❞ كتاب The Jinn and Human Sickness ❝  ⏤ أبو المنذر خليل بن ابراهيم امين

❞ كتاب The Jinn and Human Sickness ❝ ⏤ أبو المنذر خليل بن ابراهيم امين


Praise be to Allaah. We praise Him and seek His help
and forgiveness and guidance. We seek refuge with
Allaah from the evil of our own selves and from our
evil deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides, none can lead
astray, and whomsoever He sends astray none can
guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah
alone, with no partner or associate, and I bear witness
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Treating illness by means of the Noble Qur'aan is a
practice that was abandoned for a while, and
remained unknown except to a small number of
scholars, to such an extent that the people knew of
nothing but witches11* and soothsayers, and the wares
of charlatans and frauds became popular. Then the
Lord of creation willed that a number of sincere
be prepared to deal with this matter. They
revived this practice after it had died out and brought
it back to life after it had disappeared. Those who
treated sickness by means of the Qur'aan did not seek
any wages for their treatment and recitation, except
from the One Who is the Sovereign of the heavens and
the earth, may He be glorified and exalted.
At that point the wares of the witches and frauds
became defunct and the people began to distinguish
good from evil, and they turned to the Qur'aanic
The word "witch" is used here to refer to a practitioner of
whether male or female.

The subject of the jinn is one which is of interest to many people. Folk stories abound, and many superstitious practices have arisen in Muslim cultures with regard to protection against the jinn. Many myths surround the ideas of the evil eye and envy, and there are many strange notions surrounding illnesses such as epilepsy and mental illness, which are often thought of as being caused by the jinn. This book cuts through all the confusion and identifies correct Islamic teachings on all these subjects. The jinn are real and they can indeed harm humans, but this book will teach you how to protect yourself in the manner taught by the Prophet peace be upon him .
أبو المنذر خليل بن ابراهيم امين -

❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Jinn and Human Sickness ❝ ❞ خانه عنکبوت ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
The Jinn and Human Sickness

2005م - 1446هـ

Praise be to Allaah. We praise Him and seek His help
and forgiveness and guidance. We seek refuge with
Allaah from the evil of our own selves and from our
evil deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides, none can lead
astray, and whomsoever He sends astray none can
guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah
alone, with no partner or associate, and I bear witness
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Treating illness by means of the Noble Qur'aan is a
practice that was abandoned for a while, and
remained unknown except to a small number of
scholars, to such an extent that the people knew of
nothing but witches11* and soothsayers, and the wares
of charlatans and frauds became popular. Then the
Lord of creation willed that a number of sincere
be prepared to deal with this matter. They
revived this practice after it had died out and brought
it back to life after it had disappeared. Those who
treated sickness by means of the Qur'aan did not seek
any wages for their treatment and recitation, except
from the One Who is the Sovereign of the heavens and
the earth, may He be glorified and exalted.
At that point the wares of the witches and frauds
became defunct and the people began to distinguish
good from evil, and they turned to the Qur'aanic
The word "witch" is used here to refer to a practitioner of
whether male or female.

The subject of the jinn is one which is of interest to many people. Folk stories abound, and many superstitious practices have arisen in Muslim cultures with regard to protection against the jinn. Many myths surround the ideas of the evil eye and envy, and there are many strange notions surrounding illnesses such as epilepsy and mental illness, which are often thought of as being caused by the jinn. This book cuts through all the confusion and identifies correct Islamic teachings on all these subjects. The jinn are real and they can indeed harm humans, but this book will teach you how to protect yourself in the manner taught by the Prophet peace be upon him . .

تعليقات القرّاء:


ranslator's Foreword
Chapter 1
The  beliefs  of  the  people  of
  concerning  the  jinn
and  devils............................................................................  
Definition of
The  beliefs  of  the  people  of
  concerning  the  jinn
and  devils.............................................................................      32
Madness and epilepsy caused by the jinn
Kinds of sickness and harm caused by the jinn
Reasons why people are afraid of the jinn
Reasons why a jinn may be able to  overpower and harm a
Symptoms of jinn possession
Description  and  conditions  of  the  practitioner  of  the
Qur'aanic remedies..............................................................  
How is the sickness diagnosed?
.....................................................................      93
The Verses that punish the jinn
Nose drops made of Indian
How to administer nose drops made of Indian
As  well  as  adhering  to  the  following  program,  what  else
should the patient do?
Drinking Zamzam water
Smearing the body with olive oil
What  should  be  recited  over  the  jinn  if  he  breaks  his
promise and comes back
The Jinn and  Human Sickness
Treating a case of love between a
  and  a human
Ten ways  of avoiding  the  harm  of the
  and  protecting
oneself against the devils:
Towards correcting the methods of treatment
Chapter 2:
Witchcraft and  witches
The  Arabic word
Evidence  for the existence of witchcraft
Evidence from the Noble Qu/aan
Comments of the scholars concerning witchcraft
Kinds  of witchcraft............
Witchcraft of stars and planets
Conditions  which  must  be  met  by  a  witch  according  to
What the witch does in society
How  does the witch perform witchcraft?
The effect of witchcraft on the victim
Useful information about witchcraft
Beware of the following types of practitioners
Signs by which a  witch may be recognized
Warning against going to witches
How to protect yourself against witchcraft
Treating witchcraft
The practitioner must do the following:
Drinking senna  to treat witchcraft
How to prepare the drink
Cupping as a  remedy for witchcraft
The time for cupping
Treating impotence
What is the secret of the curse of the  Pharaohs?
Chapter 3:
The evil  eye,  envy  (
), protection  and remedies
The evil  eye...........................................................................    253
Evidence for the existence of the evil eye from the Qu/aan
...........................................................................    254
The evil eye is real
The difference between the evil eye and envy...................     259
Envy  (
)   ......................................................................    260
Evidence for the existence of envy
Characteristics of the envier —so that they may be avoided   262
What are the characteristics of the envier?...........................   263
Remedy for envy in the
light of Islam
Types of affliction with the evil eye.....................................   266
(i)  Repelling the evil eye before it strikes
(ii)  Remedying the evil eye after it has happened
(iii) Treating the evil eye with
................   272
Widespread reprehensible innovations to do with
protection against the evil eye and envy............................    277
Chapter 4:
Mental and nervous illnesses......................
D elu sio n
.   284
Causes of epilepsy................................................................    284
Treatment of epilepsy
Depression............................................................................    290
Causes of depression:
Symptoms of anxiety
Main causes of anxiety
Treatment of anxiety
Attributes of the balanced believer
List of qualities that lead to completeness of faith
The Jinn and  Human Sickness
The  most  important  characteristics  enjoined  in  general
List of major sins that have to do with one's inward attitude   310
List of things that are forbidden in general terms
Chapter 5
Strong  protection  against  the  evil  devils  and  stubborn
What should be  said when going to sleep.
What  a  person  who  is  tossing  and  turning  and  cannot
sleep should  say
What one should  say when woken suddenly  from sleep
What  a  person  should  say  if  he  sees  something  that  he
likes or dislikes in his dream
What should be said when entering the toilet
Saying bismillaah when eating and drinking
What should be said  when leaving the house
What should  be said  when entering the house
What is  to be said when having intecourse
What a  person should  do  and  say if he gets angry
Prayer for protection for a child
,  .  ..
What is to be said by  one who is  suffering from loneliness   364
What   should  be   said   by  one  to  whom  the
appears or who is frightened by him.
The  one  to  whom  the
  appears  should  do  the
What  should  be  said  by  one  who  hears  the  crowing  of  a
rooster, the braying of a donkey and the barking of a  dog.   372
What should be said  by one to whom ghouls appear.
What should  be said  by one who stops in a new place.
.  ...

Praise be to Allaah. We praise Him and seek His help
and  forgiveness  and  guidance.  We  seek  refuge  with
Allaah from the evil of our own selves and from our
evil deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides, none can lead
astray,  and  whomsoever  He  sends  astray  none  can
guide.  I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah
alone, with no partner or associate, and I bear witness
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Treating illness  by means  of the  Noble  Qur'aan is  a
practice  that  was  abandoned  for  a  while,  and
remained  unknown  except  to  a  small  number  of
scholars,  to  such  an extent  that  the  people  knew  of
nothing but witches11*  and soothsayers, and the wares
of  charlatans  and  frauds  became  popular.  Then  the
Lord  of  creation  willed  that  a  number  of  sincere
  be prepared  to  deal with  this matter.  They
revived this practice after it had died out and brought
it  back  to  life  after  it  had  disappeared.  Those  who
treated sickness by means of the Qur'aan did not seek
any  wages  for  their  treatment  and  recitation,  except
from the One Who is the Sovereign of the heavens and
the earth, may He be glorified and exalted.
At  that  point  the  wares  of  the  witches  and  frauds
became  defunct and  the people began  to  distinguish
good  from  evil,  and  they  turned  to  the  Qur'aanic
The  word  "witch"  is  used  here  to  refer  to  a  practitioner  of
 whether male or female.
The Jinn and Human Sickness
Hundreds  of  sick  people  who  had  been  going  to
hospitals for many years were treated.
Hundreds  of  epileptics  who  had  been  going  to
psychiatric clinics for months were treated.
Innumerable people  who had been  going to  witches
and charlatans were treated.
How many families found joy after suffering grief.
How many couples were reconciled after having been
How many insane people came back to their senses.
How  many  impotent  married  man  became  able  to
function normally
How  many  anxious  and  tense  people  were  able  to
relax and feel happy again
What is amazing about this matter is the fact that those
sincere practitioners of the Qur'aanic remedies do not
want any reward or thanks for their treatment except
  and to save their brothers'  faith from
being corrupted by the witches and charlatans, and to
preserve  the  honour  of  Muslim  women  from  being
impugned by the witches and soothsayers. They seek
reward  with  Allaah  for  this  treatment,  as  they  seek
reward  with Him for calling others  to Islam and for
doing their charitable work.
To these sincere workers who are striving for the sake
of Allaah, I express my thanks and appreciation, and I
pray to the Lord of heaven and earth to protect them
from all evil and to crown their deeds with sincerity.
Then  many  books  and  essays  appeared,  one  after
another,  on  this  topic,  but  there  are  some  aspects
which have not yet been  dealt with.  But everyone  is
guided to that for which he has been created.
Our brother  Khaleel  Al-Fuqaa'i,  may  Allaah honour
him, is one of the young men who have contributed to
this field  on both  the  theoretical  and  practical  level.
Allaah has healed many people at his hands, and we
ask Allaah to reward him immensely.
Now  he  has  presented  me  with  this  book  on  the
subject,  which  he  has  entitled
"At-Turqul-Hisaan  Fi
Amradil Jaan
I have read it and found it to be creative, taking a new
approach to some aspects of the topic. It is helpful to
both the patient and the practitioner of the Qur'aanic
I ask  Allaah  to benefit him  through  this  work  in his
lifetime  and  to  make  it  a  treasure  stored  up  for him
after his death.
Finally, I offer him my congratulations and say to him:
Go  ahead,  O  AbuT-Mundhir,  and  serve  the  Muslims,
treating their sick and helping their weak ones. May you
benefit from sincere
 and may your slogan be:
"No reward do I ask of you for it; my reward is only
from the Lord of the Aalameen (mankind
jinn and all
that exists
) ."
' 26:109,127,145,164,180
The Jinn and Human Sickness.
The Jinn and Human Sickness
"I only desire reform to the best of my power. And my
guidance cannot come except from Allaah,  in Him I
trust and unto Him I repent."
O  Allaah, send blessings and peace upon Muhammad,
the  unlettered  Prophet,  and  upon  his  family  and

Praise be to Allaah. We praise Him and seek His help
and  forgiveness  and  guidance.  We  seek  refuge  with
Allaah from the evil of our own selves and from our
evil deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides, none can lead
astray,  and  whomsoever  He  sends  astray  none  can
guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allaah
alone, with no partner or associate, and I bear witness
that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
"O you who believe! Fear Allaah (by doing all that He
has  ordered and by abstaining from  all  that He has
forbidden)  as  He  should  be feared.  (Obey  Him,  be
thankful to Him, and remember Him always,) and die
not  except  in  a  state  of Islam  [as  Muslims  (with
complete submission to Allaah)]/'
(Aal 'Imraan
"O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you
from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He
created his wife [Hawwa (Eve)], and from them both He
created many men and women; and fear Allaah through
Whom you demand  (your mutual rights),  and (do not
cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship
) .
Surely, Allaah
is Ever an All-Watcher over you."
The Jinn and Human Sickness
"O you  who believe! Keep your duty to Allaah and
fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct
you  to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you
your  sins.  And  whosoever  obeys  Allaah  and  His
Messenger,  he has  indeed  achieved  a great achieve­
ment (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and will
be admitted to Paradise)."
"All the praises and thanks be to Allaah, Who has not
begotten a son (or offspring), and Who has no partner
in  (His)  Dominion,  nor  He  is  low  to  have  a  Wali
(helper,  protector or  supporter).  And  magnify Him
with all magnificence."
There  is  none  worthy  of  worship  but  He,  and  no
creator  but  He,  and  no  lord  but  He.  He  is  the
Sovereign  in  whose  hand  is  the  Dominion  of  all
things,  and  unto  Him  is  the  final  return.  He  is  the
Subduer  Who,  by  His  might  and  power,  has
subjugated  every  created  being.  He  is  the  Abaser
and  the  Exalter;  no  one  can raise the  one  whom He
abases, and no one can abase the one whom He raises.
No  one  can  benefit  the  one  for  whom  He  decrees
harm, and no one can harm the one whom He benefits.
No one can give to the one from whom He withholds
' 17:111)
and no  one can withhold from the one to  whom He
gives. Even if the people of the seven heavens and the
seven earths and all that is in them were to  unite  to
abase one whom He has raised, or to harm one whom
He has benefited, or to give to one from whom He has
withheld, then would never be able to do tha



 The subject of the jinn is one which is of interest to many people. Folk stories abound, and many superstitious practices have arisen in Muslim cultures with regard to protection against the jinn. Many myths surround the ideas of the evil eye and envy, and there are many strange notions surrounding illnesses such as epilepsy and mental illness, which are often thought of as being caused by the jinn. This book cuts through all the confusion and identifies correct Islamic teachings on all these subjects. The jinn are real and they can indeed harm humans, but this book will teach you how to protect yourself in the manner taught by the Prophet peace be upon him .

سنة النشر : 2005م / 1426هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 9.5 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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أبو المنذر خليل بن ابراهيم امين - Abul Mundhir Khalil bin Ibrahim Amin

كتب أبو المنذر خليل بن ابراهيم امين ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Jinn and Human Sickness ❝ ❞ خانه عنکبوت ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب أبو المنذر خليل بن ابراهيم امين