Faatihah is placed at the beginning of the Glorious Qur'aan by the
universal consent of Muslim scholars. It sums up the entire
message of the Glorious Qur'aan which is based on the Oneness of
Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and sincerity in worship and
submission to Him, the Almighty.
Faatihah illustrate~ man's relationship with Allaah, the Almighty
in contemplation and prayer.
Praise of Allaah, the Almighty stems from the innermost part of
the human spirit bringing him into union with Allaah, the
Almighty. The human being is allowed to recognise His
authority, magnificence and grace in many ways through the
Faatihah. In such a state of mind, goodness, peace and harmony
become apparent. Evil, rebellion and conflict are purged.
Allaah, of course, needs no praise from His creatures. He is above
all praise. He needs no petition, for He knows our needs better
than we do ourselves. His bounties are open for all mankind
without asking. Righteous and sinner alike are blessed with His
Prayer, however, is for our own spiritual education, consolation
and confirmation.
The attribute "Rahman" (Most Gracious) in particular is not used
or applied to anything or anyone but Allaah, the Almighty unlike
the other attribute "Raheem" (Most Merciful.)
Allaah, the Almighty calls for understanding of all the worlds He
has created, which are indeed numerous, some of which we are
aware, while others are unknown to us.
There is nothing worthy of our devotion other then Allaah, the
Almighty. He, the Almighty, Alone brings about good and
prevents evil.
Those who break Allaah's Laws and Commandments deserve His
wrath and darkness.
But, those who stray out of carelessness or negligence are
Both, however, are responsible for their acts or short-comings.
Allaah will protect those who submit their will to Him, believe in
Him, obey His commands and trust Him whole-heartedly.
Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim reported and authenticated based on
Muslim that Anas (raa) said: "Once, Allaah's Apostle, peace be
upon him, was walking in the company of his companions. He
turned to the man next to him and said: "Should I tell you about
the most virtuous portion of the Glorious Qur'aan?" The man
responded: "Yes, please do." He (pbuh), recited: "All Praise is
due to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds ... "
Prior to reciting any verse, chapter (Soorah) or any portion of the
Glorious Qur'aan, it is urged and recommended to seek refuge
with Allaah, the Almighty, from the evil of the cursed devil
(Anhu, bil-lahi, minash-shaitan-ir-Rajim.) Thus, one will seek
protection with Allaah, the Almighty from the devil who brings
about no goodness whatsoever. One should seek refuge and
protection with Allaah. the Almighty so as no harm is imposed on
him from that evil, as Ibn Kathir has stated.
Saying (In the name of Allaah) implies that one will begin
recitation with the name of Allaah, the Almighty. This statement
is encouraged and recommended when one begins any lawful act,
regardless of nature, in life.
Abu Dawood reported that Allaah's Apostle (pbuh) said: "Any
important act (that one performs) that does not begin with "In the
Name of Allaah, the Beneficent, Most Merciful" is missing
something, cut off and incomplete."
Allaah, the Almighty described Himself with two extremely
important qualities both of which are derived from the same root
word in the Arabic language, "Mercy." Both attributes are a
exaggeration of the act of Mercy. The first, ar-Rahman. the
Beneficent is far reaching, extensive and high meaning given to
the act of Mercy. The second, Ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful is
believed to be the most encompassing word on the Earth in any
language, beyond the imagination or expression of the word
Mercy its derivatives as attributed to Allaah, the Almighty. He,
the Almighty, is the only source of Mercy. His Mercy is far better
than all that man can gather or ac~umulate. The Mercy of
Allaah, the Almighty is capable of absorbing both heaven and
earth. He is more merciful than a mother to her only sick, weak
and small baby.
The statement "All Praise is due to Allaah" (Al-Hamdu-Lil-Lah)
is a reporting statement which means to give all the due,
appropriate and complete praise to Allaah, the Almighty for His
continuous, never-ending and most complete favour bestowed
upon man and all Allaah's creatures. He, the Almighty, owns,
possesses, and controls all Praise. He is the Only One who is
worthy of all praise. He is the Creator, the Sustainer, the
Cherisher, the Caretaker, the Omnipotent and the Master of all
beings. The Word "Allaah" is a proper noun given to no one
other than The Almighty. The word God in English with a
capital "G" falls short of the expression of the Magnificent Deity,
the Almighty, the Perfect concept of the Maker and Originator of
the entire creation.
He, Allaah, the Almighty, is the only Deity worthy of worship and
praise. Nothing is like Him. He is above all of His creation.
Nothing came before Him to proceed Him. His place is above the
heavens, on His own Thrown. Human beings are unable to
comprehend the manner, form and shape that Allaah, the
Almighty has chosen for Himself. Muslims, however, fully and
wholeheartedly believe that He sits on His Thrown above the
entire earth and heavens. This throne cannot be described as a
seat, a thrown in the form of sitting any human knowledge and
understanding. He, the Almighty is beyond time, place, and
space. Human sight, or any other visual ability cannot begin to
envision Allaah, the Almighty or to look upon His place of being
or existence with true actual vision or in dreams or the visionary
powers of the human brain.
The visionary powers of man cannot reach Him, the Almighty.
But He, the Almighty seizes and controls all the visionary powers
of all mankind. He is the Most Kind, Most Knowledgeable.
Allaah, the Almighty is the King, the Owner, the Judge and the
One who decides all disputes between men, his actions, his
ideologies in worship, his association of other gods with Allaah,
the Almighty, his ~cts of obedience and disobedience committed
in the sight of Allaah. He, the Almighty is the Governor, the
Rul~r and the Mighty Power that sets all people right according to
their intentions, actions, behaviour (concealed and open). He, the
Almighty knows the inner most secrets of man, this little creature,
though man may think so great of himself. He, the Almighty
knows the acts of betrayal and what the hearts and minds attempt
to conceal from other. Only Allaah, the. Almighty is entitled to
judgement in accordance with his extremely accurate and detailed
records. Man's very own hands, legs, tongue, lips and entire skin
will testify.
On the day of judgement, man will wonder at the betrayal of his
organs. Yet, they will be unable to hide or deny their use. They
will be subject to Allaah's Instructions as the Enabler of All
Things. Allaah, the Almighty will allow man, beast, tree and
rocks testify by His Command, the Almighty.
Allaah, the Almighty is the Lord, the Caretaker, the Cherisher
and the Sustainer of all beings and all the worlds in their various
shapes, forms, sorts and kinds. Allaah's worlds are all entities
that exist by the Command of Allaah, as stated by Qurtubi in his
well-known Tafsir of the Glorious Qur'aan.
Man must declare his intention to worship Allaah Alone. No
other deities are worthy or entitled to be worshipped but Allaah,
the Almighty.
One must declare his submission willingly and wholehearted to
Allaah, the Almighty.
One must obey the entire Commandments of Allaah, the
Almighty without external imposition upon him. The guidelines
set up for man by Allaah, the Almighty has set for man have been
taught through His Messengers and Prophets. One must follow
these commands precisely and to the best of one's abilities.
Man must adhere to the laws set forth for man on earth by Allaah,
the Almighty. One must accept these laws willingly without
argument or discussion to avoid denial of the Authority of Allaah,
the Almighty. Following one's own whims, desires, passions and
traditions of one's forefathers, man risks becoming corrupted and
misguided further. For these reasons, man must oblige himself to
follow the rules and regulations set forth by Allaah, the Almighty
for him. Man must adhere to the principles of faith and belief
established by Allaah, the Almighty. Man must follow and abide
by the rules and regulations set by Allaah, the Almighty in terms
of all rituals of worship such as prayer, fasting, charity,
pilgrimage, and all other dealings in human life such as financial
transactions, crime and punishment, marriage and divorce as well
as all other matters.
Man should, first and foremost, seek help and assistance from
Allaah, His creator and Caretaker. Man must realise that no one
power to harm or benefit him except according to destiny
prescribed by Allaah, the Almighty.
Man must leave no space in his heart for any other deity, friend,
relative, father, son, daughter, wife, governor, leader, magnificent
man or power but Allaah, the Almighty.
"Thee we worship, and from Thee we seek help."
Man must seek the guidance from Allaah, the Almighty Alone
toward the Right, Straight and Complete Path to success. This is
a path that has no detours and no curves leading to Allaah, the
Man must pray wholeheartedly to be tied tightly to this straight
path. This straight path is nothing more than lslaam, the most
authentic, complete and direct path to Allaah, the Almighty.
lslaam is the path of those upon whom Allaah, the Almighty has
bestowed His favour. Therefore, committed Muslims are
completely obedient to Allaah, the Almighty. Among these are
Allaah's Angels, His Prophets, His Messengers, being who believe
fully in Him, martyrs who witness to the reality of Allaah, the
Almighty and the rightly-guided persons who truly worship
Allaah alone, as Ibn Kathir states in his Tafsir.
The verses continue to say, "those who received Your Wrath,"
which indicates that Muslims, believers and committed beings
must avoid the style, way of life, character, behaviour and conduct
of those who are labelled to have received the wrath of Allaah, the
Almighty. Otherwise, such people will subject themselves and
their souls to the Wrath of Allaah, the Almighty which descends
at His command. ·
Muslims are urged not to follow, immolate or closely associate
with such cursed people who have received Allaah's Wrath.
Allaah's Apostle, (pbuh) said: "He who appears like a certain
people (or individuals) will be gathered with them (on the same
footing) on the Day of Judgement."
He, (pbuh) also said: "He who takes the (shape) appearance of
certain kind of people (or individuals) will be considered a part of
Furthermore, Allaah's Apostle, (pbuh) said: "A man (person) will
be gathered along with those who he loves (or likes)."
Avoiding such groups of people is the responsibility of each and
every committed believing Muslim. One must be aware of their
plots and acts to attract, pull, immerse and put simple-minded
believers under their influence. Such groups of people named to
deserve Allaah's wrath are the Jews of Moses, Jacob and Israel,
according to the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir.
All other people whose faith and belief became corrupt are also
included in this verse, Allaah is the Best-Knower. All people who
befriend, deal with or associate to any degree with such corrupted
groups must also be avoided.
Such corrupted group of people may know the essence of truth,
the laws of Allaah and the codes of good practices, but,
unfortunately, choose to divert, abandon and refuse to follow the
laws of Allaah while actively urging others not to follow.
Such corrupted groups wish to share their distorted beliefs and
evil practices to avoid being singled out among the rest for their
ill behaviour.
سنة النشر : 1995م / 1416هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 349.8 كيلوبايت .
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