📘 قراءة كتاب Respond to the Call for Prayer أونلاين

الحمد لله وحده. وقال انه قد يرسل
التحية وتمجيد ذكر ختم جميع
الأنبياء والمرسلين، نبينا محمد، و
آله وجميع أصحابه.
الصلاة لها مكانة عالية ومكانة كبيرة في
الإسلام. وهي لا تقل أهمية عن الرأس بالنسبة
لجسم الإنسان ؛ مثلما لا يمكن أن يستمر الجسد في الوجود
بدون رأس ، لا يمكن إقامة الإسلام
بدون الصلاة
ر كان في السماء ليلة
صعود النبي () إلى السماء ، بينما أنزلت
الأوامر بباقي العبادات
على النبي () على الأرض. وهذا
يدل على أهميتها وقدسيتها
• وهي الركيزة الوحيدة التي تتكرر خمس مرات
كل يوم ، ولا يتم التلويح بها إلا
لامرأة تعيش في حيض أو
نزيف بعد الولادة.
• وهي من أكثر موس
beloved of deeds to Allaah as the Prophet ()
said, “…know that the best of your deeds is the
prayer, and only a true believer maintains the
state of ablution.” (Ahmad)
• It is the backbone of Islam, and brings pleasure
to the eyes of pious. The Prophet () said, “The
most important of all matters is Islaam, its
backbone is the prayer, and its highest level is
Jihaad for the sake of Allaah.” (Ahmad)
• It is a proof of one's Islaam, a sign of belief, and
it preserves a person's blood from being shed.
Allaah says what means “But if they repent [by
rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic
Monotheism], perform As-Salaat (Iqaamat-as-
Salaat) and give Zakaat, then they are your
brethren in religion.” (At-Tawbah: 11)
• It is a sign of honesty and frees a person from
hypocrisy. The Prophet () said, “Whosoever
prays forty days with the congregation,
attending the initial (Allaahu Akbar) of the
prayer will be free of two things: Hellfire and
hypocrisy.” (Ahmad)
• It is the best issue to be occupied with, the most
profitable business, and the most likely amongst
ll acts of worship to cause a person to become
humble and submissive. The Prophet () said,
“Prayer is the best thing to be occupied with, so
whoever is able to perform much of it then let
him do so.” (Ahmad)
• It is a command from Allaah, an advice of the
Prophet (), and a feature which distinguishes
the people of Islam and Eeman. Allaah says what
means, “Guard strictly (five obligatory) As-
Salawaat (the prayers)… and stand before
Allaah with obedience.” (Al-Baqarah: 238)
• It elevates the ranks and expiates sins, as the
Prophet () said, “Tell me, if there were a river
in front of one's house in which he would bath
five times a day, would any dirt remain on him?
They said: “No dirt will remain on him.” He
then said, “That is the example of the five daily
obligatory prayers, for through them Allaah
erases sins.” (Bukhaari & Mu slim)
• It secures one from the Hellfire, protects against
danger, and makes a person win Paradise. The
Prophet () said, “The one who prays before
sunrise (Fajr prayer) and before sunset (Asr
prayer) will not enter the Hellfire.” (Muslim
t is a sign for success and victory and an
indication of being accepted. Allaah says what
means, “Successful indeed are the believers.
Those who offer their Salaat (prayers) with all
solemnity and full submissiveness,” (Al-
Mu'minoon: 1-2) and also, “…and those who
strictly guard their (five compulsory
congregational) Salawaat (prayers) (at their
fixed stated hours). These are indeed the
inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus
(Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.”
(Al-Mu'minoon: 9-11)
• It is the first thing for which the slave will be
held accountable. The Prophet () said, “The
first thing for which the slave will be held
accountable for on the day of Resurrection is
his prayer; if it is good (by performing it
properly and on time), then the rest of his deeds
will be good, and if it is ruined (by neglecting
it), then the rest of his deeds will be ruined.”
• It is a provision for the way, a comfort for the
soul and body, a light for the heart, purification
for the soul and a sign for salvation. The Prophet
() said, “O Bilaal! Call the Iqaamah! Bring
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us comfort by it!” (Ahmad & Abu Daawood)
• It frustrates Satan and the disbelievers. The
Prophet () said, “When the son of Aadam
recites a verse which recommends him to
prostrate and he does, Satan starts crying and
says, 'Woe to me, the son of Aadam followed
what he was commanded and he will get
Paradise as a reward, while I was commanded
to prostrate and refused and will enter Hell.”
• It is a form of expressing appreciation and
gratitude, as well as being a treasure full of
magnification of Allaah glorification and praise
of Him. When the Prophet () was asked about
the reason behind his excessive prayer, he ()
said, “Shouldn't I be a thankful slave?!”
(Bukhaari & Muslim)
• It protects against following desires, evil sins
and cures from sicknesses, as Allaah says what
الوسائل: "حقا، كما هو وصلاة (الصلاة) يمنع
من آل Fahshaa '(أي الكبائر من كل نوع،
الجماع غير المشروع) و آل منكر،
(أي الكفر، الشرك، وكل نوع من الشر
الشرير الفعل)" ( العنكبوت: 45). النبي
مؤلف الكتاب:
كتب إسلامية باللغة الإنجليزية
كتب إسلامية باللغة الإنجليزية
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الشريعة الاسلامية بالانجليزية
فقه السنة انجليزي
سنة النشر : 2013م / 1434هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 267.2 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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