📘 قراءة كتاب What Happened In 70 A D A Study In Bible Prophecy أونلاين

Preface ............................................................................ v.
I. What Really Happened In 70 AD? ........................ 1
II. Inspiration of New Testament Under Attack ......... 3
III. Josephus and First Century History ....................... 5
IV. Just A "Minor" Corning At 70 AD? ...................... 6
V. The Date of Revelation .......................................... 7
VI. Daniel and Revelation.......................................... 11
Vll. Matthew 24 and the Second Corning ................... 14
Vill. New Testament Written Before 70 AD? .............. 15
IX. Matthew 24- Luke 17 Chart ............................... 16
X. Cessation of Miraculous Gifts At 70 AD? ........... 18
XI. Does the OT Predict Christ's Return? ................. 21
XII. Conclusion ........................................................... 23
Appendix I ..................................................................... 25
Appendix II ................................................................... 27
Bibliography .................................................................. 29
A book, in pdf format, by Edward Stevens, one of the most prominent messages highlighting the destruction of the statue of the Jews, in Jerusalem, but the author not only stops at this incident, but also tells us many of the mysteries that occurred in the same year, and tells us The common belief in the second return, and lists some of the texts of the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, and other themes that touch upon
In this short message.
This booklet introduces a view of Bible prophecy which
many have found helpful in their Bible study. It answers some
tough questions which have always bothered students of the
. Bible. It provides a CONSISTENT position which easily
refutes false doctrines; makes the book of Revelation easier to
understand; identifies when miraculous gifts ceased; and re-
futes the liberal attack on the inspiration of the New Testa-
ment. It establishes when the N. T. canon was complete. It is
more CONSERVATIVE on most issues than traditional
views are. There is NO COMPROMISE of essential truths of
the Christian faith.
The key to understanding any passage of Scripture has
always been a good grasp of the historical setting in which it
was originally written. Too few are willing to look at what
history has unveiled. Two thousand years from now our
history, culture, politics and language will have changed
dramatically. Imagine someone then having to learn the
ancient language of"modern English" to read one of our daily
newspapers! If they saw one of our political cartoons with a
donkey and an elephant dressed in weird unifonns and acting
strange, what would they think'? How would they go about
understanding the cartoon'? Not only would they have to study
the language, but also our culture, history, politics and eco-
nomic situation as well. The same principle applies to Bible
study. If we are REALLY going to understand the book of
Revelation, we will have to seriously and carefully study the
language, history, culture and politics of the First Century. Of
course, this does not mean that the truths essential for salva-
tion are that difficult to understand. Those essentials are
couched in simple language that everyone can grasp. But
there are numerous scriptures in the Bible which are "hard to
understand" (cf. 2 Pet. 3:16), and Bible prophecy is one of
those things which must be approached with much more
attention given to the original historical context.
One of the main purposes for this booklet is to provide a
closer look at the historical framework of the New Testament.
Why not (at least temporarily) lay aside our traditional inter-
pretations of the book of Revelation (since they have taken us
no where), and objectively look at another alternative.
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