📘 قراءة كتاب The Foundation of Islamic Faith أونلاين

Existence of God..............................................................................3
Testimonies of Faith.........................................................................4
Second Testimony of Faith...............................................................7
The Pillars of Faith...........................................................................9
Almighty God.................................................................................10
God’s Relationship to Mankind.......................................................11
The Love of God............................................................................14
The Purpose of Life........................................................................15
Prophet’s and Messengers..............................................................17
The Qur’an.....................................................................................21
The Hereafter..................................................................................23
Divine Will/Predestination..............................................................27
How these Pillars affect the Believers..........................................29
It was 610 A.D. when Arabia was to be blessed with the final message
of God, The Qur’an. But a question many people ask and many others have
never thought to ask is-What was the condition of Arabia before Islam? I
would like to introduce this to you using a compare and contrast method
so that you may see what many Muslim and non-Muslim scholars of Arab
history say was the biggest miracle of Muhammad. The fact that he came
simply reciting Arabic phrases which completely transformed the Arabian
Peninsula in 23 years- not to mention about a third of the civilized world
for centuries thereafter.
First of all Arabia was a well-known nomadic society in history.
People were engulfed in tribal prejudice. They were also known for being
a society enveloped in anarchy and lawlessness where crime ran rampant.
Islam came and changed the whole of Arabia and the lands around it to an
organized system of law with federal and local governments as well as a
court system based upon legal scholarship. Islam instituted a very strict
criminal justice system which brought harsh penalties for those who would
corrupt the society especially when encroaching upon the rights of others.
Regardless of what the modernists would like to speculate concerning this
fact, the truth is that the system’s application cut crime down by %90. All
tribal and any other racism was erased and the scale by which people’s
greatness was weighed was replaced with piety and God-Consciousness
regardless of tribe, gender, or skin color.
The Pre-Islamic Arabs were mostly pagan polytheists with a few
Jewish tribes and some Christian converts from the Roman rule in Syria.
In addition to them there were a few atheists and monotheists. All of these
groups were engulfed in the famous Arab superstitions and myths. Within
23 years all of the Arab lands, with close to a million people, had converted
to the purest monotheism of Islam. They left all superstition in exchange for
the belief in God’s omniscience and omnipotence and using His revelation
as the criteria to judge any beliefs or actions.
Before Islam, the Arab society deteriorated due to drinking and
gambling. This ruined the lives of many Arabs while only benefiting the
rich class who ran these trades. The Qur’an wiped out the presence of these
vices by categorically prohibiting them.
In the Days of Ignorance (before Islam), women were generally
seen as sexual objects and a disgrace to the family. The only exception
was in noble families where she was a prized possession because she was
expected to marry another noble thereby being a means for their lineage
to continue. Men married and divorced many women and prostitution was
prevalent even in the noblest areas. Islam raised the status of women who
are spiritually equal to men as servants of God. Women were allowed their
rights to own property, to take part in the political arena, to be leaders and
respected scholars and teachers of some of the greatest men in Islamic
history. The woman was turned into a respected spiritual entity. Islam
taught that the mother deserves more love and respect than the father and
that to raise two righteous daughters is a way for parents to go to Heaven.
Many of the rights given to women in Islam preceded the West’s
feminist movement by 13 centuries. The spread of ignorance which has
led to un-Islamic culture and secularism in Muslim lands has led to women
losing some of this respected spiritual identity and they have become
oppressed in many ways in the last few centuries.
These are just some examples of many. There have been multi-volume
books written on this subject throughout history. In this book I hope to
provide for you the key elements of faith which settled in the hearts of the
Muslims and in turn changed the lives of billions of people throughout
history. I will present to you the core beliefs of the prevailing religion
of over 50 countries and the religion which hundreds of thousands of
Westerners are turning to every year.
The Existence of God and His relationship to us
God exists, and one can use logic to prove the existence of the Creator.
When one sees a building, one knows there is a builder and an architect,
when one sees footprints in the sand or snow; then they can infer someone
or something with feet has walked through even though they haven’t
seen them, when one sees planets and stars (creation) in a very organized
universe built and functioning on intricate systems, then one must infer
that there is an intelligent creator. Especially since Einstein’s premise of
relativity proves that matter is relative to time and space. Everything in
the complex system of the Universe is a testimony to God’s existence. To
make it simple we may look at ourselves. How does your heart beat and
how does your intricate body function on its own? A scientist will say
electricity- it is electric impulses causing your whole body to function and
live. So we ask our scientist friend- Where does the electricity come from
and why does it go away just because the heart or brain stops and why does
the heart or brain stop??? The question is how science’s chaotic beginning
from nothing turned into deep intricate organized systems of life without
an intelligent creator (designer). God is the creator and maintainer of all
things (time and space) and His Knowledge and Mercy surrounds them
while His eternal incomprehensible Holy Self is separate from them.
So now that we believe in the existence of God we must establish a
relationship of love, gratitude, and loyalty with Him, since without Him
we wouldn’t exist either. Throughout history, God has sent Prophets with
messages to guide mankind to His straight path. These Prophets were
supported by miracles to prove the validity of their claim to being sent
with divine revelation. Each time He sent a revelation, He would leave
the responsibility of its preservation to the religious leaders of that society.
The primary teaching of this message with which all Prophets were sent
was that God is One and that nothing else should be worshipped besides
Him. The basic principles of worship are purification of the heart from evil
and submission to God’s will through His revelation and the example set
by His Prophets.
Of course many of these nations corrupted the message and fell
into idol worship and unlegislated religious innovations, so God sent
new Prophets and righteous scholars to clarify to them their deviations.
God would take the responsibility of preserving the final message upon
Himself since there will be no new revelation to come after that. The
logical proof about the necessity of revelation to be sure about your beliefs
and practices is in a computer for example. If you bought a computer and
you didn’t read the directions how easy would it be to program it and
use it correctly and easily? What if you studied the instruction manual?
The Two Testimonies of Faith
Islam is the Religion of all the Prophets of God starting with the
father of mankind, Adam and ending with Muhammad. In Arabic,
Islam means “complete submission to the One God”. I don’t think
anyone would argue that the Prophets taught any other than submission
to the will of the One God. Today this belief is expressed by
declaring and acting upon “the two testimonies” (Ash-Shahaadatain):
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