📘 قراءة كتاب Excerpts from Riyadh us Saliheen أونلاين

(3 ................................... (Publisher the by Forward
(4 ........... (Annawawi Imam-Al of Biography Short
(5 ............. (Annawawi Imam-Al by written Preface
(8 ..................................................................... (Text
(319 ............................................ (Contents of Table
.Merciful Ever, Gracious Most, Allah of name the In
Master our on blessings and peace and, Mighty the Allah to belongs praise All
.companions and family his, Muhammad Prophet and
Holy the after books read and distributed widely and famous most the of One
Rajab of month the in died (Nawawi Imam of Salihin- us –Riyadh is Quran
characterized is and language Arabic in written originally is which.) , H.A 676
this in selected He. Islam of decrees and, morals, values the of inclusiveness of
such only sources known-well from and Quran Holy the of verses relevant book
than more among from fact In. authoritative and authenticated are as Ahadith
authenticity the, book this in mentioned Hadith hundred eight and thousand one
chain narrators of side the from them of forty, challenged were two forty only of
is what all So. texts authenticated other in mentioned were content their but
Sunnah the of Muslims all by undisputed and accepted is book this in contained
accepted is rare the except content its of majority the and), Ahlusunnah (followers
is book this in mentioned meanings and content the So. sections Muslim all by
s'Muslim the and Islam of interpretation agreed the to nearest the as regarded
among concept agreed the know to want who Muslim-non the that means This
know to wants who Muslim the whereas, book this in aim his find will Muslims
.aim his it in finds also behavior Islamic correct the observe and
,simplicity, knowledge deep s'Nawawi Imam of known is what is this Supporting
s'Muslim all made which thing the, governors with dealing in bravery and piety
.him respect and love Ahlusunnah of
original the of translations from prepared was which version abbreviated This
same the reality in is ) Salihin-Us-Riyadh from Excerpts ( of title the under
two forty challenged the and texts repeated the excluding after book original
without reader the for easier it making of aim the mind in putting, Hadith
.book original the of concepts the of any neglecting
,Prophet and Master our on blessings and peace and, success us grant Allah May
.companions and family his
Publisher The
Annawawi Imam-Al of Biograhpy Short
ibn Muriy ibn Sharaf ibn Yahya, Zakariyya Abu, Addin Muhi Shaikh
was Annawawi Hazami-Al Hazam ibn a’Jum ibn Husain ibn Hasan
1233 (H.A 631 in Howran of suburb a Nawa of village the in born
649 year the in Damascus to moved and Nawa in up grew He). D.A
.studies his completed he where, H.A
as regarded were who teachers celebrated many from studied He
were which subjects the all disciplines and subjects their of masters
,Hadith, e-i, age that of scholars religious among current then
twelve daily read to used he and. etc.. Jurisprudence Islamic
Some. books valuable of number large a written had Nawawi Imam
.books other many and.. Tibain-At, Adhkar-Al, Minhaj-Al, RowdahAr, Muslim Sahih on commentary a were completed he books the of
on concentration and simplicity, righteousness, piety of life a led He
.spiritual the
Rajab of 24th the on Nawa of town home his at died Nawawi Imam
.there buried was and. H.A 676
.him forgive and him upon mercy have Allah May
Annawawi Imam-Al by written Preface
.Merciful Ever, gracious Most, Allah of name the In
the, Supreme the, Mighty the, One the, Allah to belongs praise All
day the follow night the makes Who, Forbearing and forgiving Most
have who those for warning and admonition an be would it that so
and wise the for lesson a be should and insight with blessed been
from them awakens and will He whom chooses Who is He. sighted-far
and piety of bounty the them upon bestows and neglect of sleep the
and, observation and reflection with occupied be to them enables
mistake a after steps their retrace to capacity the with them equips
worship to them enables He. advice good follow and accept to and
of pursuit the in constant be to and hereafter the for prepare to, Him
.objectives these
.terms comprehensive and pure, eloquent most the in Him praise I
alone Allah save worship of worthy one no is there that witness Bear I
our that witness bear I. Merciful and Gracious, Noble, Holy is Who
,one loved and friend His and Messenger and Servant His is master
.faith true the to people calls and path straight the out points who
righteous the and Prophets all and him on mercy have Allah May
.descendants their and
peace Prophet the on blessings down calling and Allah of praise After
:affirmed has Allah. proceed I him upon be Allah of blessings and
I. Me worship might they that so humans and, Jin created have I
feed should they that desire I do nor, them from support no desire
their of purpose the that establish clearly verses These). 57-56.51 (Me
imperative, therefore, is It. Allah worship should they that is creation
pay should and mind in constantly purpose this keep should they that
is home this for, ornament and adornment worldly to attention no
world This. abode permanent of place a not is this and eternal not
place a not is This. hereafter the to conveyance of means a merely is
at one abandon will life this of highway The. happiness and joy of
are those Then. forever company one keep not will it, turn certain a
are those and, obedience and worship in life their pass who awake
.life of rule their righteousness make who reasonable and wise
life hither the of character transitory the described Quran Holy The
We that water like is world this of life the: terms following the in
which of, earth the of vegetation the then, clouds the from down send
embellished is earth the and it with mingles, eat cattle and men
complete its are they that believe owners its and, beautiful looks and
We and it to comes command Our, night by or day by then; masters
there existed had nothing if as, field down-mown a into it convert
reflect who people a for signs the expound We do Thus. before day the
A. purpose same the to Quran the in verses numerous are There
of servants wise many are There: context same the in said has poet
its of apprehensive being world the from withdrawn have who Allah
they world the into deeply looked they When. tribulations and trials
deep a as it took They. home true s’human not was it that realized
righteous with equipped vessels of anchors the it in raised and ocean
creation our of purpose the and transitory being world the Thus
adult wise every of duty the becomes it, out set have I as such being
of methods the adopt and ones chosen the of way the follow to Muslim
preparing in occupied be to and understanding and wisdom of men
,attention drawn have I which to purpose the of attainment the for
most and best The. out pointed have I which that mind in keeping
total is purpose this of attainment the for adopted be to way correct
.him upon be Allah of blessings and peace Prophet the to obedience
rectitude and piety in another one Assist: commanded has Allah
:said him upon be Allah of blessings and peace Prophet the and); 2.5(
the, Allah, brother a helping with himself occupies Muslim a as long So
and Tirmidhi, Muslim (him helping with himself occupies, Exalted
will good towards another directs who he: said also has He). Nisai
If: said has and; direction his follows who one the as merit such have
merit much as have will he guidance towards another calls person a
least the being there without, direction his follows who one the as
.(Daud Abu and Muslim (either of merit the in diminution
upon be Allah of blessings and peace Prophet the that reported is It
path right the along person one guide Allah Should: Ali to said him
camels red many than thee for better be will that, thee through
.(Muslim and Bokhari(
directions these and Quran Holy the of verses these mind in Having
moved was I) Allah of blessings and peace be whom on (Prophet the of
peace Prophet the of Ahadith the of such of compendium a prepare to
easy render to help should which him upon be Allah of blessings and
as him serve should and hereafter the to reader a of journey the
and life his in order internal and external acquiring of means a
,discipline the and warnings and urgings comprise should which
training the and conduct of reform the towards exercises and piety
.hearts of purification the and morals of
sources known-well from select to book this in care taken have I
the In. authoritative and authenticated are as Ahadith such only
Quran Holy the of verses relevant some chapter each of beginning
.mentioned be will
the guide to help will it completed is book this if that hoping am I
guard will and goodness and virtue towards, grace s’Allah by, reader
who brethren my of everyone request I. ruin and evil against him
,parents my, me for pray to book this from benefit some draw might
upon entirely depend I. Muslims all for and friends my, teachers my
for sufficient is He. trust my put I Him in and believe I Him in, Allah
nor, evil resist to strength no is There. helper Best the is He and me
.Wise the, Mighty the, Allah through except good do to power any
This abbreviated version which was prepared from translations of the original under the title of Excerpts from RiyadhUsSalihin is in reality the same original book after excluding the repeated texts and the challenged forty two Hadith, putting in mind the aim of making it easier for the reader without neglecting any of the concepts of the original book.
سنة النشر : 2007م / 1428هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 9 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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