فضل الرحمن في 26 يوليو سنة 1988م، وقد عاش طيلة حياته عيشة بسيطة زاهدة، مما دفع زملاء له لاشتراء مكتبته بمبلغ يفوق أضعاف ما تستحق بغية جعل أرملته في منأى عن الحاجة. ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ Dawah Training Manual ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب فضل الرحمن