📘 قراءة كتاب The Three Fundamental Principles and the Four Basic Rules أونلاين

qawaeid alarbe
alqaeidat al'uwlaa : ana alkufaar fi zaman alrasul aladhin qatalahum kanuu mqriyn bitawhid alrubwbyt, walam yakunuu maqariyn bitawhid al'ulwahiati.
alqaeidat alththaniat : 'ana alkufaar fi zaman alrasul aladhin qatalahum kanuu yaebudun al'asnama, la lanaha tanfae wtdru, bal li'ajal alqirbat walshafaeat faqt.
alqaeidat alththalithat : 'ana alnbia - Mohamed peace be upon him.svg - zahar ealaa nas mtfriqyn fi eibadathim lm yfriq baynahim.
alqaeidat alrrabieat : ana mushrky zamanana aezm shirkana min alawalyn
عرض المزيد
Rules of the four
The first rule: that the infidels in the time of the Prophet who fought them were bound by the unification of the Lord, and were not united by the unification of divinity.
The second rule: that the infidels in the time of the Prophet who fought them were worshiping idols, not because they benefit and hurt, but only for sacrifice and intercession.
The third rule: that the Prophet - peace be upon him.svg - appeared to scattered people in their worship did not differentiate between them.
The fourth rule: that the messengers of our time the greatest trap of the first two
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