📘 قراءة كتاب What Every Muslim Must Know about Purification أونلاين

Introduction 9
The Unique Qualities of Purification 16
Section 1: Wudoo 22
-Purification from Physical Impurities 23
-Istinjâ ́ and Istijmâr 24
-What is Wudoo ́ 27
-Wudoo ́ is a Prerequisite to the Following Acts 27
-A Description of a Complete Wudoo ́ 29
-Minimum Required Acts for a Valid Wudoo ́ 35
-Voluntary Acts of Wudoo ́ 36
-Things That Invalidate Wudoo ́ 41
-Things in which the Scholars have Differed
in regards to its invalidation of Wudoo ́ 45
-In Cases of Doubt 46
-When Wudoo ́ is Recommended 47
-Common Mistakes in Performing Wudoo ́ 50
-Some Verdicts Regarding Wudoo ́ 56
Section 2: Wiping over Leather Socks and their likes 58
-The Area which must be Wiped 61
-The Conditions for Wiping over Leather Socks 62
-Description of Wiping over Leather Socks 64
-The Time Limit 65
-Things that Invalidate Wiping 66
-Wiping over a Turban or Hijâb 67
-Wiping over Splints, Bandages, and their likes 68
-Some Verdicts regarding Wiping
over Splints and Bandages 70
Section 3: Ghusl 72
-A Description of Complete Ghusl 76
-Minimum Required Acts for a Valid Ghusl 79
-Cases in which Ghusl is Recommended 80
-Things which are Forbidden for
Those in a State of Janâbah 82
-Common Mistakes made in Performing Ghusl 85
Section 4: Tayammum 92
-Factors that Make Tayammum Permissible 94
-A Description of the Tayammum 97
-Things that Invalidate Tayammum 95
-Important Notes 98
-Some Verdicts regarding Tayammum 100
How to Purify a Sick Person 103
All praises are due to Allâh, and may Allâh’s Mercy and Safety be
upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions.
Purity (Tahârah) is a beautiful word that is pleasing to the ears,
and it is a quality which everyone strives to maintain. From an
Islamic perspective, purity is a word which is general in its mean-
ing. It may mean physical cleanness, which is purity (of the body)
from impure substances or states of impurity, or it may mean spi-
ritual purity, which is the purity of one’s self from vices, faults,
sins, and replacing them with good deeds, whether in speech or
deeds. This comprehensive meaning of purity is indicated in the
words of Prophet Muhammad, ()
as reported by Abu Hurairah,
“What do you think? If there was a river at the door of
one of you in which he bathes five times a day, would
there be any filth left on him?” They answered, “There
would be no filth left.” The Prophet () said, “That is
like the five Prayers, through them Allâh wipes away
sins.” (al-Bukhâri)
Also, the Prayer (Salât) is not accepted except if one is in a state
of purity. This state if purity is achieved either through perform-
A nice book covering many aspects of wudoo, ghusl, tayammum, and wiping over socks and bandages.
سنة النشر : 2004م / 1425هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 501.5 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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