❞ كتاب The Book of Knowledge ❝  ⏤ أبو خيثمة زهير بن حرب

❞ كتاب The Book of Knowledge ❝ ⏤ أبو خيثمة زهير بن حرب

ll praise is for Allaah and may His peace and blessings be on the Final Messenger, his family and those
who follow him in goodness until the Day of Judgement. To Proceed.
We are pleased to present this, our seventh E-Book, entitled: “
The Book of Knowledge
” - a complete
translation of the classical work


of Imaam Abu Khaithama An-Nasaa’ee (
This treatise is comprised of a collection of
(sayings of the Prophet) and
(sayings of the
Salaf) on the subject of Islaamic Knowledge. By read
ing the various narrations, it is hoped that the reader
will benefit and reflect on the merits and virtues of
seeking, acquiring and teaching knowledge. The treatise
also provides a first-hand look on how the Salaf’s attit
ude was with respect to knowledge – how they sought
it, how they learned it and how they taught it to others
. There are several narrations, also, that give us a
description of the characteristics of some of
the Salaf, their knowledge and their virtues.
Therefore, this treatise is of the utmost importance,
as it provides the reader with an account of the Salaf -
those whom we are obligated to follow and take their ex
ample. And it deals with one of the most important
topics in Islaam, which is Knowledge, since knowledge
is the foundation that is required before doing all
sayings and actions. Al-Haafidh Ibn 'Abd-il-Barr said:
"The scholars have unanimously agreed that there
is from knowledge that which is a specified obligation upon every individual with respect to himself
fard ‘ayn
) and that which is a collective obligation (
fard kifaayah
) – if someone rises to fulfill it, its
obligation becomes withdrawn from the remaining people of that area."
Imaam Ibn Qudaamah said: "As for knowledge of the Relig
ion, all of it is praiseworthy. It is divided
(fundamental issues),
(subsidiary issues),
(introductory knowledge) and
(complementary knowledge). The
consist of the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of the
Prophet, the consensus of the Muslim scholar
s and the narrations of the Sahaabah. The
consist of
what is understood from these fundamental sources from the meanings that are perceived by the
intellect, such that what is understood from it
is something other than the written wording.”
The treatise has been verified by the great schol
ar of our time, Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-
Albaanee. He has provided gradings for many of the narrations as well as notes and commentaries that
give an explanation for some of these narrations.
We ask Allaah that He make this present E-Book a
source of benefit for its readers and a source of
guidance for those who act upon what is in it

أبو خيثمة زهير بن حرب - و زهير بن حرب بن شداد هكذا نسبه الخطيب في تاريخه وابن حجر في تهذيب التهذيب وتقريبه والخزرجي في الخلاصة وابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين، وقال الخطيب في تاريخه: كان جده أشتال فعرب وجعل شدادا.

كنى أبا خيثمة بفتح المعجمة وإسكان المثناة تحت وبعدها مثلثة هكذا ضبط كنيته النووي في شرحه أول حديث في صحيح مسلم ويوافقه في هذه الكنية، وفي الاسم أيضا أبو خيثمة زهير بن معاوية الكوفي من رجال الكتب الستة إلا أنه قلبه في الطبقة فولادته سنة مائة ووفاته سنة أربع وسبعين مائه.

توفي الإمام أبو خيثمة سنة أربع وثلاثين ومائتين أرخ وفاته في هذه السنة الإمام البخاري في التاريخ الكبير وابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين والذهبي في التذكرة وفي العبر والخطيب في تاريخه نقله عن ابنه أبي بكر وعن مطين وعبيد ابن محمد خلف البزار، والحافظ في تقريب التهذيب، وابن كثير في البداية والنهاية، وابن العماد في شذرات، الذهب واتفقت الأقوال على أنه مات في هذه السنة إلا قولا ذكره الخطيب في تاريخه عن أبي غالب علي بن أحمد بن النصر وقال الخطيب: هذا وهم، وكانت وفاته في بغداد ذكره البخاري في التاريخ الكبير والذهبي في العبر، وقد ذكر البخاري في التاريخ وابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين أن وفاته في شهر ربيع الآخر، ونقل الخطيب عن أبيه أبي بكر أنه قال: ولد أبي زهير بن حرب سنة ستين ومائة، ومات ليلة الخميس لسبع ليال خلون من شعبان سنة أربع وثلاثين ومائتين في خلافة جعفر المتوكل وهو ابن أربع وسبعين سنة وكذا ذكر الذهبي في العبر أن وفاته في شعبان وأظهر القولين في تعيين الشهر الذي مات فيه ما قاله ابنه لكونه أخص به وأدرى من غيره في ذلك، وقد ذكر مدة عمره وأنها أربع وسبعون سنة سوى ابنه ابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين والذهبي في التذكرة وفي العبر والحافظ ابن حجر في التقريب.

❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Book of Knowledge ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
The Book of Knowledge

2001م - 1446هـ

ll praise is for Allaah and may His peace and blessings be on the Final Messenger, his family and those
who follow him in goodness until the Day of Judgement. To Proceed.
We are pleased to present this, our seventh E-Book, entitled: “
The Book of Knowledge
” - a complete
translation of the classical work


of Imaam Abu Khaithama An-Nasaa’ee (
This treatise is comprised of a collection of
(sayings of the Prophet) and
(sayings of the
Salaf) on the subject of Islaamic Knowledge. By read
ing the various narrations, it is hoped that the reader
will benefit and reflect on the merits and virtues of
seeking, acquiring and teaching knowledge. The treatise
also provides a first-hand look on how the Salaf’s attit
ude was with respect to knowledge – how they sought
it, how they learned it and how they taught it to others
. There are several narrations, also, that give us a
description of the characteristics of some of
the Salaf, their knowledge and their virtues.
Therefore, this treatise is of the utmost importance,
as it provides the reader with an account of the Salaf -
those whom we are obligated to follow and take their ex
ample. And it deals with one of the most important
topics in Islaam, which is Knowledge, since knowledge
is the foundation that is required before doing all
sayings and actions. Al-Haafidh Ibn 'Abd-il-Barr said:
"The scholars have unanimously agreed that there
is from knowledge that which is a specified obligation upon every individual with respect to himself
fard ‘ayn
) and that which is a collective obligation (
fard kifaayah
) – if someone rises to fulfill it, its
obligation becomes withdrawn from the remaining people of that area."
Imaam Ibn Qudaamah said: "As for knowledge of the Relig
ion, all of it is praiseworthy. It is divided
(fundamental issues),
(subsidiary issues),
(introductory knowledge) and
(complementary knowledge). The
consist of the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of the
Prophet, the consensus of the Muslim scholar
s and the narrations of the Sahaabah. The
consist of
what is understood from these fundamental sources from the meanings that are perceived by the
intellect, such that what is understood from it
is something other than the written wording.”
The treatise has been verified by the great schol
ar of our time, Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-
Albaanee. He has provided gradings for many of the narrations as well as notes and commentaries that
give an explanation for some of these narrations.
We ask Allaah that He make this present E-Book a
source of benefit for its readers and a source of
guidance for those who act upon what is in it

. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

 Chain of Narration back to the Author...................................................    7
2. Narrations on the Merits of Ac
quiring and Spreading Knowledge...................    8
3. The Modesty of some of the
 in Refraining from Speaking.....................    9
4. Narrations and Commentary on the Forbiddance/Allowance of writing hadeeth...    11
5. The Tafseer of the
“And make us leaders of the

...............     12     
6. From the virtues of Sa’eed Ibn Jubair and Ibraaheem An-Nakha’ee.................     13
7. The Travel of one of the Companions to Egypt for obtaining one hadeeth.........    13
8. The Dictation of some of the
 to their students....................................     14
9. Tafseer of
”Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness upon the people”
..     14     
10. The Striving of Mak-hool to gather
 Knowledge from different lands..............     15
11. Meaning of “
” in the hadeeth:
“Convey from me even if it is one

...    15    
12. From the Virtues of Ibn ‘Abbaas and Ibn Mas’ood (
radyAllaahu ‘anhum
).......     16     
13. ‘Umar’s Knowledge compared to the
Knowledge of the People in his time......     18
14. Who are
“those in authority amongst you”
 mentioned in the
?.............    19    
15. Bringing life to the Hadeeth is through Reminding one another of them..........     20
16. Refraining from answering questions
 on things that never occurred...............    21
17. Tafseer of the
“Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allaah”
...     23     
18. Six Companions of the Prophet who
se Knowledge used to be sought............
19. Abu Sa’eed on memorizing hadeeth but not writing them down.....................    25
20. The Reason why Abu Hurairah narrated so many hadeeth...........................    25
21. The Forbiddance of Fatiguing the people with too much Speech...................    26
22. Grading of the hadeeth:
“He would hate that people walk behind him”
.......     26     
23. Narrations on Reporting the hadeeth according to their Meanings..................    27
24. Ibn Mas’ood forewarns: Many Speakers but few Scholars in the Last Days......    28
25. Narrations and Commentary on some of the
 erasing their Books.........
26. The Snatching away of Knowledge is
 through the Death of the Scholars.........    30
27. ‘Aasim Ibn Damurah forbids people from
walking behind Sa’eed Ibn Jubair.....    31
28. ‘Alee on not knowing what Abrogates from what is Abrogated.....................    32
29. The
 on Narrating hadeeth according to their Wordings or Meanings........    33
29. Recording the First Portions of Hadeeth................................................     33
30. Narrations on the Forbiddan
ce of Concealing Knowledge...........................     34
31. Authentication of the hadeeth:
“There are two types of greedy people...”
......    34    
32. Narrations on the Allowance/Forb
iddance of Recording Hadeeth..................    35
33. Abu Hurairah permits a book of hadeet
h written on his authority be reported....    36
34. The
 hatred of people walking behind them....................................    37
35. Grading of the hadeeth:
“The example of one who acquired knowledge...”
...     38     



ll  praise  is  for  Allaah  and  may  His  peace  and  blessings  be  on  the  Final  Messenger,  his  family  and  those  
who follow him in goodness until the Day of Judgement.  To Proceed.
We  are  pleased  to  present  this,  our  seventh  E-Book,  entitled:  “
The  Book  of  Knowledge
”  -  a  complete  
translation of the classical work


 of Imaam Abu Khaithama An-Nasaa’ee (
This  treatise  is  comprised  of  a  collection  of  
  (sayings  of  the  Prophet)  and  
  (sayings  of  the  
Salaf) on the subject of Islaamic Knowledge.  By read
ing the various narrations, it is hoped that the reader
will benefit and reflect on the merits and virtues of
 seeking, acquiring and teaching knowledge.  The treatise
also provides a first-hand look on how the Salaf’s attit
ude was with respect to knowledge – how they sought
it,  how  they  learned  it  and  how  they  taught  it  to  others
.    There  are  several  narrations,  also,  that  give  us  a  
description of the characteristics of some of
the Salaf, their knowledge and their virtues.
Therefore,  this  treatise  is  of  the  utmost  importance,  
as it provides the reader with an account of the Salaf -
those whom we are obligated to follow and take their ex
ample.  And it deals with one of the most important
topics  in  Islaam,  which  is  Knowledge,  since  knowledge  
is  the  foundation  that  is  required  before  doing  all  
sayings and actions.  Al-Haafidh Ibn 'Abd-il-Barr said:
"The scholars have unanimously agreed that there
is  from  knowledge  that  which  is  a  specified  obligation  upon  every  individual  with  respect  to  himself  
fard  ‘ayn
)  and  that  which  is  a  collective  obligation  (
fard  kifaayah
)  –  if  someone  rises  to  fulfill  it,  its  
obligation becomes withdrawn from the remaining people of that area."
Imaam  Ibn  Qudaamah  said:  "As  for  knowledge  of  the  Relig
ion,  all  of  it  is  praiseworthy.    It  is  divided  
 (fundamental issues),
 (subsidiary issues),
 (introductory knowledge) and
 (complementary knowledge).  The
 consist of the Book of Allaah, the Sunnah of the
Prophet, the consensus of the Muslim scholar
s and the narrations of the Sahaabah.  The
 consist of
what  is  understood  from  these  fundamental  sources  from  the  meanings  that  are  perceived  by  the  
intellect, such that what is understood from it
is something other than the written wording.”
The treatise has been verified by the great schol
ar of our time, Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-
Albaanee.  He has provided gradings for many of the narrations as well as notes and commentaries that
give an explanation for some of these narrations.
We  ask  Allaah  that  He  make  this  present  E-Book  a  
source  of  benefit  for  its  readers  and  a  source  of  
guidance for those who act upon what is in it



The  Shaikh,  the  Imaam,  the  'Aalim  (scholar),  the  
Zaahid  (ascetic)  'Izz-ud-Deen  Abul-Hasan  'Alee  Ibn  
Muhammad  Ibn  'Abd-il-Kareem  Al-Juzree  –  may  Allaah
  support  him  –  informed  us  in  the  month  of  
Ramadaan  of  the  year  614H  in  the  city  of  Mausil  (In  northern  'Iraq)  from  the  home  of  his  brother,  
saying: The Shaikh, the Imaam, the 'Aalim Majd-ud-Deen Abul-Faraj Yahyaa Ibn Mahmood Ibn Sa'ad
Al-Asfahaanee informed us, saying: The Shaikh, the
Imaam Abul-Fath Isma'eel Ibn Al-Fadl Ibn Ahmad
Ibn Al-Akh-sheed As-Sarraaj informed us in the year 518H and in the year 522H, saying: Shaikh Abu
Taahir  Muhammad  Ibn  Ahmad  Ibn  'Abd-ir-Raheem  informed  us,  saying:  Abu  Hafs  'Umar  Ibn  
Ibraaheem Al-Kitaanee Al-Muqree informed us, saying: Abul-Qaasim 'Abdullaah Ibn Muhammad 'Abd-
ul-'Azeez Al-Baghawee informed us that:
Abu Khaithama Zuhair Ibn Harb narrated to us, say
ing: Wakee' reported to us, saying: Al-A'amash
reported  to  us  from  Tameem  Ibn  Salamah  from  
Abu  'Ubaidah  that  he  said:  ‘Abdullaah  [Ibn  
Mas’ood] (
radyAllaahu ‘anhu
) said:
“Aspire to become a scholar or a student of knowledge, and do not aspire to become anything other
than that.”
Abu  Khaithama  narrated  to  us,  saying:  Ishaaq  
Ibn  Sulaimaan  Ar-Raazee  stated:  I  heard  Handhala  
report from ‘Awn Ibn ‘Abdillaah that he said:  
“I said to ‘Umar Bin ‘Abd-il-‘Azeez: ‘It was said (to me): If you are able to be a scholar, then be a
scholar.  And if you are not able to do so, then be
 a student of knowledge.  And if you are not able
to be a student of knowledge, then love them.  And
if you can’t love them, then do not hate them.’  
So ‘Umar said: ‘
! (Glory be to Allaah!)  Allaah h
as indeed made a way out for this
Abu  Khaithama  narrated  to  us,  saying:  Jareer  re
ported  to  us  from  Al-A'amash  from  Tameem  Ibn  
Salamah from Abu 'Ubaidah that he said: ‘Abdullaah [Ibn Mas'ood] (
radyAllaahu ‘anhu
) said:
“Whosoever Allaah intends to do good for,
He gives him understanding of the Religion.”
Abu  Khaithama  narrated  to  us,  saying:  Mu'awiyah  Ibn  'Amr  reported  to  us,  saying  that  Zaa'idah  
reported  from  Al-A'amash  from  Tameem  Ibn  Salamah  from  Abu  'Ubaidah  on  the  authority  of  
‘Abdullaah [Ibn Mas'ood] that he (
radyAllaahu ‘anhu
) said:  
“O people, learn!  Then whoever learns, must act (upon what he knows).


 This treatise is comprised of a collection of ahaadeeth sayings of the Prophet and athaar sayings of the Salaf on the subject of Islamic Knowledge. The Tahqeeq of the book was done by Imam Alalbanee.

سنة النشر : 2001م / 1422هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 518 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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كتب أبو خيثمة زهير بن حرب و زهير بن حرب بن شداد هكذا نسبه الخطيب في تاريخه وابن حجر في تهذيب التهذيب وتقريبه والخزرجي في الخلاصة وابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين، وقال الخطيب في تاريخه: كان جده أشتال فعرب وجعل شدادا. كنى أبا خيثمة بفتح المعجمة وإسكان المثناة تحت وبعدها مثلثة هكذا ضبط كنيته النووي في شرحه أول حديث في صحيح مسلم ويوافقه في هذه الكنية، وفي الاسم أيضا أبو خيثمة زهير بن معاوية الكوفي من رجال الكتب الستة إلا أنه قلبه في الطبقة فولادته سنة مائة ووفاته سنة أربع وسبعين مائه. . وفاته توفي الإمام أبو خيثمة سنة أربع وثلاثين ومائتين أرخ وفاته في هذه السنة الإمام البخاري في التاريخ الكبير وابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين والذهبي في التذكرة وفي العبر والخطيب في تاريخه نقله عن ابنه أبي بكر وعن مطين وعبيد ابن محمد خلف البزار، والحافظ في تقريب التهذيب، وابن كثير في البداية والنهاية، وابن العماد في شذرات، الذهب واتفقت الأقوال على أنه مات في هذه السنة إلا قولا ذكره الخطيب في تاريخه عن أبي غالب علي بن أحمد بن النصر وقال الخطيب: هذا وهم، وكانت وفاته في بغداد ذكره البخاري في التاريخ الكبير والذهبي في العبر، وقد ذكر البخاري في التاريخ وابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين أن وفاته في شهر ربيع الآخر، ونقل الخطيب عن أبيه أبي بكر أنه قال: ولد أبي زهير بن حرب سنة ستين ومائة، ومات ليلة الخميس لسبع ليال خلون من شعبان سنة أربع وثلاثين ومائتين في خلافة جعفر المتوكل وهو ابن أربع وسبعين سنة وكذا ذكر الذهبي في العبر أن وفاته في شعبان وأظهر القولين في تعيين الشهر الذي مات فيه ما قاله ابنه لكونه أخص به وأدرى من غيره في ذلك، وقد ذكر مدة عمره وأنها أربع وسبعون سنة سوى ابنه ابن القيسراني في الجمع بين رجال الصحيحين والذهبي في التذكرة وفي العبر والحافظ ابن حجر في التقريب. ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Book of Knowledge ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب أبو خيثمة زهير بن حرب