📘 قراءة كتاب Islam: The Complete and Final Message to Man أونلاين

The Purpose of our Existence: Man’s life is not meaningless. The great wisdom of
man’s creation is to submit to his Creator, Allah, following His commands and abstaining
from His Prohibitions. During life, man will be subjected to trials and tests. This will
expose the true submitters and worshipers of Allah from those who chose otherwise. The
road for success in this life and in the Hereafter is, therefore, to worship Allah as though
the submitter sees Him, and while he see Him not, He truly Sees him.
The Rights of Allah on His Bondsmen: To worship Allah alone, and associate none
with Him in worship.
•The Rights of Man on His Creator: to permit people to enter Paradise if they worship
Him properly.
•The Oneness & Uniqueness (Tawheed) of Allah and its Influence on Creation: Man
should know the Names, Attributes, and Actions of Allah so that he can worship Him
properly. Know that He is the only true God that deserves to be worshipped, associating
no partners whatsoever in His worship. Know that He, Allah, is the One Who Sustains,
Provides, Bestows favors, Gives life and Causes death; the One who is most Merciful,
Severe in Torment, Oft-Forgiving, All-Just, All-Wise, and all that He is qualified with.
Nothing is like Allah. All of His Attributes are True and Real. The how (i.e. the manner)
of His Attributes are known only to Him.
•Knowledge: The Message calls those who accept Islam to acquire knowledge about all
aspects of Islam, and Allah has special levels in Paradise for the people of knowledge.
When we speak about any aspect of Islam we must know about it first. And if we don’t
know, we should as the trusted and knowledgeable scholars.
•Admonition: the believer feels and recognizes that Allah is All-Aware about him and
about his hidden and manifested actions. Nothing escapes Allah's knowledge. He is Most
High, above creation, and His Knowledge encompasses everything.
•Righteousness: Deeds are righteous only when they
(i) are purely done seeking Allah and His Pleasure,
(ii) follow the way (authentic Sunnah) of Prophet Muhammad (), and
(iii) are built on the correct ‘Aqeedah (belief) according to the teachings of the Prophet
() and as understood by the Prophet's companions.
is a brief presentation of Islam defining its terms and teachings, followed by an advice to the Muslims and nonMuslims on following the path of the Righteous Predecessors
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