❞ كتاب Explanation of Riyadh al Saliheen ❝  ⏤ أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي

❞ كتاب Explanation of Riyadh al Saliheen ❝ ⏤ أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي

By the providence/ ofAllah, the Sunnah ofthe Messenger ofAllah (rl--J .1., J-)
has occupied the platform of patronage and concern by the Scholars in every
age and land. Hence, they have completed the preservation, recording and
codification [of the Sunnah] [by means of] the works of Musnad, the authentic
compilations, the works of Sunan, and the Hadeeth based lexicons.
From amongst those who have participated in this noble service ofthe Sunnah
and it's codification is Imam Abu Zakariyyah Yahya ibn SharafAl-Nawawee
Al-Dimashqee [631-676 H]. He is reckoned to be amongst the exemplary and
distinguished personalities of the seventh century. He authored numerous books
of great benefit in miscellaneous subjects, ubiquitously accredited with praise
and eulogy for their immense value.
Accordingly, the Scholars devoted themselves to their study, deriving benefit,
and transmitting from them by virtue of their utility.
Amongst the most ubiquitous in presence and apparent in circulation, between

the Scholars' and the general populace, is the book [entitled] Riyadh al-

This Has Occurred for Two Reasons:

The First: By reason of what has been included in the book from the lofty
Prophetic directives, impelling the purification of the soul, and providing a
means of elevating it.
[In addition, it includes] a powerful impetus to adorn oneself in what has been
fashioned for the individual in matters pertaining to worship, thereby resulting
in an acquisition of it's inherent felicity and purified affair.
The content is particularly suitable for the general populace in the sphere of
awakening a desire and providing a source of intimidation to embark upon the
performance of virtuous deeds.
Furthermore, all that a Muslim is in need of in matters pertaining to his religion,
worldly affairs and the Hereafter [is contained within the book].
It is a book of instruction, unparalleled in content, pertinent to one's existence
on an individual and societal platform. For it provides a complete code of

2 [TN] _An event ascribable to divine interposition and assistance.
3 [TN] - al-Khassa: literally refers to the few, i.e. the Scholars.

A comprehensive explanation and commentary of the first 24 hadith of Imam alNawawi’s classic compilation, Riyadh alSaliheen.
أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي - أبو زكريا يحيى بن شرف الحزامي النووي الشافعي (631هـ-1233م / 676هـ-1277م) المشهور باسم "النووي" هو مُحدّث وفقيه ولغوي مسلم، وأحد أبرز فُقهاء الشافعية، اشتهر بكتبه وتصانيفه العديدة في الفقه والحديث واللغة والتراجم، كرياض الصالحين والأربعين النووية ومنهاج الطالبين والروضة، ويوصف بأنه محرِّر المذهب الشافعي ومهذّبه، ومنقّحه ومرتبه، حيث استقر العمل بين فقهاء الشافعية على ما يرجحه النووي. ويُلقب النووي بشيخ الشافعية، فإذا أُطلق لفظ "الشيخين" عند الشافعية أُريد بهما النووي وأبو القاسم الرافعي القزويني.

ولد النووي في نوى سنة 631هـ، ولما بلغ عشر سنين جعله أبوه في دكان، فجعل لا يشتغل بالبيع والشراء عن تعلم القرآن الكريم وحفظه، حتى ختم القرآن وقد قارب البلوغ، ومكث في بلده نوى حتى بلغ الثامنة عشر من عمره، ثم ارتحل إلى دمشق. قدم النووي دمشق سنة 649هـ، فلازم مفتي الشام عبد الرحمن بن إبراهيم الفزاري وتعلم منه، وبقي النووي في دمشق نحواً من ثمان وعشرين سنة، أمضاها كلها في بيت صغير في المدرسة الرواحية، يتعلّم ويُعلّم ويُؤلف الكتب، وتولى رئاسة دار الحديث الأشرفية، إلى أن وافته المنية سنة 676هـ.

❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ التبيان في آداب حملة القرآن ❝ ❞ شرح متن الأربعين النووية في الأحاديث الصحيحة النبوية ❝ ❞ رياض الصالحين ❝ ❞ المنهاج في شرح صحيح مسلم بن الحجاج (صحيح مسلم بشرح النووي) (ط. المطبعة المصرية بالأزهر) ❝ ❞ رياض الصالحين من كلام سيد المرسلين (ت: التركي) ❝ ❞ الأذكار من كلام سيد الأبرار (ت: الأرناؤوط) ❝ ❞ بستان العارفين (ط. البشائر) ❝ ❞ الأربعين النوويه ❝ ❞ الإيضاح في مناسك الحج والعمرة، وعليه الإفصاح على مسائل الإيضاح على مذاهب الأئمة الأربعة وغيرهم ❝ الناشرين : ❞ دار الكتب العلمية بلبنان ❝ ❞ مؤسسة الرسالة ❝ ❞ موقع دار الإسلام ❝ ❞ دار ابن حزم للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ المركز القومي للترجمة ❝ ❞ دار ابن الجوزي ❝ ❞ دار الفكر المعاصر ❝ ❞ وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية - قطر ❝ ❞ دار ابن كثير ❝ ❞ دار المنهاج للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ دار السلام للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع والترجمة ❝ ❞ دار البشائر الإسلامية ❝ ❞ بيت الأفكار الدولية للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة التراث الاسلامي ❝ ❞ دار الصميعي للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة الصحابة ❝ ❞ دار ابن خزيمة للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة دار البيان ❝ ❞ دار النوادر للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة نزار مصطفى الباز ❝ ❞ دار العقيدة ❝ ❞ مكتبة الإرشاد ❝ ❞ مؤسسة قرطبة ❝ ❞ جداول للنشر و التوزيع و الترجمة ❝ ❞ مكتبة غراس للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ الدار الأثرية ❝ ❞ دار المأمون للثقافة والتراث ❝ ❞ إدارة الطباعة المنيرية ❝ ❞ دار الملاح للطباعه والنشر ❝ ❞ دور نشر متعددة ❝ ❞ مكتبة الاقتصاد الإسلامي ❝ ❞ الكتاب العالمي للنشر ❝ ❞ البلد الأمين ❝ ❞ سطور جديدة ❝ ❞ دار إسلامية ❝ ❞ دار الوسام ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Explanation of Riyadh al Saliheen

1998م - 1446هـ

By the providence/ ofAllah, the Sunnah ofthe Messenger ofAllah (rl--J .1., J-)
has occupied the platform of patronage and concern by the Scholars in every
age and land. Hence, they have completed the preservation, recording and
codification [of the Sunnah] [by means of] the works of Musnad, the authentic
compilations, the works of Sunan, and the Hadeeth based lexicons.
From amongst those who have participated in this noble service ofthe Sunnah
and it's codification is Imam Abu Zakariyyah Yahya ibn SharafAl-Nawawee
Al-Dimashqee [631-676 H]. He is reckoned to be amongst the exemplary and
distinguished personalities of the seventh century. He authored numerous books
of great benefit in miscellaneous subjects, ubiquitously accredited with praise
and eulogy for their immense value.
Accordingly, the Scholars devoted themselves to their study, deriving benefit,
and transmitting from them by virtue of their utility.
Amongst the most ubiquitous in presence and apparent in circulation, between

the Scholars' and the general populace, is the book [entitled] Riyadh al-

This Has Occurred for Two Reasons:

The First: By reason of what has been included in the book from the lofty
Prophetic directives, impelling the purification of the soul, and providing a
means of elevating it.
[In addition, it includes] a powerful impetus to adorn oneself in what has been
fashioned for the individual in matters pertaining to worship, thereby resulting
in an acquisition of it's inherent felicity and purified affair.
The content is particularly suitable for the general populace in the sphere of
awakening a desire and providing a source of intimidation to embark upon the
performance of virtuous deeds.
Furthermore, all that a Muslim is in need of in matters pertaining to his religion,
worldly affairs and the Hereafter [is contained within the book].
It is a book of instruction, unparalleled in content, pertinent to one's existence
on an individual and societal platform. For it provides a complete code of

2 [TN] _An event ascribable to divine interposition and assistance.
3 [TN] - al-Khassa: literally refers to the few, i.e. the Scholars.

A comprehensive explanation and commentary of the first 24 hadith of Imam alNawawi’s classic compilation, Riyadh alSaliheen. .

تعليقات القرّاء:

Translator's Introduction v
Introduction - Imam AI-Nawawee X111
Biography of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih AI-'Uthaymeen XXIX
Biography of Imam AI-Nawawee XIX

Chapter 1 - AI-Ikhlaas and the Derivation of AI-Niyyeh. 1
The definition of al-Niyyeh 1
The distinction between an innovation and an innovator 2
The connection between an innovation and a good intention 3
An explanation of al-Riya'a 9
How might one obtain Ikhlaas1 11
Hadeeth Number 1 - 'Indeed all actions are by intention' 14
Categories of AI-Hijrah 20
An explanation of Takfeer: It's rules and regulations 22
'The hardened heart,' by Ibn al-Qayyim 34
An explanation of Kufr. It's various types 38
Hadeeth Number 2 - 'An army shall conduct a military expedition' 46
A precept of belief: Hadeeth Aahaadand Mutawaatir. 50

An explanationof Riyadh al-Saliheen from the words of the Master of the Messengers
Hadeeth Number 3 - 'There [shall be] no Hijrah after the conquest' 62
Hadeeth Number 4 - 'Verily in Madeenah are men' 68
Superiority of those who engage in Jihaad 72
Hadeeth Number 5 -'Abee Yazeed took out an amount of deenars 74
Hadeeth Number 6 - 'The Messenger of Allah came to visit me' 78
A precept of belief: The Vision of Allah 83
Visitation of the sick 99
A brief history of the Ka 'bah 105
Hadeeth Number 7 - 'Indeed Allah looks not towards your bodies' 119
Hadeeth Number 8 - 'The Messenger of Allah was questioned' 124
Hadeeth Number 9 - 'If two Muslims meet with their swords' 131
Hadeeth Number 10 - 'The prayer of an individual in congregation' 135
Hadeeth Number 11 - 'Indeed Allah has written virtuous actions' 139
Hadeeth Number 12 - 'Three individuals set out [on a journey]' 144

* * *

Chapter 2 - AI-Tawbah 154
'The abandonment of wrongdoing,' by Ibn al-Qayyim 159
The penitence of the one who backbites 163
The command to lower one's gaze 169
Hadeeth Number 13 - 'By Allah - Verily I appeal for forgiveness' 174
Two types of atonement 174

An explanation of Riyadhal-Saliheen fromthe wordsof the Masterof the Messengers
Hadeeth Number 14 - '0 People - Seek repentance' 175
Why did the Prophet (:I) seek penitence? 176
'The effects of abandoning sin,' by Ibn al-Qayyim 177
A definition of al-Tawbah al-Nasooha 181
Hadeeth Number 15 -' Allah is more delighted' 183
A precept of belief: The Delight of Allah 186
Hadeeth Number 16 - 'Indeed Allah...extends His Hand' 191
Hadeeth Number 17 - 'Allah shall accept the penitence' 191
Hadeeth Number 18 - 'Indeed Allah...shall accept the penitence' 192
A precept of belief: The Hand of Allah 193
Hadeeth Number 19 - 'I came to Safwaan ibn 'Assaal' 216
A precept of belief: The Descent of Allah 219
The act of wiping over al-Khuffain 225
An explanation of al-Hawa 229
Hadeeth Number 20 - 'There was a man...who killed ninety-nine' 223
Hadeeth Number 21 - 'I heard Ka'b bin Maalik speaking' 239
Hadeeth Number 22 - 'A woman...came to the Messenger of Allah' 252
Hadeeth Number 23 - 'If the son of Aadam was in possession' 258
Hadeeth Number 24 - 'Allah...Jaughs at two men' 258


By the providence/ ofAllah, the Sunnah ofthe Messenger ofAllah (rl--J .1., J-)
has occupied the platform of patronage and concern by the Scholars in every
age and land. Hence, they have completed the preservation, recording and
codification [of the Sunnah] [by means of] the works of Musnad, the authentic
compilations, the works of Sunan, and the Hadeeth based lexicons.
From amongst those who have participated in this noble service ofthe Sunnah
and it's codification is Imam Abu Zakariyyah Yahya ibn SharafAl-Nawawee
Al-Dimashqee [631-676 H]. He is reckoned to be amongst the exemplary and
distinguished personalities of the seventh century. He authored numerous books
of great benefit in miscellaneous subjects, ubiquitously accredited with praise
and eulogy for their immense value.
Accordingly, the Scholars devoted themselves to their study, deriving benefit,
and transmitting from them by virtue of their utility.
Amongst the most ubiquitous in presence and apparent in circulation, between

the Scholars' and the general populace, is the book [entitled] Riyadh al-

This Has Occurred for Two Reasons:

The First: By reason of what has been included in the book from the lofty
Prophetic directives, impelling the purification of the soul, and providing a
means of elevating it.
[In addition, it includes] a powerful impetus to adorn oneself in what has been
fashioned for the individual in matters pertaining to worship, thereby resulting
in an acquisition of it's inherent felicity and purified affair.
The content is particularly suitable for the general populace in the sphere of
awakening a desire and providing a source of intimidation to embark upon the
performance of virtuous deeds.
Furthermore, all that a Muslim is in need of in matters pertaining to his religion,
worldly affairs and the Hereafter [is contained within the book].
It is a book of instruction, unparalleled in content, pertinent to one's existence
on an individual and societal platform. For it provides a complete code of

2 [TN] _An event ascribable to divine interposition and assistance.
3 [TN] - al-Khassa: literally refers to the few, i.e. the Scholars.


the aggregate number of traditions cited is equal to one thousand, eight
hundred and ninety seven [1897].
The author adopted a practice of inaugurating the majority of chapters with
Verses from the Book of Allah, the Most High, corresponding to the subject of
the traditions quoted in the chapter.
The mode of arrangement and chapter division has been presented in a
systematic manner, superseding other works by virtue of this innovative
Verily His Eminence, my Shaykh, Al-tAllamah Muhammad ibn Salih AI­
'Uthaymeen has demonstrated great concern for this book. For a significant
period of time, he has made recourse to it, annotating the book with beneficial
comments and pointers of elucidation. Students of knowledge have transmitted
them from him in several areas by virtue of their importance and pertinence.
They have endeavoured to circulate [these pointers of clarification], thus
enabling greater numbers to derive benefit from them, perhaps in a similar
fashion to the manner in which benefit was obtained from the original book. I
resolved to ensure it's publication, assuming the responsibility of verifying the
traditions quoted and mentioning their derivation when the need called me to do
I ask Allah the Majestic, the Most High, that this book provides a source of
benefit. [I ask] that he furnishes my Shaykh with a substantial reward, [and] that
He assembles us with him, [including] my parents, and whosoever has a right
upon me, in the Eternal Garden Of Bliss.
My final invocation - all Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Wodds, [may His]
peace be upon the Messengers.
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Slave and Messenger, our
Prophet Muhammad, his family, and whosoever follows them in righteousness
until the Day of Judgement.




 A comprehensive explanation and commentary of the first 24 hadith of Imam alNawawi’s classic compilation, Riyadh alSaliheen.

سنة النشر : 1998م / 1419هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 11.1 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
عداد القراءة: عدد قراءة Explanation of Riyadh al Saliheen

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أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي - Abu Zakaria Yahya bin Sharaf alNawawi

كتب أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي أبو زكريا يحيى بن شرف الحزامي النووي الشافعي (631هـ-1233م / 676هـ-1277م) المشهور باسم "النووي" هو مُحدّث وفقيه ولغوي مسلم، وأحد أبرز فُقهاء الشافعية، اشتهر بكتبه وتصانيفه العديدة في الفقه والحديث واللغة والتراجم، كرياض الصالحين والأربعين النووية ومنهاج الطالبين والروضة، ويوصف بأنه محرِّر المذهب الشافعي ومهذّبه، ومنقّحه ومرتبه، حيث استقر العمل بين فقهاء الشافعية على ما يرجحه النووي. ويُلقب النووي بشيخ الشافعية، فإذا أُطلق لفظ "الشيخين" عند الشافعية أُريد بهما النووي وأبو القاسم الرافعي القزويني. ولد النووي في نوى سنة 631هـ، ولما بلغ عشر سنين جعله أبوه في دكان، فجعل لا يشتغل بالبيع والشراء عن تعلم القرآن الكريم وحفظه، حتى ختم القرآن وقد قارب البلوغ، ومكث في بلده نوى حتى بلغ الثامنة عشر من عمره، ثم ارتحل إلى دمشق. قدم النووي دمشق سنة 649هـ، فلازم مفتي الشام عبد الرحمن بن إبراهيم الفزاري وتعلم منه، وبقي النووي في دمشق نحواً من ثمان وعشرين سنة، أمضاها كلها في بيت صغير في المدرسة الرواحية، يتعلّم ويُعلّم ويُؤلف الكتب، وتولى رئاسة دار الحديث الأشرفية، إلى أن وافته المنية سنة 676هـ. ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ التبيان في آداب حملة القرآن ❝ ❞ شرح متن الأربعين النووية في الأحاديث الصحيحة النبوية ❝ ❞ رياض الصالحين ❝ ❞ المنهاج في شرح صحيح مسلم بن الحجاج (صحيح مسلم بشرح النووي) (ط. المطبعة المصرية بالأزهر) ❝ ❞ رياض الصالحين من كلام سيد المرسلين (ت: التركي) ❝ ❞ الأذكار من كلام سيد الأبرار (ت: الأرناؤوط) ❝ ❞ بستان العارفين (ط. البشائر) ❝ ❞ الأربعين النوويه ❝ ❞ الإيضاح في مناسك الحج والعمرة، وعليه الإفصاح على مسائل الإيضاح على مذاهب الأئمة الأربعة وغيرهم ❝ الناشرين : ❞ دار الكتب العلمية بلبنان ❝ ❞ مؤسسة الرسالة ❝ ❞ موقع دار الإسلام ❝ ❞ دار ابن حزم للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ المركز القومي للترجمة ❝ ❞ دار ابن الجوزي ❝ ❞ دار الفكر المعاصر ❝ ❞ وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية - قطر ❝ ❞ دار ابن كثير ❝ ❞ دار المنهاج للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ دار السلام للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع والترجمة ❝ ❞ دار البشائر الإسلامية ❝ ❞ بيت الأفكار الدولية للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة التراث الاسلامي ❝ ❞ دار الصميعي للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة الصحابة ❝ ❞ دار ابن خزيمة للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة دار البيان ❝ ❞ دار النوادر للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ مكتبة نزار مصطفى الباز ❝ ❞ دار العقيدة ❝ ❞ مكتبة الإرشاد ❝ ❞ مؤسسة قرطبة ❝ ❞ جداول للنشر و التوزيع و الترجمة ❝ ❞ مكتبة غراس للنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❞ الدار الأثرية ❝ ❞ دار المأمون للثقافة والتراث ❝ ❞ إدارة الطباعة المنيرية ❝ ❞ دار الملاح للطباعه والنشر ❝ ❞ دور نشر متعددة ❝ ❞ مكتبة الاقتصاد الإسلامي ❝ ❞ الكتاب العالمي للنشر ❝ ❞ البلد الأمين ❝ ❞ سطور جديدة ❝ ❞ دار إسلامية ❝ ❞ دار الوسام ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب أبو زكريا يحي بن شرف النووي